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I don't know here name, but she is old like Carolyn.

shops at Nieman Marcus and Saks Fifth Ave at least 3 times a week.

has jet black hair, (colored) and usually in a tight bun.

porcelin white skin.

like to wear animal patterns and gold colored clothing.

high heels and skirts that show off the bottom of her legs.

skinny framed and seems pretty fit

soft spoken

like I mentioned, i don't know her name, but she is always spending $$$ and I see he in those PAPER CITY fund raisers all the time.

Sounds a little like Martha Turner.......cept the gold clothing part.

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there's something odd about becca cason thrash - i guess she's the type of person people hate to love - or love to love, i guess...

i mean, she's a filthy rich, designer-only clothes-wearing princess, co-founder of paper city who loves throwing over-the-top parties but giving ALL proceeds to charity (even most of the food is donated, so the enormous entry fee doesn't go toward any overhead). she is married to what seems like her polar opposite, and forces him to make appearances and stand around at all the parties...

from texas monthly: Becca came striding down a hallway toward the foyer, wearing a white Marc Bouwer gown so clingy it made the curves of her body look like a Putt-Putt course. Her hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail and a glass of chilled vodka was in her hand, which she waved around like an orchestra conductor's baton as she greeted her guests. "Sweetie, you're here!" she exclaimed to one woman. "If you hadn't been able to come, I would have slit my wrists with a dull razor blade!" She let out a whoop of laughter.

putt-putt? prima donna? drama queen? it's almost endearing! :D

the weird part is that i know enough to write all this about her :ph34r:icon8.gif

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there's something odd about becca cason thrash - i guess she's the type of person people hate to love - or love to love, i guess...

i mean, she's a filthy rich, designer-only clothes-wearing princess, co-founder of paper city who loves throwing over-the-top parties but giving ALL proceeds to charity (even most of the food is donated, so the enormous entry fee doesn't go toward any overhead). she is married to what seems like her polar opposite, and forces him to make appearances and stand around at all the parties...

from texas monthly: Becca came striding down a hallway toward the foyer, wearing a white Marc Bouwer gown so clingy it made the curves of her body look like a Putt-Putt course. Her hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail and a glass of chilled vodka was in her hand, which she waved around like an orchestra conductor's baton as she greeted her guests. "Sweetie, you're here!" she exclaimed to one woman. "If you hadn't been able to come, I would have slit my wrists with a dull razor blade!" She let out a whoop of laughter.

putt-putt? prima donna? drama queen? it's almost endearing! :D

the weird part is that i know enough to write all this about her :ph34r:icon8.gif

She really works it doesn't she? BCT is rather a parody of herself.

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I don't know here name, but she is old like Carolyn.

shops at Nieman Marcus and Saks Fifth Ave at least 3 times a week.

has jet black hair, (colored) and usually in a tight bun.

porcelin white skin.

like to wear animal patterns and gold colored clothing.

high heels and skirts that show off the bottom of her legs.

skinny framed and seems pretty fit

soft spoken

like I mentioned, i don't know her name, but she is always spending $$$ and I see he in those PAPER CITY fund raisers all the time.

From your description, this sounds like Mrs. Greenspan (don't know the rest of her name). She also shopped at Lord and Taylor when I worked there. Classic chic, not trendy.

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Ima Hogg is the most famous deceased socialite, as by giving her huge mansion Bayou Bend to MFA. Lynn Wyatt is the reigning socialite and has been for the last 30 years, she is not only tops in Houston, but internationally as well. Who else in Houston could have their good friend Andy Warhol paint a picture of them? Anytime whether it be a newspaper in NYC or London when the word international or american socialite is mentioned Lynn Wyatt is defined. Lynn always knows how to be herself which is glamourous, fun, and always classy. Becca Cason Thrash often dubbed the next Wyatt, is just as spectacular , she knows how to throw a party every aspect of it, she is definetly not some boring art patron. She as Lynn did a long time ago, is climbing the international jet set ladder. Allison Sarofim who still has a house and connections here in Houston. lives in NYC and is a major socialite in the big apple,as well as having a burgeoning acting career.

La Lynn with her best buddies


Here is Allison


Becca just last week


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Joanne Johnson King Herring Davis still outshines them all. I have read she is invited to almost every major event throughout the world and is always the center of attention at each event she attends.


Joanne King, pictured here in 2006, with Jane Curtin, Carolyn Farb, and Michelle Williams

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From your description, this sounds like Mrs. Greenspan (don't know the rest of her name). She also shopped at Lord and Taylor when I worked there. Classic chic, not trendy.

I wish I knew her name, I am sure she is in one of those Paper City photo collages, I will search and see.

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I was wondering if this thread was related to the new series of the Bachelor? Has any one watched it? Apparently there is some Houston Socialite on the show who is very snooty and annoying. There is an article about her/it on www.houstonist.com

the article (http://www.houstonist.com/archives/2006/10/03/she_flew_coach.php) says her name is erica rose - never heard...


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I thought jinx was when you say the same thing at the same time.

well, you were both talking about erica rose.

BTW, socialite is what they have as her "job".

that is lame, does she not have anything else, like grad student, artist, talk show host, public speaker.

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I think she's hoping to become the Paris Hilton of Houston. I'm a little embarrased for her. I think she'll look back on this ten years from now and cringe.

Check out this video:


Is that Franklin Rose's (the plastic surgeon with the trashy wife) daughter.

Edit: Oops answered my own question. YES it is. RUN SWEET PRINCE RUN!! They look like the Ozbornes in this picture.

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OMG OMG OMG, she is dumber than Paris Hilton.

In that clip she compares herself to Belle (the chick from Beauty and the Beast), and she says that she and "Belle" have a lot in common, they both want to get out of their "world". Then she goes to say that Belle wanted to go on land. . . .

Uh. . .last I check, that was Ariel dream. :o

Such the blonde! :lol::lol::lol:

Yay!, thank you Erica for representing Houston <_< !

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