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Klaatu barada nikto!


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Seen the previews for the remake? Keanu Reeves is perfect casting for Klaatu, but apart from that it looks like an overblown stew of special effects. I love those old sci-fi movies where they couldn't just rely on CGI, and this was one of the best. Will anyone else be going to see the new version?

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I'm actually very interested in this remake as well. reeves said in an interview that he helped with the script and tried to keep it as close to the original as possible, considering its a modern remake.

I enjoyed the original as a piece of film art, and hope the new one will do it modern remake justice for a new generation.

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I'm only 26, but saw the old black and white original a few years back on TV, and must say it was quite a good movie. Movies back then didn't have special effects, so they had to be carried with good characters, dialogue and story alone, which this one did perfectly back in a time when being invaded from outer space was on people's minds (remembering the War of the Worlds hysteria, Roswell incident, beginnings of manned space exploration etc)

I'm certainly going to see the remake, looks like its going to be good. We'll see, I'm disappointed in about 80% of movies I actually see after the hype and seeing all the teasers, trailers and previews. Hopefully this will be one of the 20% for 2008 along with Dark Knight and Cloverfield.

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I love good special effects (the original is full of them), but I doubt I'll ever see this remake. The only way I can see that happening is if I'm being tortured by some very clever enemy. Keanu Reeves' acting would be better suited to the role of Gort. I love the original, despite a deep seated hatred for Robert Wise, and see no reason to make another version of it. If I want to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still", I've already got it.

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TDTESS is one of my favorite movies of all time (hasn't it already been remade once?) and it's unlikely I'll ever watch this one until it makes it on free TV.

Why don't these money-grubbing Hollywood copy-cat artists do something useful like rewrite the plays of Shakespeare or the Works of Plato?


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TDTESS is one of my favorite movies of all time (hasn't it already been remade once?) and it's unlikely I'll ever watch this one until it makes it on free TV.

Why don't these money-grubbing Hollywood copy-cat artists do something useful like rewrite the plays of Shakespeare or the Works of Plato?


Seems to be the trend lately. Remakes all over the place. Some remakes are good. It's chopped up to opinion. Some stories are better not remade, while some others are interesting to see remade with today's technology. Some stories are retold over and over, spanning across generations, remade in new ways (Batman Begins and Dark Knight for example)

What may really get you is that they're doing a remake of Friday the 13th ... ... ...

And I think this is the perfect role for Keanu Reeves. All he has to do is act like a man with no personality and recite his lines in monotone...

Makes me wanna watch the Matrix for the 20th time and make fun of his acting again...


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I'm looking forward to seeing it because it was my favorite scifi movie when I was a kid. I have probably seen the original a hundred times. I'm prepared to be somewhat dissapointed though because from the preview, the new one seems to be much different from the original.

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Correct on Rennie. Arness was The Thing, a different movie.

7'7" Lock Martin was Gort. IMDB says he was one of the tallest actors ever, also had a children's show on LA TV as the Gentle Giant.

Showings Thursday and Friday on AMC of TDTESS.


Edited by brucesw
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TDTESS is one of my favorite movies of all time (hasn't it already been remade once?) and it's unlikely I'll ever watch this one until it makes it on free TV.

Why don't these money-grubbing Hollywood copy-cat artists do something useful like rewrite the plays of Shakespeare or the Works of Plato?


Or better yet, Isaac Asimov or Stephen Baxter.

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So, its been out a few days, saw it yesterday, what did everyone think of it?

My opinion...


(but probably not enough to ruin it for you, the movie itself will take care of that)

I liked it till the point that Klaatu escapes... then its all downhill! Way downhill.

They could have done so much more. It's the day the Earth stood still, not the day the Earth becomes completely retarded. It lacked so much, and went in a direction that ruined it. Why was Professor Barnhardt even included? His role became almost pointless... the reason why Gort is called Gort was clever and annoying at the same time (everything has to have an acronym). Gort's potential was wasted anyhow. I wanted to slap that kid throughout the whole thing for being a little jerk, he annoyed me. And Robert Knepper wasn't a very convincing army guy to me. He should probably stick to playing T-Bag in Prison Break. Oh and why was Kathy Bates casted as the Secretary of Defense??? Then there's Keanu... I have to give this movie somewhere on the border of D+/C-

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I saw it this afternoon and liked it quite a bit! I was really pleasantly surprised since I wasn't expecting much. Keanu was fantastic I thought. His odd screen persona is just right for playing an alien. Jennifer Connally was OK, but the Kathy Bates character was too one-dimensional and her talent is a bit wasted. As I feared there was too much CGI, but nevertheless the story is more low key and dark than one would expect from the previews. Gripes about CGI aside, the CGI spaceship was brilliant! Have to disagree with the previous post on Gort. The robot if anything was cartoonish and had way too much screen time. The direction and pacing was great - it just flies by. And yes, the kid is muy annoying

Three stars overall. It will never be a classic like the original, but that would be a tall order and it does a good enough job of updating the message of the old one.

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