Guest danax Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 Chris Simcox, one of the organizers of the Minuteman volunteers that are reporting illegal border crossers in Arizona, has said that Texas could be the next location for the group to monitor.Sitting in lawn chairs, the volunteers simply keep watch with binoculars and report any illegal activity that they witness to the Border Patrol, being careful not to have any contact with the crossers. So far they have dramatically lowered the number of illegal crossings in that section and volunteers are pouring in from all over the country.The strange thing is that our President has insulted them by stating that he is against what they are doing and calling them "vigilantes". The press, Reuters for example, has called them "Right Wing Militia". The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has threatened lawsuits against the volunteers. Why does it seem like the only ones behind these people the citizens of our country?What is going on here? But I thought that our President was all for "homeland security"? Our border is obviously easy to penetrate so wouldn't it be a top priority for the Dept. of Homeland Security to first plug the leaks? So why is Bush so negative regarding Americans peacefully doing what the government was originally created to do? Is he just worried about political damage or is it deeper than that? I have read that a concrete and wire fence covering our entire southern border would cost about as much as a couple of stealth bombers, so money is not a valid reason not to do it. I don't get it.Our city is formulating future housing policy based on the anticipation of more than a million illegal aliens landing here in Houston over the next 20 years Housing Study Executive Summary (pdf). Will our city be better or worse with another 1.5 million uneducated, non-english speaking people living here? How many janitors and guys with leaf blowers do we need? The truth is that a lot of them eventually start their own businesses in the various construction trades and take jobs from American tradesmen. Nothing against the individual illegal aliens themselves, but I as an American am tired of feeling whooped and powerless while the Governments of both our own country and Mexico insult each one of us by permitting illegal crossings and opposing true patriots when they peacefully take matters into their own hands.So Texas could be next. It's about time someone did something about this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lowbrow Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 George actually wants to make crossing the border easier, not harder. We wouldnt want to have to carry a passport to go to boys town! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoAtomic Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 Immigration is a very touchy issue. The whole illegal immigrant situation is a collossal mess, politically and in real terms, and unfortunately there are no easy answers at this point.It seems that this issue is not going to go away quietly, but instead is going to galvanize the beliefs and test the will of an entire generation of Americans, regardless of their nation of birth. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tamtagon Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 What is going on here? But I thought that our President was all for "homeland security"? Our border is obviously easy to penetrate so wouldn't it be a top priority for the Dept. of Homeland Security to first plug the leaks? So why is Bush so negative regarding Americans peacefully doing what the government was originally created to do? Is he just worried about political damage or is it deeper than that?I have read that a concrete and wire fence covering our entire southern border would cost about as much as a couple of stealth bombers, so money is not a valid reason not to do it. I don't get it.The truth is that a lot of them eventually start their own businesses in the various construction trades and take jobs from American tradesmen. Nothing against the individual illegal aliens themselves, but I as an American am tired of feeling whooped and powerless while the Governments of both our own country and Mexico insult each one of us by permitting illegal crossings and opposing true patriots when they peacefully take matters into their own hands.Personally, I think there is something Anti-American about building a wall along the Mexican Border. I dont know, what does that plackard on the Statue of Liberty say? Immigration laws must be changed to accommodate those wishing to move to American. Complete failure of our economy is the only way to stop people from wanting to move here. Our society is build upon consumption, and the more consumers, the stronger the economy. It is a bigoted perversion of American Patriotism which attempts stifle the desires of those seeking a better life.Economically, the truth is the illegal alien working population is a great financial benefit to the American economy. Most illegal aliens may not pay income tax, but they still pay sales tax. The amount of revenue the IRS "loses" is recouped many times over by employer payroll saving. The social services of which illegal aliens are accused of being parasites are primarily funded by the States, and in Texas that comes from sales and property taxes - NOT income taxes.Economically, the brightest future for border states as well as the entire country has a symbiotic relationship with the Mexican economy. The second largest source of revenue into Mexico behind that from oil sales is the money sent home by those Mexicans working in America. The sooner the standard of living in Mexico is improved, the sooner the border will be safer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pineda Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 The sooner the standard of living in Mexico is improved, the sooner the border will be safer.You have a point here, but why should the United States go broke contributing towards the housing, educational and medical costs of illegal aliens? I'm tired of hearing about how we have to accomodate those undocumented workers and their families at the cost of providing care for legal citizens. It seems like closing the borders down would be the first logical step in the right direction, but for some reason (NAFTA-related perhaps?) Bush is turning his eyes the other way.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tamtagon Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 ... why should the United States go broke contributing towards the housing, educational and medical costs of illegal aliens?The financial contribution from the governments toward housing, education and medical bills of 10,000,000 illegal aliens is insignificant when compared to the total revenue generated by the presence of the illegal aliens. The average American benefits from the presence of illegal aliens - as counterintuitive as it may seem. Futhermore, a country with a yearly GNP in the trillions of dollars should feel obligated to help educate, house and provide medical treatment to everyone who is able to get here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pineda Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 I wonder how insignificant it really is. Does anyone have the stats on how many people are pulling the wagon as opposed to riding in it? Where do you suppose we should draw the line, when the ones who are already here don't seem to be benefiting from the trillions in GNP, when we have so much substandard Section 8 HUD housing, debt-ridden educational and medical systems and so many working poor who can't even afford health insurance? When do we say enough is enough, ever, never? Door's always open? Can we afford to continue down this road? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jmancuso Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 yep...a big ole wall is what we need with the military situated along it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lowbrow Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 ...and we need to put Col. Nathan R. Jessep back up on that wall. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UrbaNerd Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 A nice big wall, built by americans, complete with guard towers, would be great! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jm1fd Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Wow....I'm surprised how many other folks on here feel the same way I do....BUILD THAT WALL! Maybe open it up periodically if we're running low....but by the looks of the congregations at Shepherd & the raliroad tracks, I think we've got plenty for the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest danax Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 This country got by for many, many years without illegal workers before and somehow, I have a feeling we'll manage. The government is lying to us again, as usual, about their reasons for wanting to keep the border just the way it is. All of this baloney about "homeland security" is just to fool "we the people". They are doing what THEY want, not what we want. Condeleeza Rice said during a recent visit to Mexican President Fox in Mexico City " My country will not tolerate illegal actions by the Minutemen vigilantes....will not pardon any extra-legal actions by border vigilantes, nor do we support the activities of these groups....even though we cannot interfere." That was a carefully spoken set-up speech. She sounds like Janet Reno before Waco. I'll make a prediction. The government has shown in the past that they will crush any citizen group that acts in a way that is contrary to their wishes and, unless the Minutemen just fade away soon, the government will infiltrate them with a few of their own and have them act violently against some illegals so that they can shut the whole thing down and discredit them as a bunch of right-wing wacko, trigger-happy militia types and then further prevent any other groups from considering similar actions. Then, they will hope that "we the people" will just go back to sleep with our sports, gossip etc. and let the government continue on, unhindered, with their own secret agenda. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subdude Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Yes, the government is humoring those Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LTAWACS Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Bush insulting the patriots of this great nation? What an ignorant person. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LTAWACS Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 The Statue of Liberty was a gift, from the French no less. I say we rip the damn placard down and build a wall. No, I didn't stutter, and I didn't mean fence. I said wall. The difference between those who came 100 years ago, and those who come today is a little thing call Ellis Island. Also, 100 years ago, a thing such as terrorism did not exist. There was no internal threat to the homeland as there is today. This is a different time, which calls for different measures. We need to first build the wall both to Mexico & Canada, and then anyone we find illegal, we send them right back over. We need to beef up the border patrols at least 10 fold - both north and south. If people want to immigrate here, they need to get in line. I'm ready to pay 5 dollars a gallon for gas and 1 dollar per strawberry if it means that US citizens are the ones in the California fields, and our oil isn't coming from conflict-nations.Sounds harsh? Boo-hoo. I don't want a dirty bomb going off in downtown Houston. To those liberals that think I'm full of ____ - wake up.All of you that aren't - are living behind the shadow of your own problem. Start taking some responsiblity and stop blaming everyone else for your own failures. You're no different than the child-spoiling parents on Dr. Phil or the idiots that want to sue McDonalds because you're fat.Back on point.. I'm not saying that building a wall and fortifying the nation is politically correct, but neither were the tactics that we used to defeat the Japanese & Germans in WW2. Imagine if liberal reporters & the ACLU had been allowed to interfere with either campaign. Do you really think we'd be a free country today? Never forget your roots.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Excellent points. Well said. I agree with this man 100%. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kjb434 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 What really gets me is that very few if anyone in federal government will ever touch this issue.Both sides of the aisle run from it and have there reasons. The minutemen are breaking no laws and are showing to be a great benifit to Arizona. If I were Arizona, I'll put them on the payroll just be watchmen.I'm ready for Texas, New Mexico, and California to move forward. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tamtagon Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 The Statue of Liberty was a gift, from the French no less. I say we rip the damn placard down and build a wall. Also, 100 years ago, a thing such as terrorism did not exist. There was no internal threat to the homeland as there is today.If people want to immigrate here, they need to get in line. I'm ready to pay 5 dollars a gallon for gas and 1 dollar per strawberry if it means that US citizens are the ones in the California fields, and our oil isn't coming from conflict-nations.Sounds harsh? Boo-hoo. I don't want a dirty bomb going off in downtown Houston. To those liberals that think I'm full of ____ - wake up.Start taking some responsiblity and stop blaming everyone else for your own failures. You're no different than the child-spoiling parents on Dr. Phil or the idiots that want to sue McDonalds because you're fat.Back on point.. I'm not saying that building a wall and fortifying the nation is politically correct, but neither were the tactics that we used to defeat the Japanese & Germans in WW2. Never forget your roots.The most destructive aspect of the illegal immigration problems is the way it polarizes the American population. This the kind of gut-check issue most Americans will refuse to allow an opinion change, and the likelihood for a viable solution become a daunting task. Everyone agrees it's a problem, but there is little concensus on the cure - and that's the problem. Eventually, one side of the "wall" will gain the upper hand, force through a legislative solution with a narrow majority and devote as much resources defending the policy as enforcing the policy. Anyway....What does France have to do with illegal aliens crossing from Mexico? There has always been terrorism in this country. Back in the day when the function of Ellis Island was becoming the iconic symbol of American Hospitality, the terrorism between different ethnic groups was a dibilitating drain on local police forces. The internal threat to the homeland was different back then, but it was just as potent as it is today.People are already standing in line to get into this country, but that line is so ridiculously long and moves so slowly that millions have cut out of line and made the trips illegally. Should America become more forceful to close its borders to illegal immigration, this country would be much more like the French. No other country on earth has ever willingly built itself by welcoming anyone from any country who wants a better life. But, the message the ignorantly named "Minutemen" and their supporters are spreading is that they are no longer willing to share the opportunity.If all of a sudden, gasoline jumps to $5/gallon and consumer product goods prices rise 15-50%, the number of Americans who pushed into poverty and therefore becoming dependent of govt assistance would send the country into the deepest depression ever. Really try to think about the effects from the policy of isolation.This is not an issue of conservative versus liberal POV although every anecdotal example proves a hiding behind ambiguous political barriors to progress. Stop blaming the desire of those to work in America for the possibility that a dirty bomb would be set off in Houston or anywhere else. The tactics used during WW2 with regard to Americans (ethnically German, Italian or Japanese) was the result of a war. This country is not at war with illegal aliens - in fact the Constitution says children of illegal aliens MUST receive a free public education - and until war is declared upon "The Illegal Nation" or whatever, there is no other course but that which is politically correct.Remember your roots and realize that this country is most successful when we find a way to welcome all of those who want to live here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kjb434 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 If the line is so long, why don't we push for legislation to chain the INS processes to become a citizen versus having the current system encourge illegal immigration. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pineda Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Stop blaming the desire of those to work in AmericaSorry but not everyone coming here is here to work. Some of the deadliest gangs from South and Central America are setting up shop in Houston these days. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LTAWACS Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Sorry but not everyone coming here is here to work. Some of the deadliest gangs from South and Central America are setting up shop in Houston these days.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I loathe liberals. Don't you? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest danax Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Sorry but not everyone coming here is here to work. Some of the deadliest gangs from South and Central America are setting up shop in Houston these days.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>And the Drug War is another government lie. Almost all of the drugs come through our southern border. Apparently, the government really wants drugs and illegals to continue to flow. Are they in the drug business or what?And it's also interesting that, although they claim to be against illegal workers, the many of them that are in federal prisons because of the drug war are put to work in government prison industries producing products like office furniture and clothing that directly compete with free-market American companies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kjb434 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Great post 27.Way to disect and explain away. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Judah Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 I think the Repubs are doing with immigration what they do with abortoin -- they use it as a wedge issue to divide the country and make themselves look like the party of American values and all that. The fact is that the Repubs and the corporations that back them need immigration to fuel the economy. I think NAFTA, CAFTA, the FTAA and all that are all parts of a plan to ultimately create a free trade and labor zone in the western hemisphere (not that I'm pro or agains that - that's just wha tI think is happening). Wasn't it Reagan who gave amnesty to the illegals? And Democrats, on the other hand, all seem to get caught out on the issue when the fact is that they need to curtail immigration in order to make national health care feasible. It's pointless to create a nationalized health care system when it's just going to get overloaded by people moving here illegally for health care that's not available in the old country. That's why Hillary Clinton is the one who's got a hard line stance on illegal immigration and not the mainstream Republicans. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gary Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 The Statue of Liberty was a gift, from the French no less. I say we rip the damn placard down and build a wall. No, I didn't stutter, and I didn't mean fence. I said wall. The difference between those who came 100 years ago, and those who come today is a little thing call Ellis Island. Also, 100 years ago, a thing such as terrorism did not exist. There was no internal threat to the homeland as there is today. This is a different time, which calls for different measures. We need to first build the wall both to Mexico & Canada, and then anyone we find illegal, we send them right back over. We need to beef up the border patrols at least 10 fold - both north and south. If people want to immigrate here, they need to get in line. I'm ready to pay 5 dollars a gallon for gas and 1 dollar per strawberry if it means that US citizens are the ones in the California fields, and our oil isn't coming from conflict-nations.Sounds harsh? Boo-hoo. I don't want a dirty bomb going off in downtown Houston. To those liberals that think I'm full of ____ - wake up.All of you that aren't - are living behind the shadow of your own problem. Start taking some responsiblity and stop blaming everyone else for your own failures. You're no different than the child-spoiling parents on Dr. Phil or the idiots that want to sue McDonalds because you're fat.Back on point.. I'm not saying that building a wall and fortifying the nation is politically correct, but neither were the tactics that we used to defeat the Japanese & Germans in WW2. Imagine if liberal reporters & the ACLU had been allowed to interfere with either campaign. Do you really think we'd be a free country today? Never forget your roots.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Man you took the words right out of my mouth. Perfect post. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
debmartin Posted April 21, 2005 Share Posted April 21, 2005 "Sorry but not everyone coming here is here to work. Some of the deadliest gangs from South and Central America are setting up shop in Houston these days."(quote, pineda) today's paper ran an article about the gang responsible for the shooting death of a toddler - the gang was started by salvadorians who did not enter the country legally. the article quoted police as stating that some of the 20 or so gang members worked here in houston, and i wonder if the person who employed these criminals knew or even cared that they were illegals. the fact that so many can come to america and disappear into society should be a wake-up call to anyone concerned about personal & neighborhood safety AND homeland security, and this particular gang preys upon hispanics!last week the chron reported on a man who was robbed after spanish radio broadcast his name and phone number - the station does this to help illegals look for work! this victim is just one of a million potential victims, particularly vulnerable as they are usually afraid to come forward since they are breaking the law just being here. if you have broken the laws of this country, you SHOULD fear reprisal, and i bet you'd think twice about calling the police out unless your life was at stake. my brother is just this dummy - had $$$ of unpaid parking tickets and igored the letters. then he and his wife got their expensive 10speed bikes stolen off the porch and he filed a police report to claim the insurance. a week later, the cops call, say they found the bikes and have him come in and arrest him on the parking:) they have time to run these stings, while immigration is a joke and the president himself orders authorities to look the other way.if the government wishes to continue to flood our states with immigrants, they should at least create a million new jobs or so to screen them for any security risks and to assist with their relocation. then maybe the commerce and trade they are so famous for cranking out would be on the up and up, instead of the under the table illegal's hired at below minimum wage, encouraged by an immoral radio station. i challenge anyone here to say illegal immigrants are not exploited, that they can live wherever they choose, can lead productive lives their children can be proud of. for the most part they are expected to live in deplorable rentals and be grateful to get them, and when the spanish newspaper spreads rumors of INS sweeps they keep their children home from school and shake in fear until some bureaucrat gets on the 5 o'clock news to reassure them and calms their fears. i'm sure whatever they're running away from in their own country could be worse, but by american standards they are relegated to a marginal existence.deb martin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pineda Posted April 21, 2005 Share Posted April 21, 2005 Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington. They also tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brijonmang Posted April 21, 2005 Share Posted April 21, 2005 Whats worse, is that when the FDA Inspectors say they found no mad cow (BSE) in 2004, the truth was that they tested less than 1 percent of 1 percent of all cattle between here & Canada. The days of the medium-rare steak are over people. Read the book called Fast Food Nation for the proof.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I guess I didnt get the memo...I just cant eat a well done steak...slap some A 1 on it and throw caution to the wind Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest danax Posted April 21, 2005 Share Posted April 21, 2005 I think the Repubs are doing with immigration what they do with abortoin -- they use it as a wedge issue to divide the country and make themselves look like the party of American values and all that. The fact is that the Repubs and the corporations that back them need immigration to fuel the economy. I think NAFTA, CAFTA, the FTAA and all that are all parts of a plan to ultimately create a free trade and labor zone in the western hemisphere (not that I'm pro or agains that - that's just wha tI think is happening). Wasn't it Reagan who gave amnesty to the illegals? And Democrats, on the other hand, all seem to get caught out on the issue when the fact is that they need to curtail immigration in order to make national health care feasible. It's pointless to create a nationalized health care system when it's just going to get overloaded by people moving here illegally for health care that's not available in the old country. That's why Hillary Clinton is the one who's got a hard line stance on illegal immigration and not the mainstream Republicans.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm guessing that the vast majority of Americans are for secure borders and a presidential candidate would get a lot of cross-party votes if they made it a major issue, except someone like Hillary. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LTAWACS Posted April 21, 2005 Share Posted April 21, 2005 All I know is that if the feds aren't going to do something about them, I most definately will. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
debmartin Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 "All I know is that if the feds aren't going to do something about them, I most definately will. ("quote, LTAWACS")by "doing something about them" i hope you mean to say you are prepared to circulate a petition in your community or write your congressman, state rep etc. you could check into the requirements to volunteer with the minutemen, or look them up on the web and send in a donation to assist in their efforts. but please do not leave statements like this hanging in mid-air on an open message board. in these post 911 days of restricted individual rights and big brother style "homeland security" government antics, even an innocent statement born out of frustration can be taken out of context. personally, i hope the minutemen do come to texas, so that bush will be forced to deal with the issue head on. so far i have not seen anything to lead me to believe they are not law abiding citizens engaged in community service.deb martin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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