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So now they have a whole 2 months to re-clad the exterior, build out the interior walls, install all the furnishings, replace/repair any broken exterior windows, and build a parking garage that can hold a residential tower on top of it a later date.  Yep sounds like they're right on schedule for a 4Q 2015 opening

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now they have a whole 2 months to re-clad the exterior, build out the interior walls, install all the furnishings, replace/repair any broken exterior windows, and build a parking garage that can hold a residential tower on top of it a later date.  Yep sounds like they're right on schedule for a 4Q 2015 opening



Piece of cake...



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Any guesses on this one? Another year before the first tenant moves in?

If one believe the original schedule as published on the downtownhouston map, this project should have been wrapping up about now. Did they have a major design change or did they encounter a whole host of unknowns? Anyone have any intel?


I have absolutely no inside info, but just observing the progress, once they had the interior gutted, things went really slow with just bits and pieces of exterior work visible. Interior work definitely continued on the part with the green back on it now such that it may be farther along than we know, but I can’t imagine that they could open that part up for residents while the rest of it is still an active heavy construction site with no parking garage.


My guess is they threw out an optimistic date at some point and never updated it. All of the steel framing that has gone up recently had to be fabricated to their specs, I’m not sure what the turnaround time is on something like that, but they may have had to strip the back off of the building before they could develop their design completely.

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Would that extra segment have come into contact with 609 Main cranes during its early stages of construction?

Otherwise, it looks like this was added to extend the frame to the northwest corner of the block. That seems unnecessary for just a garage right?

They need the extra length to reach the furthest depths of the site. I guess the northwest tower might be built afterall.  :wub:

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Would that extra segment have come into contact with 609 Main cranes during its early stages of construction?

Otherwise, it looks like this was added to extend the frame to the northwest corner of the block. That seems unnecessary for just a garage right?


Here's a shot standing on the Texaco corner of Capitol and Fannin. It doesn't look like 609's would have gone completely over the intersection, but maybe.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Those would be for the garage, which should eventually have a tower built on top of it, similar to the Capitol Tower garage 


Right, I knew about the garage, but still curious how it is all going to come together.  Looks like they're not going to completely [re]excavate the hole based on these pilings/foundations. Should be interesting to see how they do  it .  

Edited by Nate99
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Would that extra segment have come into contact with 609 Main cranes during its early stages of construction

Nah, shouldn't ever happen.

When a lot of tower cranes are working in close proximity to eachother, they will always be at offset heights so as to make a collision impossible. (See any single construction site with multiple hammerheads, they are never the same height)

The only mishap that can occur when you have two or more cranes within jibs reach of eachother is the load lines from either crane getting tangled up in the other cranes jib by swinging over/under it.

This however is mitigated by all the crane operators and riggers in the area (even the tower cranes across the street) all being in constant communication with eachother.

Also when you're in the seat of the crane, you can see all the other cranes around you so, not really gonna happen barring some extreme operator error.

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