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White House War On Fox News


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I havent spent much time on politifact, just the last 2 minutes - but from looking at it, first 2 pages of "facts" they seem to only be picking apart republican lies, and democrat exaggerations....I can tell you 100 Pelosi lies...almost every word that hack speaks is untrue - and they had only a handful of half truths on there. Im not saying its good or bad, I have not spent enough time on it, but from what I see on the first 2 pages I looked at, its definitely cherry picking.

As to fox news being anti-American - no way - The liberals, want to take away all of the things that made this country great in an effort to be "fair" -its sickening. Janeane Garolfo is a scion of evil, not only is she evil, but she is a complete Idiot. - I am 100% behind Fox on that one. Glen Beck is out there - a few people take him very seriously, but he is way out there - the educated who watch know what is true and what is crazy talk. Obama is a socialist - so they have not missed the mark there. Like it or not, Obamas policies of the government controlling everything, and taxing the wealthy disproportionately are socialist policies. The poor masses are simply voting themselves the fruit of everyone elses labor. Its sickening.

True conservatives know what is what...If you let Obama do everything he wanted, we would have government ownership of everything, everybody shares equally in everything, and he would be a life time president. News Flash, thats not what we want.

Conservatism took a slide during the Bush years, no doubt because Bush abandoned conservatism long ago for a heavy military hand, and liberal social hand - but Obama is SO bad for this country, that you are about to witness the biggest slaughter in American politics next election. America has woken up - the liberal left is louder and dominates 90% of the media for sure, but Americans in general have had enough of the steal from your neighbor, blame Bush rhetoric, that is the Democrats now.

People have had enough of the constant degredation of society in the name of being progressive too. Its time to get back to the basics, and do the things that made America great - stop the social programs, and actually make people work for their money. Enough is enough, the people are going to take their country back, and the Democrats are going to hate it. Obama didnt win the election because he was a better choice, he won because the conservatives didnt have a choice. McCain was the worst republican candidate of all time. They ran a liberal candidate to try to suck in some independent swing voters, but they lost their base in doing so. McCain could not fire up a lighter, let alone a voting public.

You think the conservatives are losing ground, I think just the opposite - the democrats are about to be so marginalized its going to be great, and I hope the republicans do to them, what the democrats are doing now. Shut them out of everything and cram it all down your throats. I cant wait to see the media stink when we finally do exactly what your doing now.

You want proof of Democrats failures - look at almost all of the blue states - more violence, more debt, more unemployment - then look at the red states - drastically less. Everything the democrats touch destroys wealth in this country. I honestly think its on purpose - destroy wealth so they rely upon you for everything. It guarantees your continued election.



I'm not ever opening a package if its return address is "marksmu." Just sayin'.

lol Actually you being a rocket scientist has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

Oh yes it does. Weren't you aware there's an international board of rocket scientists directly elected by the rest of the world's rocket scientists who set the trading price on Chinese tea? It's a fact.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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I think all non-sports news should be banned from TV. There is no place for ratings-seeking when it comes to distributing information to the masses, who are by and large idiots. What the news stations report on doesn't at all reflect what needs to be shared or what is most important, it is simply what most of the idiots will care to watch. That's why I read all my news.

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People have had enough of the constant degredation of society in the name of being progressive too. Its time to get back to the basics, and do the things that made America great - stop the social programs, and actually make people work for their money. Enough is enough, the people are going to take their country back, and the Democrats are going to hate it.

Man, somoene needs to put down that 19th century Made-in-America crack pipe and pay attention to the Fed, the too-big-too-fail banks, and the world economy. No one will be taking anything back in 2010. ...Except perhaps GS, who should be back to their historical 50% compensation-to-revenue average...

We can put sparklers in Glenn Beck's piehole and wrap him in the flag and put him on a year-long America Now Tour, we can put every lazy brown person on a bus back to Mexico or to work detailing cars, we can repeal all the regulations and taxes that hinder business, and it's not going to matter. As long as global economies are predicated on consumer spending and the trading of debt, your inheritance will continue to shrink, jobs will continue to be lost, real wages will continue to decline, the world's top 2% will entrench further, and everyone else continues the downward spiral as the next securitized debt bubble bursts and currencies continue to erode. It could be years until this fully plays out. All the warbling about the American Way isn't going to fix a damn thing.

Or did you mean get back to the 'basics', as in the gold standard, slavery, or walled city-states?

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Or did you mean get back to the 'basics', as in the gold standard, slavery, or walled city-states?

Forget this so-called agriculture crap! Let's go back to being hunter-gatherers. That was livin'... back in the good ol' days.

Wait... weren't those hunter-gatherers proto-communists with their egalitarianism and their sharin' of resources? My head's 'bout to 'splode!

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Also (and very curiously), Glenn Beck still hasn't come on this forum and denied that he raped and murdered a woman in 1990. I still don't believe he did it, but I find it compelling that he hasn't denied it here.

You know, I have actually read that sit and it just seems that its a site proving you can say anything you want without any real evidence.

I'm not fond of fox news, but I watch it to see if they have something different from CNN and for Beck. As someone once said already, its not the presidency's job to wage war on a single news service because it. DOES smack of Chavez-like behavior.

In case you're not aware of it, Chavez DOES goe after stations that do not agree with his party line.

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You know, I have actually read that sit and it just seems that its a site proving you can say anything you want without any real evidence.

Or, exactly what Fox News does on a daily basis.

I'm not fond of fox news, but I watch it to see if they have something different from CNN and for Beck. As someone once said already, its not the presidency's job to wage war on a single news service because it. DOES smack of Chavez-like behavior.

In case you're not aware of it, Chavez DOES goe after stations that do not agree with his party line.

You mean those three stations owned by the wealthy oligarchy, whose families were long-standing controllers of Venezuela and were often regarded as being corrupt as the day is long, that called for the violent coup to overthrow Chavez? You mean those stations?

We don't even protect that form of free speech here, yet you expect Chavez to do so?


Edited by AtticaFlinch
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I havent spent much time on politifact, just the last 2 minutes - but from looking at it, first 2 pages of "facts" they seem to only be picking apart republican lies, and democrat exaggerations....I can tell you 100 Pelosi lies...almost every word that hack speaks is untrue - and they had only a handful of half truths on there. Im not saying its good or bad, I have not spent enough time on it, but from what I see on the first 2 pages I looked at, its definitely cherry picking.

I think they pick apart lies that are actually lies. I'd be interested in seeing your list of 100 Pelosi lies.

As to fox news being anti-American - no way - The liberals, want to take away all of the things that made this country great in an effort to be "fair" -its sickening. Janeane Garolfo is a scion of evil, not only is she evil, but she is a complete Idiot. - I am 100% behind Fox on that one. Glen Beck is out there - a few people take him very seriously, but he is way out there - the educated who watch know what is true and what is crazy talk. Obama is a socialist - so they have not missed the mark there. Like it or not, Obamas policies of the government controlling everything, and taxing the wealthy disproportionately are socialist policies. The poor masses are simply voting themselves the fruit of everyone elses labor. Its sickening.

Fox News is anti-american in that they're downright hateful towards our president. It's quite a turn of events from the mantra at Fox back when Bush was still riding high from his first term. Back then, you were anti-american and a traitor simply for disagreeing with the president. Secondly, how is Obama trying to control "everything"? Are you referring to the bailouts of the financial institutions that Bush started? Or, the auto-industry bailouts (in which the automakers are expected to fully return the money lent)?

True conservatives know what is what...If you let Obama do everything he wanted, we would have government ownership of everything, everybody shares equally in everything, and he would be a life time president. News Flash, thats not what we want.

Obama has never stated nor indicated that he wants government control of everything. Again, what exactly are you referring to?

Conservatism took a slide during the Bush years, no doubt because Bush abandoned conservatism long ago for a heavy military hand, and liberal social hand - but Obama is SO bad for this country, that you are about to witness the biggest slaughter in American politics next election. America has woken up - the liberal left is louder and dominates 90% of the media for sure, but Americans in general have had enough of the steal from your neighbor, blame Bush rhetoric, that is the Democrats now.

People have had enough of the constant degredation of society in the name of being progressive too. Its time to get back to the basics, and do the things that made America great - stop the social programs, and actually make people work for their money. Enough is enough, the people are going to take their country back, and the Democrats are going to hate it. Obama didnt win the election because he was a better choice, he won because the conservatives didnt have a choice. McCain was the worst republican candidate of all time. They ran a liberal candidate to try to suck in some independent swing voters, but they lost their base in doing so. McCain could not fire up a lighter, let alone a voting public.

I think we all agree that every capable person should work for their money rather than rely on handouts. But there are legitimate situations where folks have handicaps or other issues that prevent them from working. BTW, the people already have taken the country back in the form of electing Obama and the democrats to the majority. It's pretty clear that for the majority of voters he was the better choice.

You think the conservatives are losing ground, I think just the opposite - the democrats are about to be so marginalized its going to be great, and I hope the republicans do to them, what the democrats are doing now. Shut them out of everything and cram it all down your throats. I cant wait to see the media stink when we finally do exactly what your doing now.

You want proof of Democrats failures - look at almost all of the blue states - more violence, more debt, more unemployment - then look at the red states - drastically less. Everything the democrats touch destroys wealth in this country. I honestly think its on purpose - destroy wealth so they rely upon you for everything. It guarantees your continued election.

Interesting take. How quickly we forget that one of the greatest periods of economic growth occurred during the 1990's, under a democrat's watch.

It's also interesting to look at debt over a period of time relative to the presidents in power. The greatest periods of national debt increases have occurred under republican presidents. It would seem they are the one's taking away our wealth.


All the more interesting is that many republicans choose to vote against their own interests and voice in favor of the extremely rich. Reagan and both Bush's did not help the middle class, they helped the folks at the very top. It amazes me to hear middle-class people railing against democrats who are trying to help them.

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Or, exactly what Fox News does on a daily basis.

You mean those three stations owned by the wealthy oligarchy, whose families were long-standing controllers of Venezuela and were often regarded as being corrupt as the day is long, that called for the violent coup to overthrow Chavez? You mean those stations?

We don't even protect that form of free speech here, yet you expect Chavez to do so?


Oh? You don't think CHAVEZ is corrupt? Man, what is your baseline for "corruption?"

Having known and dealt with "Chavistas" for close to 10 years, ANY form of coup would be an improvement.

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I think they pick apart lies that are actually lies. I'd be interested in seeing your list of 100 Pelosi lies.

2 quick lies without even having to blink an eye

1) waterboarding - she knew, then she lied about knowing, then she lied about lying about knowing, then changed her story and lied again. (thats actually 3 lies I think)

2) Catholic stance on abortion - she claimed the church had not taken a stance yet - outright lie, even the dumbest catholic knows the catholic religons stance on abortion.

There are plenty more.

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Oh? You don't think CHAVEZ is corrupt? Man, what is your baseline for "corruption?"

Having known and dealt with "Chavistas" for close to 10 years, ANY form of coup would be an improvement.

Did I say that?

Or, did I say, "We don't even protect that form of free speech here, yet you expect Chavez to do so?"

Man, people make some pretty wild assumptions when you bring politics to the table. Seditious speech is illegal here as well as Venezuela. If Fox News advocated open rebellion, they would be breaking the law. Had MSNBC done the same thing during the Bush II era, they'd have been breaking the law also. What those tv stations did was break the law, and Chavez was well within his authority, under the laws in Venezuela, to act against it.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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Yah.. It's like Snopes for the politics junkie.. I've found it's pretty fair so far on calling out all politicians from both sides of the aisle on their exaggerations.

Of course.. it is run by the St. Petersburg Times, a progressive leaning paper as determined by progressive Media Matters for America....so, it's not perfect. No reporting group is 100% unbiased.

I believe it's kept in check by its close ties to the Poynter Institute.

And more importantly, it's kept in check by its readers. It's more than happy to point out when it's made mistakes.

I especially like the "pants on fire" ratings.

Man, people make some pretty wild assumptions when you bring politics to the table. Seditious speech is illegal here as well as Venezuela. If Fox News advocated open rebellion, they would be breaking the law. Had MSNBC done the same thing during the Bush II era, they'd have been breaking the law also. What those tv stations did was break the law, and Chavez was well within his authority, under the laws in Venezuela, to act against it.

Their country. Their laws. Hard to argue with that.

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Obama is in the right to wage war with fox news. They are fanning the subconscious flames of pure fear and hatred that can/will lead to his mortal death. I think with regards to the converse analogy, MSNBC never went so far as to plant these types of seeds into the minds of their most ignorant viewers.

P.S. R.I.P. Irving Kristol

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2 quick lies without even having to blink an eye

1) waterboarding - she knew, then she lied about knowing, then she lied about lying about knowing, then changed her story and lied again. (thats actually 3 lies I think)

2) Catholic stance on abortion - she claimed the church had not taken a stance yet - outright lie, even the dumbest catholic knows the catholic religons stance on abortion.

There are plenty more.

Except that the first 'lie' may not even be a lie...

Panetta: CIA has misled lawmakers repeatedly since 2001

Letters by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and other members of the panel say CIA Director Leon Panetta told Congress last month that senior CIA officials have concealed significant actions and misled lawmakers repeatedly since 2001.

The second 'lie' might mean something to some Catholics, but certainly means little to this baptized Catholic. And, why it would mean anything at all to a non-Catholic is beyond me.

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2 quick lies without even having to blink an eye

1) waterboarding - she knew, then she lied about knowing, then she lied about lying about knowing, then changed her story and lied again. (thats actually 3 lies I think)

2) Catholic stance on abortion - she claimed the church had not taken a stance yet - outright lie, even the dumbest catholic knows the catholic religons stance on abortion.

There are plenty more.

My God. Earth shattering. What are we to do?

"Next up on Hannity and Colmes... what? No Colmes? .... Next up on Hannity..."

Fair and balanced, minus the balanced part. At least on that show.

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Except that the first 'lie' may not even be a lie...

Panetta: CIA has misled lawmakers repeatedly since 2001

The second 'lie' might mean something to some Catholics, but certainly means little to this baptized Catholic. And, why it would mean anything at all to a non-Catholic is beyond me.

So we have one verified lie out of the claimed 100. And one of little consequence at that.

P.S. - good to see you Red!

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IObama is a socialist - so they have not missed the mark there. Like it or not, Obamas policies of the government controlling everything, and taxing the wealthy disproportionately are socialist policies.

Don't look now, but COMRADE Obama just pulled a play out of the Republican playbook! STATES RIGHTS!!! :o


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This is the strongest smackdown of Fox News I've seen. This almost makes me like Rick Sanchez, despite some of his silly news stunts (like being tasered on camera).

"Silly news stunts", how about that silly DUI HIT and RUN he had back in 1990 that critically injured a man? That crazy Rick Sanchez, he's such a goof. :rolleyes:

Edited by TJones
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"Silly news stunts", how about that silly DUI HIT and RUN he had back in 1990 that critically injured a man? That crazy Rick Sanchez, he's such a goof. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure why I should know that, but okay. I guess your point is that people should never be forgiven for their mistakes?

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Interesting take. How quickly we forget that one of the greatest periods of economic growth occurred during the 1990's, under a democrat's watch.

During the 1990's we had two years with a Republican president and a Democratic congress, two years of a Democratic president and a Democratic congress and 6 years of a Democratic president and a Republican congress. You could say that much of the growth happened under the watch of a Republican congress.

If you want to use the 90's as an example of better governing, then perhaps we should elect a Republican majority for the remainder of Obama's term.

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During the 1990's we had two years with a Republican president and a Democratic congress, two years of a Democratic president and a Democratic congress and 6 years of a Democratic president and a Republican congress. You could say that much of the growth happened under the watch of a Republican congress.

If you want to use the 90's as an example of better governing, then perhaps we should elect a Republican majority for the remainder of Obama's term.

There is some truth to this, but it's not the entire story. The balancing of the budget and erasing of the deficit were largely driven by a 1994 tax increase on upper-income taxpayers combined with a strong, growing economy. Republican pressure helped keep the budget in-check, but of course it was mostly political - to keep Clinton from accomplishing his agenda rather than some honest to goodness concern about the budget or deficit.

Interestingly enough, Bush cut those upper-income taxes in 2001 (at an estimated cost of $3.9 trillion over the life of the cuts), all the while spending several times more than Clinton during his presidency, and most of it under the watch of a Republican congress. Foolish.

It's certainly possible that republicans might gain in congress during the Obama administration, but it's going to be tough for them. They've alienated millions of voters and left us broke and in a recession, and then essentially left the democrats to fix it. But I suspect that by this time next year, this recession will only be in our memory, and republican candidates won't have much ammunition to fight with. That is unless the democrats self-destruct like the republicans did when they controlled congress and the WH.

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There is some truth to this, but it's not the entire story. The balancing of the budget and erasing of the deficit were largely driven by a 1994 tax increase on upper-income taxpayers combined with a strong, growing economy. Republican pressure helped keep the budget in-check, but of course it was mostly political - to keep Clinton from accomplishing his agenda rather than some honest to goodness concern about the budget or deficit.

Interestingly enough, Bush cut those upper-income taxes in 2001 (at an estimated cost of $3.9 trillion over the life of the cuts), all the while spending several times more than Clinton during his presidency, and most of it under the watch of a Republican congress. Foolish.

It's certainly possible that republicans might gain in congress during the Obama administration, but it's going to be tough for them. They've alienated millions of voters and left us broke and in a recession, and then essentially left the democrats to fix it. But I suspect that by this time next year, this recession will only be in our memory, and republican candidates won't have much ammunition to fight with. That is unless the democrats self-destruct like the republicans did when they controlled congress and the WH.

IF they self destruct? The majority of Americans are against health care reform. The majority of Americans think that the country is headed down the wrong path. If they cram Health care reform down our throats, and then charge us taxes to pay for this "reform" for 3 years before a single person qualifies for coverage on this miracle reform bill....they are going to be slaughtered in the next election.

Recent polls have also shown that Americans really don't care as much about the environmental issues either when they are unemployed. The second they are done with Health Care they are going to try to cram Cap and Trade down our throats too...which will go VERY poorly for them, once the price of all energy more than doubles.

The current Democrat playbook is self destructive, the republicans just have to sit back and watch it happen.

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IF they self destruct? The majority of Americans are against health care reform. The majority of Americans think that the country is headed down the wrong path. If they cram Health care reform down our throats, and then charge us taxes to pay for this "reform" for 3 years before a single person qualifies for coverage on this miracle reform bill....they are going to be slaughtered in the next election.

Recent polls have also shown that Americans really don't care as much about the environmental issues either when they are unemployed. The second they are done with Health Care they are going to try to cram Cap and Trade down our throats too...which will go VERY poorly for them, once the price of all energy more than doubles.

The current Democrat playbook is self destructive, the republicans just have to sit back and watch it happen.

Not all the polls I've seen. Which one are you looking at? The Fox News poll that probably asked if you want the guvment to kill your grandma? It looks like the GOP will break the mold and not gain seats in an off year election. Not because the Dems are doing such a great job but because the GOP has nothing to offer.

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IF they self destruct? The majority of Americans are against health care reform. The majority of Americans think that the country is headed down the wrong path. If they cram Health care reform down our throats, and then charge us taxes to pay for this "reform" for 3 years before a single person qualifies for coverage on this miracle reform bill....they are going to be slaughtered in the next election.

Recent polls have also shown that Americans really don't care as much about the environmental issues either when they are unemployed. The second they are done with Health Care they are going to try to cram Cap and Trade down our throats too...which will go VERY poorly for them, once the price of all energy more than doubles.

The current Democrat playbook is self destructive, the republicans just have to sit back and watch it happen.

Looks like the majority of Americans... to the tune of 57%... favor reform... in the form of a public option:


From the liberal leaning Wall Street Journal, Oct 20, 2009:

A government-run insurance plan is picking up support from a majority of Americans in a new poll, as Senate leaders continue to debate whether to include such a plan in a final health-care overhaul bill that would go to the Senate floor.

Fifty-seven percent of all Americans now favor a public insurance option, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, up from 52% in mid-August.

What the democrats need to do... if they want to retain, or even add to, their majority... is DUMP REPUBLICAN compromises. A party that cannot get over its obsession with "god, gays, and guns"... is doomed, and rightfully so. Democrats do not need their support, nor should they seek it. So I guess you're right: their playbook is destructive. Only because democrats seek deals with the devil (republicans) - when they don't need to.

Edited by BryanS
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For those citing statistics, polls, numbers, and other relevant information - it would offer much better level of discourse here if you cite your sources (and thanks to those of you who make an effort to do so). Anecdotal stuff, well, we all take that for what is is. Thanks.

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