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"Rock Star" Preachers and Pastors


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I love it actually, even though I am not a devout Christian or church-goer (and generally hold a high disdain for most ministers and churches). But, for all of Olsteen's criticism, he and Kirbyjohn and Rudy Rasmus have gotten me in church along with one or two other churches listed there. I am not a member of any of them (preferring to float in and out as I like as opposed to making a commitment to any one).

Anyhow, if folks like it, so much the better. There are a lot worse things in the world than rock-star ministers.

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What do y'all make of Chron.com's lead story today on "Rock Star" preachers and pastors? <_<


http://www.chron.com/channel/houstonbelief...Preachers_.html (slideshow)

This is just part of the reason that -- while Christian -- I don't attend church any more. :(

Well that was hella dumb.

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What do y'all make of Chron.com's lead story today on "Rock Star" preachers and pastors? <_<


http://www.chron.com/channel/houstonbelief...Preachers_.html (slideshow)

This is just part of the reason that -- while Christian -- I don't attend church any more. :(

I read through the comments on the chron blog and saw that one preacher nominated himself as a rock star.

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."-proverbs 16:18....that says it all on this subject. :o

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Well, my knee-jerk reaction is to liken it to that part in the old testament where the people of god's covenant were supposed to follow where god led them around, and they kept looking at the other nations and the semblance of security they seemed to enjoy under their rulers, and said, "look, god, we need some human peace of mind. we want a king more than we want to keep putting up with your way of showing things; the way our neighbors have is what's natural to us." and it is natural; we see ourselves in that. The only reason the new testament church doesn't reach the same point is that the bible stopped being written.

But we're just as human and unwilling to risk: you notice Jesus' ministry was to people whose faith was in the wrong part of religion. The thing Jesus offered in its place was something they regarded as even harder than being faithless - and the process of life described is more like being fellow servants (a concept we don't like to trust, as seen in our habits of stopping by when we feel like getting something out of a group 'service', which doesn't require actually letting go of any of our defenses). If your own strength ain't enough, the answer isn't to up the motivational attraction. Any element of celebrity in the equation has more to offer the well-composed than the weary. But just like the old testament, every generation has felt a need to take something that lacked the standard spotlights of effort-based manmade systems, and transform it into something charmingly easier to feel we understand on our own terms. In the process, we've made it (and almost its entire range of brands, from the nothing-goes to the anything-goes) indistinguishable from contrived human business-as-usual.

We still prefer to only be challenged in non-essential ways. Getting to have a substitute king means we don't have to face up to who we still are.

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My pastor, Rev. Marcus Cosby made the list, but not our founding pastor, Rev. William A. Lawson, save for a small mention in the blurb about Cosby. Rev. Lawson just turned 80, yet he still preaches around the world, gives charity, if you need help, he'll help you, visits you in the hospital (even in the late late hours), just about as unselfish as a person can get, none of that "GAWDT GONNA GIVE YOU MONEY!" type of preaching. Meanwhile, some of these megachurch pastors that made the list probably wouldn't even give the people that Rev. Lawson has gone out of his way to help the time of day. Besides Rudy Rasmus, when's the last time you've seen a megachurch pastor under the Pierce elevated giving out blankets or rides to a shelter on a cold night, or giving meals? They probably don't want their Bentlys to get scratched up by a homeless person leaning against it or something.

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My pastor, Rev. Marcus Cosby made the list, but not our founding pastor, Rev. William A. Lawson, save for a small mention in the blurb about Cosby. Rev. Lawson just turned 80, yet he still preaches around the world, gives charity, if you need help, he'll help you, visits you in the hospital (even in the late late hours), just about as unselfish as a person can get, none of that "GAWDT GONNA GIVE YOU MONEY!" type of preaching. Meanwhile, some of these megachurch pastors that made the list probably wouldn't even give the people that Rev. Lawson has gone out of his way to help the time of day. Besides Rudy Rasmus, when's the last time you've seen a megachurch pastor under the Pierce elevated giving out blankets or rides to a shelter on a cold night, or giving meals? They probably don't want their Bentlys to get scratched up by a homeless person leaning against it or something.

I really like Pastor Rudy. He's like an uncle or a cousin and it's preachy and condescending.

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I like "fire and brimstone" sermons...

Tell me where I can get some good, direct, honest-to-God (pun intended :lol: ), no-holds barred non/PC raw Christianity.

That's where I want to go to church!

I don't like "Christianity Lite". That's what my church has turned into.

I like in-your-face, "you're going to hell if you break God's law" Church! :lol:

Edited by Disastro
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Here's one I did not see on the "rock star" list...


Wasn't he caught in some kind of scandal a few years back?

I've tried searching the internet, but I cannot find any information (will dig more). Maybe I am wrong...

Yes, he's another.

Had an affair or 'something' with another man ... I think it was caught on phone calls and everything. I had family members that attended that church and I have been a few times myself.

I heard about 1/2 his congregation left and of course he went through the requisite 'counseling' (laughable in my book and I couldn't care less if he sleeps with men or women, just be up front about it --oh yeah ... and don't cheat on your ... WIFE if you also happen to be married).

It was a mess.

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