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Skyscraper Messages In Lights

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The building that reads, "Sox Pride" always has messages on it. It probably has only one or two weeks a year without messages or designs.

The building on the left with "Go Sox" got a lot of media attention from TV stations. I wouldn't be surprised if the owners of the tall building only got in on the act because of the attention the second building got. Until now it's never had any messages on it at all.

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So is this accomplished through some building automation system, or some security guard that strategically flips light switches?

I think it is just someone turning on certain light switches. Though a system could technically be created if the office building had many features that were run off a central computer.

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I can't speak for the center or right-side buildings, but I know the building on the left had its pattern printed out on grid paper by a computer, and then each night three guys walk through the building opening and closing the blinds. It's low-tech, but it works.

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Simple but efficient, though it does seem a little too simple. But hey whatever works.

CLTV showed the guys walking through one night turning all the blinds around. It was pretty amusing.

The people who do it would have to have keys to every office in the building.

And they must like to walk since on that building (the CNA building) there are messages on all four sides.

The other builidngs (Aon Center and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois) only have messages on one side.

Here's what the CNA Plaza looks like during the day:


Here's what the Aon Center looks like during the day:


Here's what the Blue Cross tower looks like during the day:


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I've actually seen some red and white neon on the side of Heritage Plaza, but its not very often. I would say the last time I remember, was a couple of weeks ago?

I liked the star they had on it, It was simple, but really cool, because our skyline has a dark mystery when the sun sets.

Also, when was it that 1 Shell Plaza had 2 starts on it? I found a picture somewhere, but I lost it.

I've never seen it like this before:


Edited by Montrose1100
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So is this accomplished through some building automation system, or some security guard that strategically flips light switches?

Hank the Janitor flips the lights on and off, as he cleans each room, looks like he got too tired and forgot a few on that first building on the left. Poor Hank. :(

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Sorry this is a picture of Chicago, but I think it's pretty cool. It's a good demonstration of how to make a skyline special for a special event without going gaudy or making permanent changes.

i was there last weekend, and it did look pretty cool. thankfully my friend lives in the west side so i didn't have to see all that Sox stuff every time i looked up.

i did find this amusing (at ESPN Zone):


and i had a cubs fan buy me a drink cause i was wearing an astros hat.

sorry i know this is about lighting, hopefully houston will do something about our downtown lighting, or lack of...

Edited by skwatra
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I've actually seen some red and white neon on the side of Heritage Plaza, but its not very often. I would say the last time I remember, was a couple of weeks ago?

I liked the star they had on it, It was simple, but really cool, because our skyline has a dark mystery when the sun sets.

Also, when was it that 1 Shell Plaza had 2 starts on it? I found a picture somewhere, but I lost it.

I've never seen it like this before:


Yep. That's the neon I saw. Shame it's not been kept up.

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