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Earth Plaza Tower Of Houston


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This one must be another dreamer. There would have been talk of this from other members on this board already.

Cool concepts is one thing, but I like to see project proposals that look somewhat realistice by proffessional development companies.

The scale is way off from the proposed building stats anyway.

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It's not a real proposal. He's a guy in Lithuania who spends his spare time dreaming up skyscrapers and pasting them into skylines from different cities around the world.

He contacted me yesterday trying to sell some of his "photos" and thought I should write about them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If yes :rolleyes:

If NO!Ā  :angry:


or is this a imaging downtown of this building

See image here (click below)


I like the concept, but like other posters, i think the height is unrealistic.

What do i mean? In Houston what would be the point of a tower that size other than to say "Houston has one of the tallest towers in the US" etc.?

The design fits in with a 21st century look I feel Houston needs, but the key is to have it blend in with the other beautiful towers, yet stand out as unique. This technique is for master architects to achieve, not mere enthusiasts like me. So, the tower itself fits.........the size makes it seem unatainable.

m. ;)

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Guest Plastic

It would be cool to see a supertall builing in our skyline.

All the truely tall skyscapers in THe US are in New York and Chicago.

Not that it's unrealistic but there's no space Downtown where that building is placed.

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All the truely tall skyscapers in THe US are in New York and Chicago.

What do you consider truely tall --- a 1000 ft building or a 1100 ft building?

Cities with 1000 ft+ buildings

Houston, L. A., New York, Atlanta, Chicago. I might be mistaken but isnt Philly getting a supertall soon?

Cities with 900 ft + buildings

Cleveland, Charlotte, New York, L. A., Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Philly, and Seattle. Miami, and Boston may also be getting 900 ft tall buildings shortly. Not sure - can anyone else check on that.

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Height isn't always absolute. It can be relative. After spending two weeks in Tokyo, I was convinced that its skyline was huge. But it was only after I got home that I realized it's actually tiny. The tallest skyscraper in Tokyo is only 799 feet. But the city feels big anyway.

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The tallest skyscraper in Tokyo is only 799 feet. But the city feels big anyway.

Of course it does - Tokyo's population: 12,527,115 (8,444,531 in 23 wards)

"Greater" Tokyo has roughly 35 million people ~ around 30% of the entire population of Japan. Of course thats kind of like saying New York has 25 million (if you included Conn., N. J., and parts of Penn.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Earth Plaza Tower Of Houston

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