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South Congress In Austin (soco)


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I'm spending the weekend in Austin, and went to dinner last night in the South Congress area. It's kind of a neat area, but I was very unimpressed. This was the area raved about in magazines. It's really just a small collection of restaurants and trendy stores that sell worthless crap. There are a few unique stores worth venturing into. It really reminds me of eastern Westheimer near downtown. Maybe we should just call it EastWest and that area will get a lot of good pub.

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Well, I have to say as a matter of principle I can't stand those cutesy made-up "So-", "We-", "No-" names that are somehow supposed to denote "hip" neighborhoods. New York got away with it with SoHo, but now they're just imitation. "Lower Westheimer" seems to work just fine.

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Almost no one calls S. Congress SoCo, expect recent transplants. If you're from Austin or been here awhile you call it South Congress. Plain and simple. All of the older shops are getting pushed out by higher rents, and are being replaced restaurants, bars, clothing stores, and markets. It's evolving. Just less than a decade ago, S. Congress was full of hookers and drug addicts. Used condoms in the street were kinda gross. Now lots of people want to live there. In fact, I live there.

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Almost no one calls S. Congress SoCo, expect recent transplants.  If you're from Austin or been here awhile you call it South Congress.  Plain and simple.  All of the older shops are getting pushed out by higher rents, and are being replaced restaurants, bars, clothing stores, and markets.  It's evolving.  Just less than a decade ago, S. Congress was full of hookers and drug addicts.  Used condoms in the street were kinda gross.  Now lots of people want to live there.  In fact, I live there.

Well, at least you know how to spot tourists and Losers (or TV reporters, trying to make it sound NY).

I wonder. Why would the coolest town south of Chicago need to make up NY sounding names for its districts?

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Maybe because they're not actually that "cool".

hahahah. read my mind.

Austin is fun. But it is also HIGHLY overratted. There is way more to do in way more categories here. No comparison.

Unless you just happen to love whole-weat tortillas.

Now why dont you just go make your self a damn quesa-dil-ah.

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Austin is fun.  But it is also HIGHLY overratted.  There is way more to do in way more categories here.  No comparison.

I lived in Austin from 1997 to 2003, and I agree, it is overrated. Whether it is HIGHLY overrated or just plain overrated depends on what your interests are. Citing categories where Austin is overrated is a thread in itself, so I won't even try.

As for South Congress, it really wasn't viewed as much of destination or "place to be" while I lived there. They had an event called First Thursdays on the first Thursday of each month which brought out a crowd. Otherwise, I would go there on occasion to visit the Lucy in Disguise with Diamonds costume store, which was quite expensive. There was a well-known Mexican restaurant on the strip, but I only went there once in my 5 years.

I remember controversy about how new development would crowd out the traditional stores and retail, destroying the personality of the area. This pseudo-gentrification was a problem with most redevelopment in central Austin, often bringing redevelopment to a halt. South Austin is viewed by many native Austinites as hippy territory, and they want to keep it that way.

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