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Why Modern Architecture Sucks


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I came across these videos that I'd like to share. I'm sure most will disagree but I think it could start a good discussion.





Maybe my favorite quote from the second video is the "remedy for mutilated urbanism" is a "nature band-aid". 


Other quotable quotes:


"One of the problems of the fiasco of suburbia is that it destroyed our understanding of the distinction of the urban and the rural. We're not gonna cure the problems of the urban by dragging the country into the city"


"Stop calling yourselves consumers. Consumers are different than citizens. Consumers do not have obligations, responsibilities and duties to their fellow human beings."


Please not both videos are NSFW (language).

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On 7/1/2017 at 11:39 AM, intencity77 said:

Infowars, really? Try again with less alt-right, fake news sites.


You realize the entire main stream media just had a year-long run on a fake news Russia story. The main stream media regularly reports false information and runs with false narratives that are easily verifiable.


Regardless, that is not the topic of the thread. I'm interested in the content of what he said and discussing that. Any comments about the second presentation?

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Don't forget the Weekly World News.  Seriously, President P-word grabber once said that he thought Weekly World News competitor, The National Enquirer deserved a Pulitzer. What's next? Fortune Cookies, Terot Cards and Ouija Boards?


Any weird piece of garbage typed by anyone on an iphone is completely believable to the Trump Cult. Question the President's long list of obvious bold face lies, non-sensical exaggerations, his sometime serious - sometimes joking OFFICIAL Presidential statements (tweets) and his relentless daily internet B.S. and you get called 'fake news'. Somebody besides the National Enquirer and right-wing opinion websites better be able to hold the president and all politicians (of both parties) accountable for the things they say and do or else we're all screwed. This 'they're all out to get me' stuff is pathetic.


David Koresh, Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite had groups of people who thought everything that didn't come from their leader was 'fake news' too. How'd that work out?








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5 hours ago, KinkaidAlum said:

You believe Infowars but ignore the NY Times, WAPO, WSJ, France, The Netherlands, Germany, UK, FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc... Lord help us all. 


Can you please point out where I said or implied that I ignored those outlets?


Also looking forward to anyone commenting about architecture.

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No evidence? That's what Nixon supporters said for years before his corrupt actions caught up with him. Just because they haven't found the fire that caused all this smoke YET,  doesn't mean that reporting on an expanding presidential criminal investigation isn't legitimate news. Even if trump is truly innocent of colluding with the Russians and obstructing justice, his expanding criminal investigation is still real news and somebody needs to be asking serious questions to keep the public informed. The right wing media isn't going ask any questions that they think might hurt their own agenda.


When it comes to the trump cult, "fake news" is nothing except reports about something that they just don't want anyone to hear about or think about. When a poll has him ahead, they think it's real. When the same poll has him behind, they think it's fake. Nothing trumpers believe ever seems to add up, make sense or include logic. Any hard proof or visual evidence that contradicts trump is ignored. It's so much simpler to dismiss something you don't understand, disturbs you or goes against your personal beliefs as "fake news". It's classic cult mentality.


BTW, no one in the trump cult seemed to care about lack of evidence when they were screaming 'lock her up' at those awful nazi-like trump rallies. trump benefited by convicting people in the court of public opinion, now he and his supporters are getting a taste of their own medicine and will be until he's out of office.

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Who was head of the US government during the alleged "Russian interference"? Who picked the top law enforcement officials of the country and who was the head of the political party that was hacked? This person sounds like a gross incompetent.

Edited by Twinsanity02
spelling error
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The Wall Street Journal, not known to be a liberal rag my any means, dropped a HUGE bomb last Friday. The investigation is ongoing. Those demanding evidence right now either do not know how investigations work or they've fallen victim because they are easily manipulated. 


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Who is head of the US government right this second? What is he doing about Russian interference? I'll tell you what he is doing about it. He is calling it 'fake news'. He is delivering speeches to bussed in supporters in Poland questioning his own country's intelligence agency findings. He is blaming his predecessor for not doing anything while he, himself is saying 'we don't know what country' is hacking American elections. He is doing less than nothing about Russian hacking and simultaneously accusing his predecessor of doing the same. 


Accusing somebody of doing nothing about something you deny ever happened doesn't make a lot of sense to most people. But then the trump cult has never been bothered much about things that don't make a lot of sense. If an idea is too complex for them to process, they just call it 'fake news' and go back having sex with their farm animals.



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Calm down. It is normal to have differences of opinions in a country as large as ours. Some opinions are wildly emotional and hate filled, so I always have some sympathy for whoever is President regardless of party or philosophy. It is a tough job.


I am pointing out that everyone who is worked up about an alleged Russian hacking is overlooking who was (1) our chief executive officer, (2) the commander in chief (3) picked our chief federal law enforcement officials and (4) was the head of the party that was allegedly hacked. He sounds like he botched his job.  I say alleged because I do not know it happened and I have heard no evidence otherwise. Just like the birthers regarding President Obama this is beginning to appear like a lot of screaming and emotionalism with little substance. I suppose cooler heads are using this for fund raising purposes on both sides of the political divide.

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Alright guys & gals...


The topic is moved. Lockmat, seriously only 1:40 in and what had the potential to discuss an opinion has already stated the blame on social justice warriors.


IMHO, what a crock of garbage. First of all, modern architecture and even post modern can provide some wonderful & world class pieces.


Technology has changed the game. Craftsmanship is actually making a resurgence and you see older styles "come back" in new construction & rehab. That has nothing to do with that builder's political opinion on minorities or sexism.


Not all previous styles are without "bad pieces" either.


I don't like the narrative of the video because it is propaganda. However, you've posted a few 9/11 conspiracies before. You can't expect to drop a piece of misinformation and expect people to discuss only the architecture aspect when it's clearly not about the architecture. It's placing architecture into a narrative that fits the viewpoint already. Aka Propaganda.


As long as everyone can discuss this as adults without name calling the topic will remain open in "way off topic".


Edit: Okay Lockmat, the second video is much more civil and interesting.


Although it's showing it's age discussing peak oil. And things have begun to turn around but not completely.


If you take out the first video I'll delete all the political comments and move it back to the architecture sub forum.

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Before the election, the Obama administration issued several warnings to Moscow about its activities, including one delivered by Obama to Putin in September 2016. Imagine what trump would have said if Obama had tried to postpone the election or done anything more than call it out - WHICH HE DID. I'm sure trump would have taken Obama at his word, been outraged and done everything he could have done to stop the russians from helping him get elected. 


Right. I suppose that senerio makes perfect sense if you live in an alt reality. But in ACTUAL reality, trump said "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing", and constantly denied that russians were ever trying to hack the elections at all. 


Nobody is overlooking what Obama did or should have done or could have done. But what difference does it make in the here and now whether Obama botched it or not - or how trump would have reacted 9 months ago? What's done is done. We can't change the past. What happens going forward is all the matters. Don't believe me? Just say, "you can grab the p-word"  to trump supporters and watch how quickly they don't want to talk about what happened in the past.


There is a CURRENT situation going on that the CURRENT president consistently doubts is happening, denies that he benefited by it and only acknowledges that it MIGHT have happened when he can use it to pass the buck to his predecessor. And when the media calls him out on his wacko double talk, he calls it 'fake news'. 






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It's even more simple than that. In the same press conference, Trump claimed Obama did not do enough to stop or punish Russia for interfering with our election. Then, about ten minutes later, he threw our entire intelligence community under the bus and said nobody really knows who did it and that it may or may not have been Russia. 


You cannot have it both ways. It is one or the other. So, blind followers, which is it; love of Trump or hate of Obama?


You might enjoy being gaslighted but I do not. 



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