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Vice Presidential Debate


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BTW, I was at a high school football game last night and ALL anyone was talking about was the debate and what a great job Sarah Palin did. Men and women both had that opinion and wanted to call McCain to thank him again for picking her!

Democrats, notably those without kids, refuse to acknowledge this. Every function I go to where children are involved, she is all the talk - in a positive way.

Edited by Jeebus
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Democrats, notably those without kids, refuse to acknowledge this. Every function I go to where children are involved, she is all the talk - in a positive way.

Okay, seriously, I am ready for a real answer to this question: what are her qualifications? And don't tell me being governor of Alaska makes one qualified to be in line for President. It would, perhaps, if she had been at it longer. So aside from that, anything?

The only other thing I've heard is that a certain faction love her because she's never aborted a fetus. Well, good on her, but that's true of lots of people, including many other women. Heck, I've never aborted a fetus, but McCain didn't knock on my door.

I know I'm being obnoxious, but the question is serious. For all those many people who just love her, why?

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Okay, seriously, I am ready for a real answer to this question: what are her qualifications? And don't tell me being governor of Alaska makes one qualified to be in line for President. It would, perhaps, if she had been at it longer. So aside from that, anything?

The only other thing I've heard is that a certain faction love her because she's never aborted a fetus. Well, good on her, but that's true of lots of people, including many other women. Heck, I've never aborted a fetus, but McCain didn't knock on my door.

I know I'm being obnoxious, but the question is serious. For all those many people who just love her, why?

I think they also like her because she's sassy and they feel like they can relate to her and her anti-intellectual values. It reminds me of how people liked Bush because he was someone they felt they could sit down and have a beer with. The problem is, we are not voting for this person to be our friend.

And the thing is, I think most of the McCain/Palin supporters know she is not qualified for the job, but they support her anyway. I guess they think she's 'good enough.' They are willing to make that compromise to get someone who is for promoting archaic religious and conservative principals into our government.

Edited by barracuda
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Those voting for McCain don't have to be crazy about Palin, they just have to think she's good enough. It's been a long time since the VP has mattered anyway, they are basically useless. And for the McCain is so old and he's going to die in office crowd, very doubtful. It's much more likely some crazy redneck tries to shoot the first black president. Both are very low probability anyway, but I put that above the old man croaking so the argument doesn't factor into my indecision.

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Those voting for McCain don't have to be crazy about Palin, they just have to think she's good enough. It's been a long time since the VP has mattered anyway, they are basically useless. And for the McCain is so old and he's going to die in office crowd, very doubtful. It's much more likely some crazy redneck tries to shoot the first black president. Both are very low probability anyway, but I put that above the old man croaking so the argument doesn't factor into my indecision.

9 VPs have succeeded the president who died in office, more than 20% of the presidents. So, at least 20% of the time, the Vice President has not been useless. And, need I remind you who the oldest president ever would be if Senator McCain is elected?

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9 VPs have succeeded the president who died in office, more than 20% of the presidents. So, at least 20% of the time, the Vice President has not been useless. And, need I remind you who the oldest president ever would be if Senator McCain is elected?

Seriously, it's not that unheard of. And I am sorry, but I could not even imagine Palin being President let along VP... the thought is actually scary. How scary?... I would prefer Bush over Palin! SCARY!!! :ph34r:

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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9 VPs have succeeded the president who died in office, more than 20% of the presidents. So, at least 20% of the time, the Vice President has not been useless. And, need I remind you who the oldest president ever would be if Senator McCain is elected?

8 VPs took over for a president who died in office, 4 just died versus being assassinated. That's the number you want to quote if you aren't anticipating McCain would get impeached like Nixon. And 20% (10 if you are banking on natural causes) is low enough for most people. If the advice is to think of your vote as 80% presidential candidate and 20% VP, that really doesn't change anyone's mind. And medicine is much further along than it was the last time a president died in office without getting shot. Life expectancy is getting longer and longer.

All I'm saying is it's a lame excuse for the argument (he's too old and might die), and there's a huge statistical chance that neither VP will ever be a factor in the presidency.

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8 VPs took over for a president who died in office, 4 just died versus being assassinated. That's the number you want to quote if you aren't anticipating McCain would get impeached like Nixon. And 20% (10 if you are banking on natural causes) is low enough for most people. If the advice is to think of your vote as 80% presidential candidate and 20% VP, that really doesn't change anyone's mind. And medicine is much further along than it was the last time a president died in office without getting shot. Life expectancy is getting longer and longer.

All I'm saying is it's a lame excuse for the argument (he's too old and might die), and there's a huge statistical chance that neither VP will ever be a factor in the presidency.

Actually, I was responding to your claim that the VP is useless. Over 20% of VP's have been required to step into the White House. I made no argument. I shot down yours. Big difference.

I will concede however, that only 8 died. One resigned.

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8 VPs took over for a president who died in office, 4 just died versus being assassinated. That's the number you want to quote if you aren't anticipating McCain would get impeached like Nixon. And 20% (10 if you are banking on natural causes) is low enough for most people. If the advice is to think of your vote as 80% presidential candidate and 20% VP, that really doesn't change anyone's mind. And medicine is much further along than it was the last time a president died in office without getting shot. Life expectancy is getting longer and longer.

All I'm saying is it's a lame excuse for the argument (he's too old and might die), and there's a huge statistical chance that neither VP will ever be a factor in the presidency.

I heard that the actuarial odds that McCain will die in office are 1 in 5.

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While you're looking up the odds that McCain will die in office, :wacko: , go ahead and check Senator Obama's. I believe both his parents are deceased, isn't that correct? And Senator McCain's mother looked to be in excellent health at the RNC.

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While you're looking up the odds that McCain will die in office, :wacko: , go ahead and check Senator Obama's. I believe both his parents are deceased, isn't that correct? And Senator McCain's mother looked to be in excellent health at the RNC.


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While you're looking up the odds that McCain will die in office, :wacko: , go ahead and check Senator Obama's. I believe both his parents are deceased, isn't that correct? And Senator McCain's mother looked to be in excellent health at the RNC.

I wasn't being "partisan"; nor was I being a wacko as your emoticon suggests. The discussion was about Sarah Palin and the likelihood she would succeed McCain. I'm offering the actuarial take on it. That's what these folks are paid to do. The actuarial odds on Obama are open to discussion as well, but that's not what we were talking about.

(edited for typo)

Edited by sarahiki
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Actually, I was responding to your claim that the VP is useless. Over 20% of VP's have been required to step into the White House. I made no argument. I shot down yours. Big difference.

I will concede however, that only 8 died. One resigned.

I guess I was speaking to other people through you then...or something. I could have used a lot less words by just saying I don't think anyone will be completely basing their decision on whether McCain will die in office. I think the people bringing up that reasoning have already made up their mind the other way.

It's not a pretty way to look at things, but the crazies with guns didn't let the president who freed the slaves or the first Catholic president survive their term, so I wonder what those actuarial odds are on the first black president making it.

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Exactly. It's the "average joe" that likes her and Bush, the "salt of the earth," if you will.

Sooooo....most of america (really most people on earth) on average are not smart. I think that's a fact, don't feel like looking anything up on it. Going by that, appealing only to smart people is a horrible way to win an election. This is part of the reason why politics will always be ugly.

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Sooooo....most of america (really most people on earth) on average are not smart. I think that's a fact, don't feel like looking anything up on it. Going by that, appealing only to smart people is a horrible way to win an election. This is part of the reason why politics will always be ugly.

Half of all people are dumber than average. You don't need a source for that.

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Sooooo....most of america (really most people on earth) on average are not smart. I think that's a fact, don't feel like looking anything up on it. Going by that, appealing only to smart people is a horrible way to win an election.

Yea, so appeal to all the stupid people, because THAT'S who you want deciding who's your president.


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Interesting take, Cool Buddy.

Do you think Palin is a better or worse Governor than Perry?

How 'bout Schwarzenegger? Is Palin better or worse than Arnie?

Who, in your opinion, are the most intellectual Governors, whose judgements & decisions you respect?

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Interesting take, Cool Buddy.

Do you think Palin is a better or worse Governor than Perry?

How 'bout Schwarzenegger? Is Palin better or worse than Arnie?

Who, in your opinion, are the most intellectual Governors, whose judgements & decisions you respect?

All the ones I've listened to, Schwarzenegger, Perry, Jindal, Rendell. Her "I'll get back at ya" answer is better than the bailout blab. Part of good judgement is knowing your limitations. She sure doesn't.

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It'll be interesting to see Palin's take on her soon to be son-in-law's decision to drop out of high school. She apparently tried to start some efforts to bring down Wasilla's high rates:




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