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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370


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Then what do you think lockmat?  I'm curious.


I would think that IF the pilot/copilot decided to commit suicide they went to an awful lot of trouble to do so.  Why fly for 7 hours?  Why turn off the beacons and other alerting devices?  Seems beyond odd to go to such a great length.  And IF one of them decided to do that why on earth would they wish to harm all those other people?  (i'm speaking just of the idea of suicide - not of that idea as some political means or expression or act of terror).

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Then what do you think lockmat? I'm curious.

I would think that IF the pilot/copilot decided to commit suicide they went to an awful lot of trouble to do so. Why fly for 7 hours? Why turn off the beacons and other alerting devices? Seems beyond odd to go to such a great length. And IF one of them decided to do that why on earth would they wish to harm all those other people? (i'm speaking just of the idea of suicide - not of that idea as some political means or expression or act of terror).

I have no idea what happened, I just don't think the evidence we have allows for a simple fire/accident.

Not to say this is entertaining at all, but it's sorta like a mystery movie in the sense we have no idea what happened, and I think there's a good chance we never will.

I know experts believe most likely it went south and crashed into the Indian Ocean, but they only believe that because they think it's highly unlikely they could have gone north without being detected.

But I think the evidence supports more they went north. If it was suicide and they wanted the plane never to be found, why go towards Australia which is where it would have had to be if it went south. That doesn't make sense. They instead would have gone towards the center of the Indian Ocean. But we know they didn't.

The motive, biggest mystery of all. I agree suicide doesn't make sense and I don't think the evidence supports it either.

I know when I first heard about it my first thought is that it could have landed in the middle of nowhere on land. But really, a lot of this doesn't make sense. I kinda get annoyed by conspiracy theories even though I find them entertaining, but I wouldn't be surprised if a govt had something to do with this. Too much isn't adding up.

Edit: not the article I referenced earlier but I think they're all plausible. http://m.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/assessing-the-theories-about-flight-370s-disappearance/2014/03/19/d5d59f5a-af7f-11e3-9627-c65021d6d572_story.html

Edited by lockmat
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I did a quick search for "Malaysia Diego Garcia" and found this.  Looks interesting for starters, I didn't read it all, I'll let you guys check it out.  You'll get info that you won't get anywhere else, that's why I like it; mainstream media is government propaganda.  You can find more info like this if you spend the time to look for it, that's what makes the internet great!


Anyways, my thought is the plane was intentionally hijacked by the U.S. government, probably without even having to get into the cockpit and physically steering the plane.  There is old technology out there (which the feds have) to take control of planes via remove control, and fly them that way (9/11 was probably done this way, as in the stooge terrorists were not flying the planes), drones are an example at a smaller scale.  This is the most likely scenario since there were no calls for help before the transponder was turned off.  It was taken and flown to Diego Garcia, where most U.S. military operations in this region of the world are initially carried out.  Also, there were some very interesting passengers in that plane that work for a company called Freescale Semiconductors, do your research on them.  I'll do that later this week.


So in case you're wondering, I believe our government has a very active criminal body within it that is doing everything it can to light the world on fire, for global domination.  False flag operations are real, they have happened before, they'll continue to happen because the American people are dummies, and so in this case, I tent to believe that this is an inside job to attempt something sinister like starting a war with Iran or something else that isn't any good.  Could be also a diversion for the public as other bad things are going on.  That's my two cents.


Anyways, the truth is out there, if you bother to look, I always say.

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I did a quick search for "Malaysia Diego Garcia" and found this.  Looks interesting for starters, I didn't read it all, I'll let you guys check it out.  You'll get info that you won't get anywhere else, that's why I like it; mainstream media is government propaganda.  You can find more info like this if you spend the time to look for it, that's what makes the internet great!


Anyways, my thought is the plane was intentionally hijacked by the U.S. government, probably without even having to get into the cockpit and physically steering the plane.  There is old technology out there (which the feds have) to take control of planes via remove control, and fly them that way (9/11 was probably done this way, as in the stooge terrorists were not flying the planes), drones are an example at a smaller scale.  This is the most likely scenario since there were no calls for help before the transponder was turned off.  It was taken and flown to Diego Garcia, where most U.S. military operations in this region of the world are initially carried out.  Also, there were some very interesting passengers in that plane that work for a company called Freescale Semiconductors, do your research on them.  I'll do that later this week.


So in case you're wondering, I believe our government has a very active criminal body within it that is doing everything it can to light the world on fire, for global domination.  False flag operations are real, they have happened before, they'll continue to happen because the American people are dummies, and so in this case, I tent to believe that this is an inside job to attempt something sinister like starting a war with Iran or something else that isn't any good.  Could be also a diversion for the public as other bad things are going on.  That's my two cents.


Anyways, the truth is out there, if you bother to look, I always say.


I think a far more likely scenario was that the airplane was commandeered by space aliens so that the brains of the humans on board could be reprogrammed and turned into zombie slaves, the better to further the aliens' nefarious scheme to conquer the earth.  I know this is true; I even saw a movie about it.  



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Responding directly to Democide...  Personally I think people believe our government is far more powerful/capable than it actually is.  Too many Bourne movies.


Besides that particular article points to the fact the US is trying to strain the relationship of China and Malaysia... by capturing and killing an airliner full of Chinese and Malaysian people!?!  How absurd.  Beyond absurd.  Imagine for 1 second the blow-back the US would recieve from the whole WORLD if this was actually the truth and it came to light?  We would be enemy number 1.  And at a time when we need strong relations with our allies to face the ever growing (and more more threatening) Russian menace.


Reality is the US already controls much of the world.  What would we need to do control things further?  Why would this plane need to be captured?  Seems rediculous.

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And I should add:  Freescale Semiconducters is a Texas based company.  The employees were Malaysian and Chinese who were supposedly on that flight.  No company in the world that produces high-tech/sensitive equipment would let 20 top level employees fly together on one plane over that kind of airspace.  The workers were probably lower level and less important than all the nuts out there would think.  Besides that, they would have flown a better airlines - Singapore or chartered a jet.  Not fly Malaysian Air!


Besides, don't you think if the US wanted to capture those men/women they could have done that without any trouble?


Oh - I know!  This is a live test of a new stealth capable system that Freescale deployed in a third world country with third world workers on a third world airlines!  We sure did fool those third world radars!!!


Again.  Beyond absurd.


And Malaysia is hardly a consiquential country in the grand scheme of things.  Third world with a living monarchy that is archaic and being proven that this sort of single minor inccident is way beyond their capabilities.


What could the "internal gangsters of the US government" be trying to hide?  I mean if any thing big was needed on the world stage for any sort of major distraction I'd say Putin and Russia are surely pulling that off.  Talk about a far-far-far-far more important topic to theorize over.

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Then what do you think lockmat?  I'm curious.


I would think that IF the pilot/copilot decided to commit suicide they went to an awful lot of trouble to do so.  Why fly for 7 hours?  Why turn off the beacons and other alerting devices?  Seems beyond odd to go to such a great length.  And IF one of them decided to do that why on earth would they wish to harm all those other people?  (i'm speaking just of the idea of suicide - not of that idea as some political means or expression or act of terror).


This is the theory I referenced before. If the debris found southwest of Australia doesn't work out, I think this is pretty interesting



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I think a far more likely scenario was that the airplane was commandeered by space aliens so that the brains of the humans on board could be reprogrammed and turned into zombie slaves, the better to further the aliens' nefarious scheme to conquer the earth. I know this is true; I even saw a movie about it.


Or that it traveled through time and is going to appear on the radars sometime in the future in the exact same place. ;D

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I talked to a pilot recently, the only logical thing he can think of is an electrical fire.

One of the first things they try to do is change course to the nearest landing point. This could explain the turn.

He states that one of the things you do is to unplug a few of the fuses and then increase altitude to try to suffocate the fire.

If the plan works, everyone would be out of breath briefly, until the altitude could be lowered.

If not, no one regains consciousness and the plane will fly on the last heading and altitude until it runs out of fuel.

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I talked to a pilot recently, the only logical thing he can think of is an electrical fire.

One of the first things they try to do is change course to the nearest landing point. This could explain the turn.

He states that one of the things you do is to unplug a few of the fuses and then increase altitude to try to suffocate the fire.

If the plan works, everyone would be out of breath briefly, until the altitude could be lowered.

If not, no one regains consciousness and the plane will fly on the last heading and altitude until it runs out of fuel.

But how does the turn south get explained?

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But how does the turn south get explained?

from what I was told, pilots have three destinations they track of I n case of emergencies; airport of origin, original destination, and the closest airport along their route.

it's possible they were turning towards an airport that was closest to them and, for whatever reason were unable to complete the turn and stayed at a particular course.

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