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The New Houston Cool

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My fault kbates2.  :blush:


I had to edit, because I didn't realize that there was another old thread regarding the Forbes article.  Houston may be officially cool now, but I'm still square.


Sorry to ruin your comment. It was funny.



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Houston's always been cooler than Austin. It's just that the east coast and west coast writers who make up these lists heard from a friend that Austin was cool and just kept repeating it without ever doing any real research. Now they've all heard that Houston's cool, once again second hand, and they'll be repeating it for a while. Difference this time is that it's true.

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Now, it (Austin) simply looks and feels like a hilly Katy.


Ouch! but true. To quote the philosopher Yogi Berra (perhaps apocryphally), "Nobody goes there anymore - it's too crowded."


By extension of that idea, is it true once something or some place is declared "cool" then it is cool no longer?


Apologies for the awkward syntax.

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 is it true once something or some place is declared "cool" then it is cool no longer?


You seem to be quoting the hipster handbook.


If you can't finish a statement with "you've probably never heard of it" then it is cool no longer.


This reminds me of a joke...


How did the hipster burn his tongue?




He ate the pizza before it was cool.

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