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Vice Presidential Debate


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She's done a whole lot better than I thought she would. They are coming at it from totally different angles though. It seems like Biden is doing all the attacking and Palin is just answering. I think she is doing well though, they both are. But I guess I'm more impressed with her because my expectations were so low. She has definitely been prepped and been studying a lot.

...but I want to stab myself in the eye every time I hear her say "nuke-u-lar". Please, someone tell her. How do smart people do that? I've known some incredibly smart, successful people who say it that way, and I just don't get it.

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I agree, I think she is doing a good job. BUT the problem is she is doing a good job while not answering the questions. She goes way off into left field.

And I agree with you 20th, the way she says certain words is driving me up the wall!

Joe is kinda dry, and like I believe Mascbro said in the main thread, too "statesman like". And he needs to stop referring to himself in 3rd person.

CNN has the Ohio uncommitted voters reaction monitor on the bottom of the screen split into men and women, the men seem to like Palin while the women seem to favor Biden. Just interesting to me.

Edited by jayshoota
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This topic has been created prior to the debate taking place. Please wait until the debate has finished before commenting.

They aren't listening to you. -_-

Ah, well. The running commentary is entertaining.

Have at it. :)

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It's not just Minnesotans, people in the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana talk like that too.

I am amused with Biden going 3rd person on himself. Reminds me of Rickey Henderson (only older hard core baseball fans will know what I'm talking about).

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...but I want to stab myself in the eye every time I hear her say "nuke-u-lar". Please, someone tell her. How do smart people do that? I've known some incredibly smart, successful people who say it that way, and I just don't get it.
And I agree with you 20th, the way she says certain words is driving me up the wall!

Same here. What's so difficult about saying 'noo-clee-air' instead of 'nook-you-ler'?

Her habit of saying "kinda" and "sorta" is irritating. Not only is it inprecise, it's too darn folksy-cute. Ya know what I mean? Doggone it, you betcha.

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Palin was looking at notes. I am not sure that is very presidential, but at least she has something to back up her thoughts. Better to have them, than look like a complete fool.

Anyhow, I thought Biden was awesome.

More importantly, I thought Gwen Ifill was fair and balanced with both candidates and didn't play partisan politics.

OMG who are all of these people rushing up on the stage. And that daughter carrying around her baby is just kinda weird.

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Palin was looking at notes. I am not sure that is very presidential, but at least she has something to back up her thoughts. Better to have them, than look like a complete fool.

Anyhow, I thought Biden was awesome.

More importantly, I thought Gwen Ifill was fair and balanced with both candidates and didn't play partisan politics.

OMG who are all of these people rushing up on the stage. And that daughter carrying around her baby is just kinda weird.

Their families.

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Reminds me of Rickey Henderson (only older hard core baseball fans will know what I'm talking about).

:lol: A buddy of mine does perfect Ricky-speak. Never fails to crack me up.

Those low expectations of Palin must be lower than I thought. She's not doing well. She's talking in circles, not answering questions, using bad syntax. She's not taking the shots at Biden she should be, because she doesn't have the knowledge. She continually undermines her own arguments. She has had no response on how McCain would do anything fundamentally differently than Bush. Biden needs to quit smirking. He's doing OK at attacking McCain and not her, but the smirky faces are bad form. It is really off-putting.

And, doggone it, I know this is horribly mean and petty, I'm about as tired of his dead wife and kids teary eyes as I am McCain was a POW and he can only lift his arms so high.

You betcha!

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I was wondering why Gwen Ifill (the moderator) was still sitting. Didn't know she was on crutches right now?

Does anyone know what happened to her?

Maybe someone tried to pull a Jeff Guilloly act in order for her not to be the moderator tonight since the excerpt in her book.

From a personal standpoint, the MILF did very well and talked about what she and McSame would do if elected. However, when you look at the debate with the discussion about policies , the MILF was steamrolled. Wasn't the strategy of the MILF before going into this debate to attack Obama? If it was, i didn't see much of that.

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Maybe someone tried to pull a Jeff Guilloly act in order for her not to be the moderator tonight since the excerpt in her book.

Probably Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh... I know the thought of a black man in the White House has them terrified.

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Well we all know Joe Biden had nothing to prove, except maybe that he could control himself, and not get off on a binge. Joe did exceptionally well, he stumbled only once when she countered him on what Mcclelland said today, Joe had no comeback. And the human part of Joe came out when it came to talking about the single parent thing. Not sure where he pulled the part out of where anyone insinuated that he didn't understand that position, and he had to pause to gather his emotions, but he rallied well after that.

Palin stumbled several times, and it seems she had to harp on the "putting his campaign on hold" crap three times, which she should have been coached to not even go there. But she held her own, but her threshold was pretty low to start with. She had more substance than I am sure a lot of people were expecting. The fact that she stood up and said everybody needed to take some personal responsibility in what is going on with the financial crisis. Whether is as Fannie or Freddie, people still bit off more than they could chew by choice. Mostly bad choices. I think she scored a home run with that line. Personal responsibility is huge.

No matter how good she did in this debate or not, does not change her limited experience. It may show she's a quick study, and not a total ditz. But at least it wasn't some orchestrated BS speech. She had notes, as well did Joe. She seemed to do well.

The Moderator did exceptionally well, kept control of the debate, and stuck to the format. She did a lot better than the Presidential Mod did. I was pleasantly surprised, she should do the next one, I don't care what book she's got out.

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The Moderator did exceptionally well, kept control of the debate, and stuck to the format. She did a lot better than the Presidential Mod did. I was pleasantly surprised, she should do the next one, I don't care what book she's got out.

Gwen always does a great job. I love her podcasts (I think it's This Week In Washington). She's knowledgeable, respectful, funny (how many news people can you say that about), and genuinely loves what she does.

I have been hearing about this book, but I doubt I will read it anyhow.

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Overall, pretty good. The expectations for Palin were set so low, that just being able to string two sentences together was a big boost for her.


1.) Thinking that you're the only one in America who has family "issues" and the fact that you are a "hockey mom" that raise you to a level higher than all others, including making you uniquely qualified to be VP. Joe Biden's response was genuine, and quite frankly he's had to deal with more serious family issues as a father. Hopefully, this will put to rest all the "I've got a special needs child!" and "I'm a mom!" garbage. And Wanda Sykes was right... if Palin gets into office - those kids are going to be carted off into day care, other care takers ASAP. Mommy has to work - just like all the other moms in America.

2.) Your claim that you like debates like this, because you're not "filtered" in the media. Couple of items here... a.) Catie Couric did not need to apply any filter. You can't even name any newspapers you read. How the hell is "the media" filtering your response - when you don't even give a response?! b.) This was a media event, moderated by a person in the media. You're idiot if you cannot understand that.

3.) Overuse of the word "Maverick." Is John McCain a maverick? Are you a maverick? Hey - why don't you tell us again! All fluff.

4.) That stupid snickering wink.

5.) Likes "less government" "equal rights" - but not for gay people. What a load of crap.


1.) Disappointed in his response about gay marriage. He's going to speak at HRC in DC this weekend! That'll go over well. Luckily, I am not an HRC fan, at all. When I hear those kind of responses from Democrats... I don't want to vote for them either, but they are definitely better than the Republican alternatives.

EDIT: Forget to answer the question: Biden won.

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2.) Your claim that you like debates like this, because you're not "filtered" in the media. Couple of items here... a.) Catie Couric did not need to apply any filter. You can't even name any newspapers you read. How the hell is "the media" filtering your response - when you don't even give a response?! b.) This was a media event, moderated by a person in the media. You're idiot if you cannot understand that.

3.) Overuse of the word "Maverick." Is John McCain a maverick? Are you a maverick? Hey - why don't you tell us again! All fluff.

I agree w/ you here... the media does not have to filter Palin... she makes a fool of herself on her own. I am so tired of that "evil liberal media" crap. It's getting so old. And of course the ones who complain about it the most are the folks on Fox News which makes them hypocrites since they are conservative media.

As for "maverick"... ok, it's a nickname, it's cute, and yes McCain is a bit of a maverick, but repeating it over and over makes it seem like you have nothing else good to say about him. It's like Bush and "resolve"... we get it Bush, America has RESOLVE... pick another word! :rolleyes:

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