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Joel Osteen Tickets?


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Came across Joel Osteen tickets for sale, generally $100.00 on up. This didn't smell right to me. I can see passing the plate at services but charging outright to attend? Did Billy Graham ever do this? I mean this "hey, I'd like to bring you to Christ and save your soul but only if you got a c-note to drop." seems kind of odd.

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Yes Billy Graham did this. Booking arenas is expensive.

I lose as much respect for people who follow Joel Osteen as I do those who support Sarah Palin. Those kind of people are a main reason for the decline of our society (the followers... not the car salesman and the nutball).

Joel Osteen's "religion" didn't exist when I was a child. New Age Christianity was created during the last 20 years, and has absolutely nothing to do with Christ. Nothing.

New Age Chrisitianity is as organized as Catholicism. Anyone who supports, and who is supported by, anything remotely related to the DayStar Network, is a con artist and their followers are fools.

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Came across Joel Osteen tickets for sale, generally $100.00 on up. This didn't smell right to me. I can see passing the plate at services but charging outright to attend? Did Billy Graham ever do this? I mean this "hey, I'd like to bring you to Christ and save your soul but only if you got a c-note to drop." seems kind of odd.

Yea, but for every $1 you spend on a Joel Osteen ticket, you'll get $7 in return, and get a Fast Past for Heaven.

Praise Jesus. Hallelujah.

Touch me on my head and bless me.....

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Came across Joel Osteen tickets for sale, generally $100.00 on up. This didn't smell right to me. I can see passing the plate at services but charging outright to attend? Did Billy Graham ever do this? I mean this "hey, I'd like to bring you to Christ and save your soul but only if you got a c-note to drop." seems kind of odd.

Welcome to the world of prosperity gospel!

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Always remember: "religion" is a man-made institution.

Like I always say:

Religion is the root of all evil.

Politics comes a close 2nd.

Money isn't on the list - it's the religion or politics of those with the money that's the problem.

Somehow American Christianity.... New Age Christianity.... whatever you'd like to give the name of the B.S. man-made "religion" a vast majority of people here in America follow..... has developed in the past 20 or so years like a disease..... and it is, literally, a disease. It's a huge part of the decline of American Society.

I always like to refer the The DayStar Network.... the most unbelievably insane thing I've ever seen. But every preacher... from Spoda Jakes... to Joel Osteen.. to.. well.. every one of them... at some point... is on this network. A big chunk of Joel's "seed money" came from DayStar. Bottom line.... people that subsribe to this type of "religion" are no different than the crazy mormon foke out in west Texas that marry 9 year olds. There really is, no difference. It's just a different kind of control over a person who doesn't use their mind. Sure... they're looking for "something"..... but that chit aint it....

A true believer in Christ... someone who truly believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah as prophesied in the Old Testament.... would not be donating money to a Joel Osteen or Spoda Jakes.... would not feel guilty about having to physically go into a multi-million dollar "cathedral" to listen to a bunch of men in satin robes who claim they speak to God or are closer to God than any other mortal human being.

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Joel Osteen's "religion" didn't exist when I was a child. New Age Christianity was created during the last 20 years, and has absolutely nothing to do with Christ. Nothing.

What Osteen and similar preachers are doing is nothing new. It's been going on for hundreds of years; read your Mark Twain. The only difference is now it's done in stadiums instead of tents.

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Don't forget Benny Hinn and his magic hands.

American Christianity (not to be confused with anything remotely related to the teachings of Christ) is a joke. I lose respect for all the so-called "Christians" I know.. honestly.. I do... a TRUE BELIEVER... is someone you wouldn't know is one.... yea... and before you respond... B.S. to the garbage about a Christian's duty is to spread the word.... what crap.

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American Christianity (not to be confused with anything remotely related to the teachings of Christ) is a joke. I lose respect for all the so-called "Christians" I know.. honestly.. I do... a TRUE BELIEVER... is someone you wouldn't know is one.... yea... and before you respond... B.S. to the garbage about a Christian's duty is to spread the word.... what crap.

You've reiterated the above at least twice. In other words, we get it. Now go pop a valium.

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You've reiterated the above at least twice. In other words, we get it. Now go pop a valium.

That's because most people out here out here have ADD because most of them have ADD... especially the religious fanatics.

Praise Jesus.

Hail Mary Mother of Mothers and all the Saints (how many are there?)

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Jesus loves you but he needs your money. That was the message I got from any church I ever attended. Why should Osteen be any different? It's all about money.

Jesus loves you but Joel needs your money...after all first class plane tickets aren't cheap.

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Jesus loves you but Joel needs your money...after all first class plane tickets aren't cheap.

This guy gives me the creeps, big time. Just like some slimy used car salesman. And that Bimbo wife of his. I find it mind blowing that he attracts as many that he does.

Just goes to show you that half the people in the world are more stupid than the average guy.

Edited by gto250us
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