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Nissan Looking For A New American Headquarters

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  • 4 weeks later...
Wow, i hope they come to Houston!

As I understand from the local paper in TN and various articles, the choice was between Dallas and Nashville. In the end, the Nissan finance center near DFW can't compare to the big plants in TN for number of employees, so it was probably the best choice for them.


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Junk? :P

I have never been one to be shamed into buying some inferior product by some faux patriotism claim. How patriotic is it for an American company to sell crap to Americans. When Detroit builds a vehicle worth driving then I'll buy Detroit.

That being said, I've owned 3 vehicles from Chrysler, all Jeeps. All performed well. Most of my derision is aimed at GM and Ford, particularly GM...and Ford. :angry:

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I hate GM products, too. When every model from the Cobalt to Tahoe to Vette have the same radio, you KNOW there is a problem.

We love our Ford Expedition. Kinda boring, but it's never gives us a problem.

Before that we had a BMW made in Alabama. Never again.

What year is the Expedition Coog. If it is before 2003 go get the cruise control switch fixed immediately, If it is 2003 or newer, then you should be ok. I used to work for Ford, I've had 2 Expeditions,never really had any problems, but I didn't know the substandard work going into them, I won't own a third. I love my Tahoe, much more comfy than Exped. Of course my '72 Olds is a testament to the quality put into GM products. Not a whole lot wrong with Dodge, but if it wasn't for Mercedes, Chrysler would be on the brink of bankruptcy. Nissan products and Toyota have a 1mm tolerance that "American" products don't have. 1mm tolerance means that the fit and finish is much tighter than those of the competition. It is not the people building the cars, it is the checks and balances that a company sets for itself to achieve a higher standard. That is why alot of "Japanese" products hold their value better, people who buy them have a certain confidence about those vehicles, and are willing to pay more. How many people know that Toyota Tundras are built in Indiana ? That Nissan Titans are built in Tenn. ? They don't, I guess you could call these products Psuedo American, but there are people out there who pride themselves on "buying American". I believe in it, to a point. Now that you know that the Nissans and Toyotas sold in America are mainly built here in America, does it change your mind a little Coog ? B)

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I knew they were all built here. I just don't like the design they offer. They still look like toys to me.

2003 Expedition. I was aware of the recall. That's the wife's SUV.

Actually, MB is hurting, and the Chrysler/Dodge division is helping them. MB does not know who they want to be any more. Major identiy crisis, and the old money geezers don't buy cars like they used to.

We qualify for the GM discount from my wife's Grandmother. Never even used it. They are all from Detroit, and now drive Hondas.

What's up with all the GM products and burnt-out running lights?

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I knew they were all built here. I just don't like the design they offer. They still look like toys to me.

2003 Expedition. I was aware of the recall. That's the wife's SUV.

Actually, MB is hurting, and the Chrysler/Dodge division is helping them. MB does not know who they want to be any more. Major identiy crisis, and the old money geezers don't buy cars like they used to.

We qualify for the GM discount from my wife's Grandmother. Never even used it. They are all from Detroit, and now drive Hondas.

What's up with all the GM products and burnt-out running lights?

Good question on the running lights, you obviously are stalking me and saw me driving down the road. I have one out right now. Don't fall into that "GM pricing" ad blitz. Here is what you do, go in to your local dealer, and just pay the sticker price, it is much quicker, and they will literally kiss your butt to make you happy. :lol: Ok, enough with the fantasy, what you can do, and you'll feel better, and they'll be happy also, just ask to see the invoice, they will show you the invoice, it will be a REAL invoice also. The urban legend that there are 2 different invoices is B.S. , after you have seen the invoice, tell them you will pay $200 below, plus you want the rebate. Find out what the rebate is BEFORE you get there. If a dealer won;t show you the invoice, get up and walk out. If they try to run you down and show you the invoice then, keep walking, you don;t want to do business with those kind of people. :D BTW, this method applies to ANY dealership, except, Mercedes, Bentley, BMW, highlines don't play this game and will ask you to leave. Regular import and domestics, will work with you, just to get the unit.

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What's up with all the GM products and burnt-out running lights?

GM got cute years ago , when they figured out that they could make a killing off of replacement parts. They know parts such as lights, fuel sensors and pumps and others are defective, but they keep putting them on there, knowing the replacement market is good.

They also know that those plastic steering columns can be snapped with a screwdriver, but the insurance replacement is good money. They have an aftermarket steel column, but they won't put it on the new vehicles or modify the starter to prevent theft.

All of these cute gimmicks to sell aftermarket parts eventually caught up with them, when customers got the impression that the quality on GM products sucked. :o Now, they have a plummetting market share of 26.3%, where it used to be well in excess of half of all vehicles sold in the country. They say health insurance is the problem, when in fact, selling one half the vehicles they used to sell is the bigger problem.

Now, when "buying American" means subjecting myself to American sales tactics like buying inferior products, just so I can replace broken parts later, I call BS. When American companies produce products worthy of my American dollars, then I will buy American. Until then, I will continue to buy from a company that inspires loyalty by producing quality, not flag-waving.

BTW, GM commercials suck, too! GMC tells me how great their engineering is, but they can't produce an engine that gets better than 12 mpg? :blink:

And, as long as Ford has commercials with Toby Keith stroking a gear shifter, I'm not buying them either!

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What a Legal Eagle doing driving at truck?

You need a Jag man! Show some class ;-0

Well, the funny thing is, I sold a Porsche Boxster to buy the Tundra. :lol:

I was tired of the 2 seater. I had gotten a dog (who loved the convertible, BTW) and a house in the Heights, and I needed a truck to cart all the building materials. I love that truck, though.

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My dad drives a Nissan 4 passenger pickup truck. It has been going since 1996. He is getting a larger truck and I will take his old truck.

I like driving his pickup as it has a good MpG rating, is small and maneuverable, and it has a fun ride and feels Texan.

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My dad drives a Nissan 4 passenger pickup truck. It has been going since 1996. He is getting a larger truck and I will take his old truck.

I like driving his pickup as it has a good MpG rating, is small and maneuverable, and it has a fun ride and feels Texan.

Vic Man, if dear old dad needs a larger truck, tell him to come see me !

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My first car was a Volkswagen.

My second was an Isuzu.

My third was a Ford.

My fourth was a Ford.

My fifth was a Mazda.

My sixth was a Mercury.

I think for my next one I will probably go back German. But then, you always have fond memories of your first car.

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