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White Flight When Did It Start


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White flight over the last 5-10 years to Spring, Katy ?

Ive noticed a lot of white people moving to Spring, and Katy over the last 5-10 years. Wether they be people I once knew, friends, or old school classmates, its really amazing to me how many people have moved to these two commuter cities.

I know that huge numbers of people in the white flight movement in the 60-70's moved away from suburban areas, but am curious, is it happening again in the late 90's and early 2000's but now to Katy and Spring ?

Does anyone else have any input on this, or facts to prove/disprove what ive noticed ?

Just curious.

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Some parts of Spring ISD are already EXPERIENCING White flight. Look at Westfield High School.

My AP Euro teacher found out that the school is now only 14% White (it was majority White 15 years ago, I think)

Wow, so your saying that Spring is experiencing white flight ?

I was stating in my post that white flight is happening from Houston to Spring to Katy, not neccesarily from Spring to other parts.

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Wow, so your saying that Spring is experiencing white flight ?

I was stating in my post that white flight is happening from Houston to Spring to Katy, not neccesarily from Spring to other parts.

Certainly parts of Spring have caught the bug--anything south of 1960. There are also parts of the Katy area, north of I-10 that I'd be concerned about within 5 to 10 years.

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Wow, so your saying that Spring is experiencing white flight ?

I was stating in my post that white flight is happening from Houston to Spring to Katy, not neccesarily from Spring to other parts.

The part of Spring ISD zoned to Spring High School hasn't suffered from white flight yet, but the part zoned to Westfield HS has experienced a lot of white flight. Spring ISD built a new high school called DeKaney. SISD plans to zone most of the apartments to Dekaney, hoping to stem the White flight from the Westfield.

See the thread http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...?showtopic=5919

By the way, there is no such thing as an incorporated "Spring", so "boundaries" of Spring differ. Remember that not all areas of Spring ISD have Spring addresses (Westfield has a "Houston" address but is outside of the Houston city limits). Likewise, not all Spring address areas are in Spring ISD; Klein ISD has many areas with Spring addresses.

As a note, parts of Klein ISD (south of Cypress Creek) and Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (inside the Beltway) are feeling the effects of White flight.

EDIT: I originally put "Spring Creek" instead of "Cypress Creek" - That was my error

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When I showed my teacher the demographics of Westfield, he remarked that it "turned into a school like the Aldine schools."

My post #3. I was talking about Aldine between Hardy street @ Eastex freeway north of Little York and south of Aldine Mail Rt. 'Oakwilde' But it still a decent hood alot of God fearing hard working Hispanics live there now. Everybody knows me in Oakwilde. "85%"

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I live by Birnam Wood @ Treaschwig in Spring. I'm seeing a little white flight. I think they are moving to Tomball.

I lived there from '92-'94 and it was almost all white. White flight really kicked from the late 90s on. 7 years later there was gang graffiti on my ex's side fence.

I got divorced so my move was not white flight but wife flight. :)

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technically, anything south of 1960 is not spring. it is actually houston. at least according to the post office.

Well, as I said earlier, the boundaries of "Spring" are not concrete since it is an unincorporated area.

It can be defined as any Spring postal address, or any location in Spring ISD, or any location served by the Spring Fire Department.

The area around Westfield HS isn't really thought of Spring (It was a separate community called Westfield) - But, still, there has been White flight from Spring ISD.

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As a note, parts of Klein ISD (south of Spring Creek) and Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (inside the Beltway) are feeling the effects of White flight.

Can I possibly get your source for this statement? Thank you.

Also, did you know that even in The Woodlands there are Spring, Tx. addresses?

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Can I possibly get your source for this statement? Thank you.

Also, did you know that even in The Woodlands there are Spring, Tx. addresses?

Here's mine: Klein Forest High School (All areas in Klein ISD south of Cypress Creek are zoned to Klein Forest High School)

And demographics of Klein Forest: http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/tx/other/4043 - 17% White

Cypress Ridge HS in Cy-Fair ISD is no longer plurality-White: http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/tx/other/9596

Cypress Springs HS in Cy-Fair ISD is no longer majority White but is still plurality White: http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/tx/other/1747

Cypress Ridge more or less serves areas near the panhandle of Klein ISD (I.E. Klein Forest attendance zone) and Aldine ISD (See http://www.cfisd.net/aboutour/attend/Cyfair_senior06.pdf for Cy-Fair's attendance map)

Jersey Village serves some areas in the Beltway but retains a White majority.

Cypress Springs serves areas near northern Spring Branch ISD.

EDIT: Originally I said "Spring Creek" - I meant "Cypress Creek"

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Here's mine: Klein Forest High School (All areas in Klein ISD south of Spring Creek are zoned to Klein Forest High School)

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Vic, but I live south of Spring Creek and we are zoned to Klein Oak. As are many, many other neighborhoods out here. Are you sure about that Spring Creek reference? Where did you get that idea that all areas south of Spring Creek are zoned to Klein Forest anyway?

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I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Vic, but I live south of Spring Creek and we are zoned to Klein Oak. As are many, many other neighborhoods out here. Are you sure about that Spring Creek reference? Where did you get that idea that all areas south of Spring Creek are zoned to Klein Forest anyway?


"Klein Forest

All students residing south of Cypress Creek."

So, is Klein ISD wrong?

http://www.kleinisd.net/docs/sa.attzkfhs.pdf also has a list of subdivisions zoned to Klein Forest.

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Big difference between Spring Creek and Cypress Creek.

map of Klein ISD

See, that squiggly line at the top of the map boundary? That's Spring Creek.

WHOOPS! That's my error! Yeah, I meant Cypress Creek!

Areas south of Cypress Creek are experiencing White flight.

EDIT: Originally I said "receiving" - Which is not what I meant...

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Areas south of Cypress Creek are receiving White flight.

When you say "receiving", do you mean to say instead "experiencing"?

Also, on what do you base your assumptions that these areas are experiencing "white flight"? Current demographics are fine, but you're comparing current demographics to what? How do you know/show that this area hasn't always had these demographics? And, even if they are changing, how do you know/show that it is due solely to "white flight"? Are there not other factors involved? I think you would need a lot more facts to back up any vague statement such as "Spring is experiencing white flight", don't you?

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When you say "receiving", do you mean to say instead "experiencing"?

Also, on what do you base your assumptions that these areas are experiencing "white flight"? Current demographics are fine, but you're comparing current demographics to what? How do you know/show that this area hasn't always had these demographics? And, even if they are changing, how do you know/show that it is due solely to "white flight"? Are there not other factors involved? I think you would need a lot more facts to back up any vague statement such as "Spring is experiencing white flight", don't you?

Argh - I meant "experiencing" - As in White people have stopped moving there and/or have started to move elsewhere. By "receiving" I mean "taking in White flight" - as in Klein Collins is taking in White flight.

I'm comparing current demographics to demographics 15 years ago - I don't have those demographics right now, but I would assume that such demographics would show less minorities. Other posters (such as in the Spring ISD thread) don't disagree with me.

"I think you would need a lot more facts to back up any vague statement such as "Spring is experiencing white flight", don't you?" - I did not say "Spring" - I said "Spring ISD's Westfield Area" - Which contains Westfield High School, which had been documented (In the Spring ISD thread) to have changed in demographics heavily in a 15-year span.

See http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...?showtopic=5919

I said: Some parts of Spring ISD are already EXPERIENCING White flight. Look at Westfield High School.

I also noted that the definition of Spring can vary depending on which boundary is used. I specifically said Spring ISD.

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First you said this:

Areas south of Cypress Creek are receiving White flight.
Then you said this:
Argh - I meant "experiencing" - As in White people have stopped moving there and/or have started to move elsewhere. By "receiving" I mean "taking in White flight" - as in Klein Collins is taking in White flight.

Please clarify for me. Which statement do you want to stick with here? Any facts to back up your statement "Klein Collins is taking in white flight" would be very much appreciated as well.

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First you said this:

Then you said this:

Please clarify for me. Which statement do you want to stick with here? Any facts to back up your statement "Klein Collins is taking in white flight" would be very much appreciated as well.

Again -

1. I meant to say that the parts of Klein ISD south of Cypress Creek - namely the Klein Forest attendance zone, have experienced White flight, as in White people have left the Klein Forest attendance zone. This is shown in Klein Forest HS's demographics, which are seen here: http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/tx/other/4043 - 17% White. I would like to get complete year-by-year demographics to show the trend, but I have heard on HAIF and other places that Klein Forest used to be majority White.

2. Klein Collins opened in 2001 (http://kleincollins.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?name=about.home) to relieve the Klein ISD schools north of Cypress Creek. Klein Collins, as of 2006, retains a mostly-White population: http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/tx/other/9602 (70%) - The building in the Klein ISD attendance zone consists of suburban commuter communities; mainly, suburban commuter communities that take in "White flight" from urban areas and older suburbs. Communities zoned to Klein Collins are listed here: http://www.kleinisd.net/docs/sa.attzkchs.pdf

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Okay, thanks for your answer there. Even though it didn't really clarify anything at all, and using information gleaned from the Great Schools website and attendance zones doesn't back up your statements regarding "white flight" to Spring, from Spring, or anywhere else.

I think using words like "white flight" are vague and misleading, especially to explain why people choose to move where they do. The implication being that people move to get away from ethnicities different from their own, which implies they are bigots or racist for doing so, and that type of thinking serves no one. People may move for that reason, but there are other considerations equally important to consider. Perhaps they move to get away from the traffic, the crime, the noise, the poorly performing schools, whether they be in the Houston area, across the country or the world, for that matter. I think when you use a throw-down word like "white flight" you are not considering other factors that may have come into play into a person's decision-making, and when you use that word to describe a neighborhood that has changed demographics over the years you are not taking into considerations other factors why people may have chosen to leave that particular neighborhood. BTW, when you make a statement like "Klein Collins is taking in white flight", but follow it with one like "Klein Collins was opened to relieve the schools north of Cypress Creek", you are not making any sense. The schools that Klein Collins relieved, north of Cypress Creek, were Klein Oak and Klein High, two predominately white schools. So, what you say here is that Klein Collins was built to take in the white flight from two white schools.

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I went to Westfield back when it was 80% white. It's a completely different school today. Klein Forest mirrored what happened to WHS.

Today, 1960 seems to be the border line, as much of the development to the South of 1960 (b/w 249 & I-45) has been apartments and low cost housing. North of FM 1960 is mostly nice neighborhoods with some apartments, but nothing like the concentration of multi-family housing to the South. North of FM 1960 is 70% white or more. South of 1960 gets more diverse as you head towards the Beltway.

The "White Flight" today in the North and West suburbs of Houston seems to be headed towards The Woodlands, Cypress, Northern Spring/Klein, Kingwood and newer parts of Katy (ie. Cinco Ranch).

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Collins was opened to relieve the schools north of Cypress Creek", you are not making any sense. The schools that Klein Collins relieved, north of Cypress Creek, were Klein Oak and Klein High, two predominately white schools. So, what you say here is that Klein Collins was built to take in the white flight from two white schools.

No - the White flight came in to the Klein and Klein Oak attendance boundaries. Since Klein and Klein Oak took in too many people, Klein Collins was established to take more of the people who had already moved. Then more people moved from areas outside of the Klein and Klein Oak attendance boundaries into the Klein Collins boundary, while more people also moved into Klein and Klein Oak.

Klein and Klein Oak also remain majority White.

By the way, I found this article about Klein ISD: http://www.kpft.org/news/013103story1.html - The article's thesis is that Klein ISD is "resegregating"

I think that article (the KPFT one) doesn't take into account some of the reasons of the trends, such as the people choosing where to live and change or lack of change of district boundaries. Either way, I'd like to see what people think about that Radio Pacifica Article.

Pineda, I also know that some terms, such as "White flight", may be somewhat misleading - The flight may be more properly described as "Middle class flight"

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Klein, Klein Oak, Klein Collins, Cy-Creek, Cy-Fair, Cy-Woods, The Woodlands, TW-College Park, Oak Ridge, Kingwood, Atascocita, Tomball, Memorial, Stratford, Katy Taylor, Seven Lakes, Cinco Ranch, Katy are your predominately "white" schools in the North to West sides of Houston.

Langham Creek, Jersey Village, Cy-Falls, Conroe, and Spring are "mostly white" (more than 50%).

New HS's to open in the area within the next 2 years:

Cypress Ranch (CFISD) - white (relieving Cy-Woods)

Cypress Lakes (CFISD) - mix (relieving Langham Creek & Cy Springs)

DeKaney (Spring ISD) - mostly minority (relieving WHS & Spring)

I have no idea about the South, Southwest, and Southeast sides, I'm unfamiliar with those areas.

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Klein, Klein Oak, Klein Collins, Cy-Creek, Cy-Fair, Cy-Woods, The Woodlands, TW-College Park, Oak Ridge, Kingwood, Atascocita, Tomball, Memorial, Stratford, Katy Taylor, Seven Lakes, Cinco Ranch, Katy are your predominately "white" schools in the North to West sides of Houston.

Langham Creek, Jersey Village, Cy-Falls, Conroe, and Spring are "mostly white" (more than 50%).

New HS's to open in the area within the next 2 years:

Cypress Ranch (CFISD) - white (relieving Cy-Woods)

Cypress Lakes (CFISD) - mix (relieving Langham Creek & Cy Springs)

DeKaney (Spring ISD) - mostly minority (relieving WHS & Spring)

I have no idea about the South, Southwest, and Southeast sides, I'm unfamiliar with those areas.

Here are White percentages for schools outside Beltway 8

Southern suburbs:

Pearland ISD

*Pearland (9): 55% White

*Pearland (10-12): 57% White

Alvin ISD

*Alvin: 56% White (as of last year - Manvel just opened)

*Manvel: I'm not sure

Southeastern suburbs:

Pasadena ISD

*Dobie: 30% White

Clear Creek ISD

*Clear Brook: 58% White

*Clear Creek: 71% White

*Clear Lake: 71% White

Friendswood ISD

*Friendswood: 88%White

Southwestern suburbs:

Alief ISD

* Elsik: 6% White

* Hastings: 7% White

* Taylor: 9% White

Houston ISD

* Westside: 38% White

Fort Bend ISD

* Austin: 59% White (Relieved by Travis, which opened this year)

* George Bush: 16% White

* Clements: 53% White

* Dulles: 43% White

* Elkins: 52% White

* Hightower: 18% White

* Kempner: 37% White

* Marshall: 1% White

* Travis: Unknown

* Willowridge: <1% White

Stafford MSD

* Stafford: 15% White

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I lived there from '92-'94 and it was almost all white. White flight really kicked from the late 90s on. 7 years later there was gang graffiti on my ex's side fence.

I got divorced so my move was not white flight but wife flight. :)

I move here" Birnam Wood" in March 2006. I would say its 70% White, 15% American African, 15% Hispanic." margin of error about +/ - 5%"

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