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Mexicans Taking Over Houston


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I was in Houston the other week helping my sister move in here new apartment and I noticed that with out the cable on the TV hooked up There were at least 6 Mexican Channels Coming through. Then while fliping through radio stations, I noticed alot were in Spanish. I figure soon they will turn ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX in to Mexican channels. What is going on? Can we not enjoy American Entertanment any more because we must accomidate Mexicans and their entertanment. I don't think it's right! More and more illegal aliens are taking over and no one is acting on it. They come to America and think that we should learn Spanish to talk to them and they don't want to learn English. Alot of them pretend to be Dumb and act like the don't know a word of English when they do something wrong. Do you all think I am being prejudice for thinking this way or am I telling the truth?

THIS JUST IN: Houston FM Radio Station KTRS 92.1 has just fliped from Modern Rock for the 1990s and early 2000s to am "Mexican Hits Station"

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I don't know about you, but I'm descended from immigrants myself. And maybe when they first came here they couldn't speak the language. Saying things like "they don't want to learn English" and "they want us to speak Spanish" betrays a complete lack of exposure to and understanding of immigrants. Maybe the economic benefit immigration brings to the city is more important than the lineup of TV channels.

Moving this one to "Way Off Topic".

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Ariz. Border-Cross Arrests Near Record

Thu Sep 30, 8:11 PM ET

By ANANDA SHOREY, Associated Press Writer

PHOENIX - The Border Patrol said Thursday that it nabbed nearly 600,000 illegal immigrants coming into Arizona in the last year, a drastic increase that is due in large part to an aggressive enforcement effort launched in March.

The beefed-up enforcement involves helicopters, ground sensors, two unmanned surveillance aircraft and dozens more border agents in Arizona

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I like immigrants that come here looking to work hard. I don't like immigrants that come here looking for a handout. That being said, I think the same of people that were born in the US.

If you're looking to work hard, I respect that -- whether you were born an American or not.

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Agreed. I would much rather live in a diverse, multi-ethnic city. It's a lot more vibrant that way. I'm glad that so many immigrants see Houston as enough of a place of opportunity to where they are willing to give up their old lives and make a go of it here. If it weren't for immigration the city and its economy would be a lot smaller. Most immigrants work enormously hard, and a lot of first-generation immigrants take low-paying jobs that make life a lot easier for the rest of us.

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Agreed.  I would much rather live in a diverse, multi-ethnic city.  It's a lot more vibrant that way.  I'm glad that so many immigrants see Houston as enough of a place of opportunity to where they are willing to give up their old lives and make a go of it here.  If it weren't for immigration the city and its economy would be a lot smaller.  Most immigrants work enormously hard, and a lot of first-generation immigrants take low-paying jobs that make life a lot easier for the rest of us.

Yes I like a multi-ethnic city too, but one group and we all know what that one gropu is (Mexicans) are taking over! Pretty soon it won't be a multi-ethnic city i will be a Mexican city. And thats not good for the economy! Houston will soon be a largely uneducated city if the illeage Mexican trend continous.

When Asians and other immagrants form the other side of the world come here they no they need to be smart to make it. These people are well educated and help the community.

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Yes I like a multi-ethnic city too, but one group and we all know what that one gropu is (Mexicans) are taking over! Pretty soon it won't be a multi-ethnic city i will be a Mexican city. And thats not good for the economy! Houston will soon be a largely uneducated city if the illeage Mexican trend continous.

Who's to say the last 150 years havent been just a big trend away from a bilingual culture in Texas. Considering the future of the world ecomony, I cannot think of a bigger advantage for any American city than a bilingual resident population. Considering that English is the most widely spoken language in the world and Spanish is the second, a bilingual society speaking English & Spanish is an even bigger advantage. I believe Spanish should be manditory in all public schools.

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Look, whether due to prejudice or choice, early immigrant generations have always lived in ethnic enclaves. Thus all the Little Italys and Chinatowns and Little Saigons and Freedman's Towns in cities everywhere. There's nothing in that to indicate that over time later generations don't assimilate more into "mainstream" American culture, whatever that is supposed to mean. In any event, I keep hearing that America is the land of freedom. Well, freedom means letting people live how they want to live. If an immigrant wants to speak Spanish or Hindi or Pig Latin or whatnot, well then he's free to do so. Most immigrants quickly figure out that their opportunities are greater if they speak English, and so they learn. But it's their choice. If they choose not to, well then that's fine by me also. It doesn't hurt me one way or another. It isn't a matter of "PC", it's just that America is supposed to be about letting people pursue their own opportunities however they want (as long as it's legal).

Btw citykid, if you say:

Houston will soon be a largely uneducated city if the illeage [sic]Mexican trend continous.

you might want to bear in mind that a lot of our readers are probably of Hispanic origin, and they might not appreciate being pegged as uneducated. They're not as dumb as you seem to think.

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Oh, but it is about being PC. I wish I could find the NY Times essay on the Melting Pot vs. The Stew.

Have you ever heard of the Great Melting Pot? Libertiy and immigrants.

That's what America was built upon. But now, we far too often encougare everyone to do their own thing and live in their own little world, pretending that the WASP work ethic that this nation was founded upon is some evil notion.


From School House Rock:

My grandmother came from Russia,

A satchel on her knee;

My grandfather had his father's cap

He brought from Italy.

They'd heard about a country

Where life might let them win,

They paid the fare to America

And there they melted in.

Lovely Lady Liberty,

With her book of recipes,

And the finest one she's got

Is the great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

{America was founded by the English.}

{But also by the Germans, Dutch and French.}

{The principle still sticks, Our heritage is mixed.}

{So any kid can be the president!}

You simply melt right in,

It doesn't matter what your skin.

It doesn't matter where you're from,

Or your religion,

You jump right in

To the great American meltin' pot.

Great American meltin' pot

Ooh what a stew,

Red white and blue.

America was the new world,

And Europe was the old.

America was the land of hope,

Or so the legend told.

On steamboats by the millions,

In search of honest pay,

Those 19th-century immigrants sailed

To reach the U.S.A.

Lovely Lady Liberty

With her book of recipes

And the finest one she's got

Is the great American melting pot.

The great Anerican melting pot.

What good ingredients:

Liberty and immigrants.

They brought their countries' customs,

Their language and their ways.

They filled the factories,

Tilled the soil,

Helped build the U.S.A.

Go on and ask your Grandma,

Hear what she has to tell,

How great to be an American

And something else as well.

Lovely Lady Liberty

With her book of recipes

And the finest one she's got

Is the great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot.

The great American meltin' pot...

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Well, can't find the NY Times, but here is a smiliar article on from the Washington Post.


Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration, a movement of people that has profound implications for a society that by tradition pays homage to its immigrant roots at the same time it confronts complex and deeply ingrained ethnic and racial divisions.

This shift, according to social historians, demographers and others studying the trends, will severely test the premise of the fabled melting pot, the idea, so central to national identity, that this country can transform people of every color and background into "one America."

Just as possible, they say, is that the nation will continue to fracture into many separate, disconnected communities with no shared sense of commonality or purpose. Or perhaps it will evolve into something in between, a pluralistic society that will hold on to some core ideas about citizenship and capitalism, but with little meaningful interaction among groups.

One study of the children of immigrants, conducted six years ago among young Haitians, Cubans, West Indians, Mexican and Vietnamese in South Florida and Southern California, suggests the parents are not alone in their concerns.

Asked by researchers Alejandro Portes and Ruben Rumbauthow how they identified themselves, most chose categories of hyphenated Americans. Few choose "American" as their identity.

Then there was this

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Immagration is a good thing in moderation. When the Germans and italians came over they came over in droves! But they did not take over the economy they made it diverst. Now in the Case of the Mexicans they are taking over not making the area diverst! Reasearch has shown that in the near future the Houston area will be Mostly Mexican and that group will be the least educated. So my point is The Minority in Houston will soon be Whites, Black, Asians and other. The Majority will be Mexican. The people running the city will be the minority because the majority will not be educated enough (Mexicans highest dropout rate in Houston). So alot of the majorioty (mexicans) will be in Low paying Jobs and The minority (mostly White) will have the high paying jobs. Thats something to think about. As the Future approcess Houston will become more and more of a poor city.

Now you all can say that this is all prejudice talk but it is the truth.

My family used to own a House that was later sold to a immagrant Mexican Family. The House was Very nice until they got a hold of it. The House was at first light brown, They Painted it Orange and Aqua Blue (How UGLY!) The house had a washer and dryer, They Built a Clothes Hanger outside in the FRONT YARD! The House had Nice grass, they Put a Chicken Coop in the front and sideyards!

This Is Not Mexico People! Please adapt to our culture!

I'm sure if us Americans were to move to Mexico in droves that they would not adapt to us. So Please Don't bring your bad habits to America! Thank You! I'm not being prejudice I am just frustrated!

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Citykid, you may be wrong though. Look at Miami:

Some whites interviewed say they know they may seem like "whiners," as one woman put it, but they feel they are not being met halfway by the newcomers, and this is an especially acute feeling in Miami, where Cuban Americans and other immigrants from Latin America now dominate the political landscape, serving as city and county mayors and council members. Both of Miami's representatives to Congress are Cuban Americans.

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OK, I think a litmus test is in order here. What would I do if I migrated to another country?

I'll tell you what I'd do, every Saturday, I'd fly a huge Texas flag from my porch, bbq some ribs, and role some dominos with Willie Nelson singing in the background all day long, just like I will do tomorrow in my little bungalo in the cozy confines of the Heights.

Why on Earth would I expect someone to act any differently than I do?

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"I believe Spanish should be manditory in all public schools"


One reason, and the least compelling reason, the heritage of Texas has very strong roots with Spanish exploration. Much of this history is not pretty, as the Conquestadors were the first to launch an attack on the native cultures. Slavery and cultural extinction aside, I think re-establishing the Spanish language into Texan society would more thoroughly tie together the entire history of the region.

Along these lines, Texas has always had a reputation for being "different" you know the slogan - "Texas - it's like a whole different country." Most people who grow up in Texas develop strong state patriotism. Quebec is the only other region in North America in which this soft cultural identity exists. If Texans learn English and Spanish in elementary school, the state will truely develop into a unique culture.

BOth of those "reason" are based mostly on my own pride as a native Texan, and while I think they're totally cool, neither is vital and only the frosting on the cake. THe most compelling reason to include Spanish in public education is for the competitive edge Texans will have in the future. Of course, not every one would directly benefit from bilingual fluency, but there can be no doubt that it's an advantage. As the 'Latinization' of all of America continues, bilingual Texans would socially and economically lead the rest of the country.

---An important caveat - this whole idea, teaching Spanish, requires a favorable disposition to accept the historical ties to Mexican culture. No one should expect anywhere in Texas to be like central Pennsylvania. Anyway....

As the immigration from Spanish speaking countries continues (probablly increase in the future), the public schools will be increasingly burdened with children who cannot understand the teacher and the other kids. The absolutly most thorough path to effective teaching in Texas' future will rely on the ability of the kids to communicate with each other. Natives who would otherwise never learn Spanish would be able to learn from and tutor the 'English as a second language' transplants. The interaction between kids as they learn the grammar and vocabulary of two languages simultaneously is vital to a more thorough education.

Very important, I do not think official documents or any transactions with any level of government in Texas should be offered in English AND Spanish. English is the language of the government, plain and simple. We teach the white and black and Asian locals propper Spanish and English so they will have better job opportunities in the future, and a huge side effect is that these locals will increase the level of education of most immigrants, and they will be able to become fluent in English much quicker.

I know this is sketchy and poorly presented, but it's what I can do right now. Hopefully, I've gotten my point across.

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"OK, I think a litmus test is in order here. What would I do if I migrated to another country?

I'll tell you what I'd do, every Saturday, I'd fly a huge Texas flag from my porch, bbq some ribs, and role some dominos with Willie Nelson singing in the background all day long, just like I will do tomorrow in my little bungalo in the cozy confines of the Heights." (quote, HeightsGuy)

you might do that on saturday, but sunday thru friday you'd probably be quite busy learning german, french, chinese or whatever language belonged to your new adopted country. that is, unless you'd be ok with being totally unable to communicate with your neighbors, local merchants and government offices. that is because other countries REQUIRE those who migrate to learn the language, and they do so by refusing to cater to immigrants.

this is not cruel, this instead is one way to assimilate. there's nothing wrong with bringing some of the comforts from home with you to your new country. it is quite generous to find newspapers, radio and tv in your native tongue, and providing them is an extension of hospitality. perhaps the original question posed here touched a nerve and was presented in a light that appeared biased, however the point must be taken that immigrants coming to the united states have no incentive whatsoever to learn english, unless they desire to on their own, and many DO.

my grandparents came here on a boat from italy. i grew up with stories of ethnic neighborhoods in new york where they originally relocated, but i also grew up with stories of how proud they were to learn english and become american citizens.

there is a raging debate today about immigration and our us borders. mexico closes their own borders to other countries but favors open borders with the us. we tried "amnesty" back in the 80's when the idea set forth was to tighten the borders and legalize immigrants ALREADY here. we now see doing this not only did not help, but probably made things worse. our cities are brimming with new immigrants who now compete with legal citizens for public assistance and public health care. it is inhumane to deny such things but any system can only be stretched so thin before it breaks.

we should take pride in the fact that our country represents a better way of life for immigrants and take a moment to consider the fact that no one leaves behind their home without some aspect of sorrow. we should not deny anyone the comforts that remind them of home and heritage, however, we should not shy away from the difficult task of restoring america to the melting pot it was designed to be. my idea has always been that instead of ______-american, immigrants wishing to legalize their citizenship should consider american-_____________ as the better way to identify with modern american culture.


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