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My Favorite Morning Radio Show Is Gone


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I'm outraged! There was no Roula and Ryan on Mix 96.5 this morning. No "War of the Roses" for this Thursday morning.

I get to work and others are asking "what happened?". A few minutes on the net and we find out that Roula and Ryan have been REPLACED BY SAM MALONE. WHAT??? Who is responsible for this? After a few phone calls I find the name and phone number of the program director. Of course the Jerk would never answer his phone.

So today I decide I'm going to Christie's Seafood and Steak for the first time. Perhaps I can find out something there. (BTW Food and Service were great!) Sure enough, both Roula and Ryan are there. Roula was nice enough to come by our table for a visit.

To say it mildly, they are in shock. Yesterday after they fininshed thier morning show, the big wigs come in and say "That was your last morning show...you have been replaced". No Notice, No Explanation, No Nothing.

It was not enough that they took the Classic Rock 101 station and screwed it up?

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Yeah, I heard about this today and I am not pleased........but when am I ever?

I just hope Sam Malone doesn't turn the radio show into a Tom Delay/Dan Patrick support group.

Dan Patrick. Aaaaaargh. Such a hypocrite. First he says he is running for the state senate as the "peoples candidate" and not part of the Republican mainstream. But Steve Hotze, Republican kingmaker in Houston, enjoys hours of free advertising with a early afternoon call-in show featuring doctors from the Hotze clinic on Patrick's radio station. Ah well, as soon as he declares his candicy it's off the air for him.

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I've heard this is only the beginning of changes to come at KHMX. I think CC might be positioning themselves to finally put their CHR KISS FM brand in Houston (96.5 KISS FM, anyone?). Although I think Sam fits the current format pretty well.

Edited by djrage
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Malone SAID he left KRBE because he couldn't take playing any more fiddy-cent songs, and was looking forward to some serious talk radio. So, now he's on 740 KTRH, from 10 till Noon, right after he pulls the 6-9 a.m. gig at KHMX, which was pretty much the same format as KRBE. Is this guy Malone going to be talking out of both sides of his mouth, or WHAT? I also heard that he defended Tom DeLay at some rally held in Tom's HONOR(?) recently in Sugarland, which may be another reason Clear Channel likes him so much. Clear Channel's owner is the father-in-law of Republican Congressman Michael McCaul from Austin, and heavily funded son-in-law's campaign to go to Washington. You do the math....

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Yeah, I heard about this today and I am not pleased........but when am I ever?

I just hope Sam Malone doesn't turn the radio show into a Tom Delay/Dan Patrick support group.

VelvetJ, you and I may disagree on occasion, but I sooo agree with you on this one. Sam Malone (Sean Hannity light) is the biggest douchebag I have ever heard on the radio.....oh, except for Dan Patrick.

I used to work for Patrick when he owned Dan & Nick's Sportsmarket in the 80s. To hear his holier-than-thou bull____ on the radio after watching him back then makes me want to hurl chunks. Can you say hypocrite? I won't say what I saw, but his supporters wouldn't be pleased.

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VelvetJ, you and I may disagree on occasion, but I sooo agree with you on this one. Sam Malone (Sean Hannity light) is the biggest douchebag I have ever heard on the radio.....oh, except for Dan Patrick.

I used to work for Patrick when he owned Dan & Nick's Sportsmarket in the 80s. To hear his holier-than-thou bull____ on the radio after watching him back then makes me want to hurl chunks. Can you say hypocrite? I won't say what I saw, but his supporters wouldn't be pleased.

I agree with Patrick on his stands regarding government spending and taxation but he his sooooo far-right on other issues. He stated on his radio show that God "may" have hit New Orleans because of that "gay festival" (Southern Decadence) scheduled for the next week and to clean up some of those Godless casinos. He went on to say Houston was spared a direct hit by Rita because we are such a "Godly community" and God wanted to get the last few casinos he missed with Katrina. Hmmmm. Must be because Houston churches are so large that God noticed them as opposed to all those little churches in LA. Of course he went on to say, "I don't say that I know what God's plan is, but if you just look and see what has happened...."

So if you are a Repulican in Jon Lindsey's old state senate district I hope you will use your primary vote on anyone but Mr. Patrick.

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Boo Clear Channel!!!

I loved Roula and Ryan. I feel sorry for poor Maria Todd. She came to Houston from Buffalo with Sam Malone as I understand it. Then she was left high and dry as Sam left. Sorry but Atom Smasher sucks, I am tired of his homophobic remarks.

And that "See ya" line is quite old.... I heard it this morning on MIX. Boo!

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Boo Clear Channel!!!

I loved Roula and Ryan. I feel sorry for poor Maria Todd. She came to Houston from Buffalo with Sam Malone as I understand it. Then she was left high and dry as Sam left. Sorry but Atom Smasher sucks, I am tired of his homophobic remarks.

And that "See ya" line is quite old.... I heard it this morning on MIX. Boo!

As long as Dean and Rodge are on the air, I have no probs. :)

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Dean and Rog are the only ones worth a damn. Maria Todd is a cakling idoit, Sam Malone is just a dumb ass with one catch line, and Walter and Johnson suck because they have nothing original to talk about.

I am a continuous channel changer on the radio and I always find mayself back to Dean and Rog.

By the way, I head Nirvana on 96.5 the other day. I guess they are trying to reach out to the younger group.

I think it is time for satalite radio for me, but the only problem is I am not in the car long enough to listen to the radio.

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By the way, I head Nirvana on 96.5 the other day. I guess they are trying to reach out to the younger group.

HAHA, that's funny. Sorry, the "younger group" doesn't listen to Nirvana, people who would even think about changing the channel to 96.5 in the first place listen to Nirvana. Didn't you notice that all us GenX'ers are driving minivans now?

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I've noticed that 94.5 seems to hold my attention the longest. I also will listen to Dean & Rog sometimes. The morning phone gag has been beat to death though. As for Walton & Johnson, they were once great - now they're simply mediocre. 104.1 doesn't even deserve an opinion, and I don't have any rap stations programmed into my radio - but I doubt I missing much.

94.5 call themselves the "Killer B" because 94.5 is known as "the Buzz". They have Brad Lidge on every week as well. Common sense would elude that they are showing support for the 'stros.

Oh yeah, Pat Gray is an idiot. ;)

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