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Are You Evacuating?


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Location: Spring (just south of the Spring Creek, which seperates us from the woodlands, and immediately south of Willow Creek, a tributary which feeds into Spring Creek, which has flooded before....)

Status: Hunkering down in a 2-story house not built to withstand a Cat. 5 (or 4) hurricane

Attitude: very nervous, I lived through Alicia, and watched the bricks being peeled off the side of my all brick apartment building in southwest Houston, and then saw the apartment above me crash down into mine after its' roof blew off and filled it with rain, so as I say, very nervous....

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I live in Arkansas now but my parents live in Sugar Land and they are going to ride it out. My brother and sister live in north Houston and are also riding it out. My brother's in-laws live in Clear Lake and left this morning to stay with my brother. My niece lives on Westheimer and is leaving tonight to come up here and stay with me for a few days.

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no Im not evacuating - I live just east of the Med Center (really just east) on the second floor. I plan on going over to my sisters apartment (just north of Buff. Bayou) and weathering the storm with her.

Of course - if the storm remains a cat. 5 and turns directly for Houston then I may evacuate.

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We bugged out a year ago. Up in NE Texas now. Still have a place in Houston, tho. Up for sale/lease. Hope it doesn't float away. I had a sister in Gulfport and one in Mobile thru Katrina. My husband's family is in Houston. Glad we are here, but very concerned about family left behind. Anybody in the Heights who can share about how it's going..............we'd sure appreciate the updates. God bless y'all. B)

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Where: Southwest Houston

Migrating to my dads house near th eDome/Reliant stadium

Why: I don't think my apartment is safe and it leaks when it rains.

Looting: spare me the trouble and take my VCR! but leave me the tape inside if you can peel it out carefully. (its kinda jammed)

Other then that...well um..save me the artwork too. I treasure that. If you want there's some food in the fridge but it may be old by the time you get it!

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Location now: Huntsville, AL at the moment; flying home 24 hours earlier than planned tomorrow afternoon

Location, when not on the road: Corner of Kirby and North Braeswood, right on Brays Bayou

Status: Landing at IAH around 3:00 and heading north to Mom and Dad's to sit this thing out. My place did not flood in Allison, but there's a first time for everything. I'm also afraid of no electricity, high winds, and not being able to stock my kitchen with food and water (there's hardly any there right now) if I get to Houston tomorrow afternoon and try to ride this thing out. So at this point I'm just leaving things at home as they were a week ago when I was last there, and hoping for the best.

My sister and a friend of hers, plus two dogs, arrived at my parents' place this afternoon. They live in the Clear Lake area. So there will be a number of us camped out together.

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Location now: Puerto Rico

coming home a couple of days early to grab the pets, the boyfriend, and figure out whether to stay in my mid-rise loft or head to College Station to visit friends. I am leaning towards riding it out as my place faces NW so perhaps is on the 'quiet' side of the building. Still, the thought of no AC for a few days is NOT nice!

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Location: WestU

I'm staying put. Got my water and food for at least a week. Gased up my cars. Not boarding up my windows, but I'm sure I'll regret it.

My house was built in 1937. I'm hoping the old growth wood and the old world craftmanship will add up to making it through Rita.

My parents house in Sugar Land is our secondary place if ours is a mess. They also own a vacant house near Bellaire and HWy 6, that's a third option. Also our work buildin is a fourth. Hopefully one of these will survive and have running water and electricity. If not, we're headed to Dallas.

BTW, the big Krogers on Buffalo and West Park is stocked up on everything! Not the bare shelves the TV led us to believe. This was about 1 hour ago.

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Location: Richmond/Sugarland ETJ

Status: Will hold it out, in a brand new house, with special structural bracings for events like this (steel roof brackets, facade tie ins, anchor bolting, etc).

Looting: I'll have your head on a stick in the front yard as a warning to others, if you try to loot my place....:P

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Since it looks poised to make a direct hit on Galveston, and since Rita is probably the biggest, nastiest storm ever seen in our little pond, I'm thinking of heading up to Dallas, then Tulsa. I don't have any plywood to board up the windows, but I can imagine the hell this poor house will go through this weekend. I'm not worried about flooding, but the winds...

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How long will it take to get far enough away from the storm so one does not get stuck in traffic in hurrican/TS force winds? I'm thinking of leaving Thursday morning with a pet. I might have to go to Bryan-CS first before heading to Dallas. What's the best route to take?

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Location: Glenbrook Valley/Hobby

Status: Riding it out. We're as ready as we can be. Enough wood to board up one or two solid rooms. Tons of water, food, dog food, batteries, battery tv & radio, flashlights, propane for grills, generator, ice, extra gas, etc. (Even some booze) We also have a pool to help cool us off.

There will be about 6 of us here (my family and some friends who didn't want to ride it out alone) and 5 dogs. Only 3 of the dogs will have owners in the house, the other 2 had owners who evacuated but asked us to watch their dogs.

Interesting update - around 8:00 my mom got a recorded call from the Mayor of Pasadena informing her of a mandatory evacuation Thursday by 6 am. So she's just arrived here now with my brother. Just a bit earlier than they planned on.

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