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Chariot Racing In Houston

Guest Mastermindbuilder

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Guest Mastermindbuilder

Could this happen in Houston?!

My father is working with Tilliman Ferttita, the owner of Landry's Resturants. I can't tell you alot now, but just stay tune for more details on this ultimate thread.

But tell me, what do y'all think of chariot racing in Houston? Do you think this will set Houston in the driver sit on a tourist destination?

Here is what we thinking of. This is not the final masterpiece, just a thought for now.



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Guest Mastermindbuilder

It wouldn't be no gladiators. We trying to get away from volients. Childern will be among the crowd, and we trying to come up with something else besides gladiators fighting, and animal killings.

Remember, this is USA not Rome. We have to modern the stadium, and have an opening that would be pleasent fromt he mixure of the crowd, alduts and childern.

We've also planning on adding resturants, retail, a nice urban park, maybe a parking garage, an entertainment complex.

But, do not. I'll repeat. Do not get your hopes up on this. Its something we've persenting this proposal to Mr. Fertitta, hopeing he buy the proposal from us.

So, until then. I'll keep y'all posted on this tourist trap destination.

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Remember, this is USA not Rome. We have to modern the stadium, and have an opening that would be pleasent fromt he mixure of the crowd,  alduts and childern.

Do you mean modernize the design, or just the layout/ammenities. It would be cool if it were built to have it as an old roman style. As long as it is made of stone, and not some kind of faux stone/stucco.

But this definitely is an odd proposal.

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Guest Mastermindbuilder

We don't know now how the finish project will look like. My father was insired by the movie, Ben Hur. That's when he thought about bringing back chariot racing, but have it in the U.S. Since Houston already an international city, it would be great to have it here. This could bring billions of dollars to houston enocomy. People all over the world will cater to this.

They just now bringing back chariot racing in Rome. I've read about it in the internet news.

But, we've find out. Right now my dad is hiring someone to design a chariot to present to Mr. Fertitta, or some other big name person. But, we've hopeing Tilliman will sit down with us and discuss it.

Some of y'all maybe saying, "okay, why him? Why Tilliman?" Cause, he has a vision. He knows how to make money. He knows how to make things work. Plus, he have connections that he might turn us on to. Tilliman beleive in money making, and that's what we wanna deal with people like that. Tilliman could take this and a make a gold mine out of. A gold mine? I meant PLATINUM!

Time will tell.

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Guest DoIreallycare

Damn, leave it be. y'all talk about grammar like y'all english teachers. I was browsing around and finding out y'all typing suck, too. I hate stupid people that tries to correct other person grammar, and y'all just as bad.

Leave this person along. At lease he's trying to better houston, and y'all downrating the man/or woman.

That's why houston will never be on top having big things done. Slow a** town. y'all hopeing, praying for projects to get done, and it takes damn 2-3 years just to break ground. I don't know what you call that, but I call that slow a** hell.

Be glad somebody trying to uplift houston. y'all need to be prasing him/her for the afford, instead of bashing him/her about grammar.

Stupid people always lives stupid lives.

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Damn, leave it be. y'all talk about grammar like y'all english teachers. I was browsing around and finding out y'all typing suck, too. I hate stupid people that tries to correct other person grammar, and y'all just as bad.

Leave this person along. At lease he's trying to better houston, and y'all downrating the man/or woman.

That's why houston will never be on top having big things done. Slow a** town. y'all hopeing, praying for projects to get done, and it takes damn 2-3 years just to break ground. I don't know what you call that, but I call that slow a** hell.

Be glad somebody trying to uplift houston. y'all need to be prasing him/her for the afford, instead of bashing him/her about grammar.

Stupid people always lives stupid lives.

Actually there are a lot of cities that it may take years for big projects to break ground. Not just Houston.

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someone's on the der-fense!

wah wah

Damn, leave it be. Ya'll talk about grammar like ya'll english teachers. I was browsing around and finding out ya'll typing suck, too. I hate stupid people that tries to correct other person grammar, and ya'll just as bad.

Leave this person along. At lease he's trying to better houston, and ya'll downrating the man/or woman.

That's why houston will never be on top having big things done. Slow a** town. Ya'll hopeing, praying for projects to get done, and it takes damn 2-3 years just to break ground. I don't know what you call that, but I call that slow a** hell.

Be glad somebody trying to uplift houston. Ya'll need to be prasing him/her for the afford, instead of bashing him/her about grammar.

Stupid people always lives stupid lives.

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Mastermind, are you also working on this? You refered to your dad several times. Is he working for a person or for himself. You said he is presenting this to Fertitta so I guess not for him. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I was just curious.

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