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Mardi Gras Dallas

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No, this is a DFW SUBFORUM on a Houston based forum. Just keep it in perspective. And remember to be respectful when you visit someone's house. If not then you will get your ass handed to you. This thread has 'flame war' written all over it and should be closed immidiately.

If it wasn't for you guys up there always feeling the need to glamorize the lamest and most ordinary buildings, things and events going on in DFW (things that could not possibly impress anyone that lives in a city with over 50,000 people in it or anyone over 21 years old) so that you can get Houstonians approval about whether it is good or bad, then I personally would never hear about anything going on in DFW. I mean this silly victory event didn't exactly make the national headlines, did it. Neither did the victory plaza New Year's Eve, BTW.

We have our own local faux mardi gras event which is more established and looks like a lot more fun. It runs over several days and attracts about 250,000 visitors. Why would anyone in Houston care about dallas mardi gras. N.O. mardi gras, yes, Galveston, O.K., but dallas? Give me a break.

So people in dallas can now congrigate and walk around in circles under a bunch of tacky jumbotrons near downtown and look stupid. How is this relevant to Houston? It isn't.

Now go away.

Now now Mister X that was a little harsh. It's funny as hell but harsh! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by C2H
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Seems to me that Mardi Gras would work FAR better on Greenville Ave. Victory is a bit too sterile for a Mardi Gras (for my tastes, anyway). But, if Dallasites enjoyed it, more power to them. It's not like any Houstonians would go to a Mardi Gras in a largely Protestant city, when we have a 250,000 spectator one 50 miles away, and the granddaddy right down I-10. So, let 'em enjoy their Mardi Gras. Let 'em even brag about it. Doesn't hurt us any.
Now that I think about it......This event probably would have a better feel on lower greenville considering the setup being the closest thing to a Bourbon Street atmosphere.....but since the city chose Victory park...I think that as the years go on it can develop its own personality...and it will have a different feel from the traditional Mardi Gras set up....therefore we create our own authentic cutural experience.
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Now that I think about it......This event probably would have a better feel on lower greenville considering the setup being the closest thing to a Bourbon Street atmosphere.....but since the city chose Victory park...I think that as the years go on it can develop its own personality...and it will have a different feel from the traditional Mardi Gras set up....therefore we create our own authentic cutural experience.

Maybe there just weren't enough surface parking lots on Lower Greenville. ;-)

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No, this is a DFW SUBFORUM on a Houston based forum. Just keep it in perspective. And remember to be respectful when you visit someone's house. If not then you will get your ass handed to you. This thread has 'flame war' written all over it and should be closed immidiately.

Now go away.

Mister X, you owe me an apology - I posted nothing that deserved your self-serving lecture. As a registered member of HAIF, I have every right to post here as you or anyone else - thanks for not forgetting that.

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Mister X, I promise there's medication you can take for that problem. You seriouslyneed counseling (as will be evident by your response to this post). I've never seen anyone else get as fired up and as angry as you over words on a screen.

The Victory Park Mardis Gras was pretty good for a first time around. Having lived in New Orleans for three years (Pre-Katrina) I know what the real thing looks like, and this one parade by no means is worthy of comparison. However, Mystiqal is further evidence that Victory Park is continuously being programmed for activities that draw crowds for events other than Stars or Mavericks games, and the rich. . .a sentiment expressed all too often on HAIF by people who don't know any better and/or whose sole purpose is to diminish what Victory Park is on its way to becoming.

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Dallasscaper, If you think you are getting an apology from me, then you are the one who needs medication. If I offended you by accident, then I truly couldn't be happier. Guess you will just have to figure out a way to deal with it.

As someone who checks the 'view new posts' button often, you can expect a 'lecture' everytime I read that insecure dribble coming from the north. Thank YOU for remembering that.

dallas mardi gras :lol::lol::lol:

Looks like I struck a nerve with that 214/713 character. I love it. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of Houston! You babies came here to get Houstonians opinion about dallass, and you got one. Don't like it? Too bad.

And finally, to dallasboi, I can't stop you from wasting everyone's time by starting threads that offer absolutely no relevance to anything happening in Houston, AND threads that are sure to be deleted at some point by a moderator, but I am just as free as you and your two buddies (scaper and 214) to voice an opinion over the 'news'. So get over yourself. You should really be learning what to expect by now when you let a city of over 2 million people know about something as lame as 'dallas mardi gras'. Why not report your dallas news in a Chicago or New York forum. You would be laughed off those forums even quicker than haif.

I don't know how my words could possibly read as if I'm angry about anything. Watching you dallas guys go ga-ga over my humble words is pure delight to me. I couldn't be happier.


Edited by Mister X
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Dallasscaper, If you think you are getting an apology from me, then you are the one who needs medication. If I offended you by accident, then I truly couldn't be happier. Guess you will just have to figure out a way to deal with it.

As someone who checks the 'view new posts' button often, you can expect a 'lecture' everytime I read that insecure dribble coming from the north. Thank YOU for remembering that.

dallas mardi gras :lol::lol::lol:

Looks like I struck a nerve with that 214/713 character. I love it. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of Houston! You babies came here to get Houstonians opinion about dallass, and you got one. Don't like it? Too bad.

I don't know how my words could possibly read as if I'm angry about anything. Watching you dallas guys go ga-ga over my humble words is pure delight to me. I couldn't be happier.



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If 35,000 people turned up for any festival around here, it would go out of existence immediately, not be touted on the news. They get more than that for the Heights Festival, for God's sake.

And the "more established" argument doesn't really work, either. The Galveston celebration had laid dormant for decades, when they decided to revive it in the 80s. The turnout was immediately so large, they began to look for ways to scale it back -- including the controversial admission fee. Even with lame-o rules like that, it still has remained a big event -- though one that I'm not really interested in anymore.

If Dallas wants to "create its own authentic culture" (whatever that means) they should at least aim a little higher than this. I really can't imagine anything less authentic or less interesting than the description put forth by their own PR machine in that "news story".

Houston is not without sin in this arena, either. We've tried to recreate the NYC NYE party, dropping various icons from buildings that face public squares downtown a couple of times. It happens every few years or so to crowds of about 35,000. The difference is that organizers are usually embarrassed by the turnout.

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Thanks for the link - holding Mardi Gras events since the 1860's...that's impressive. I don't know if the Dallas Mardi Gras event will ever be that big of a deal, but 35K for its first run is a start. The question is whether Dallas sticks to holding a Mardi Gras event every year, letting it grow into something big, or does the event die on the vine.

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I don't know if the Dallas Mardi Gras event will ever be that big of a deal, but 35K for its first run is a start. The question is whether Dallas sticks to holding a Mardi Gras event every year, letting it grow into something big, or does the event die on the vine.

Oh, it's well on its way. I read in the Dallas Morning News that they are already planning to build a Victory Sambadrome.


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As someone who checks the 'view new posts' button often, you can expect a 'lecture' everytime I read that insecure dribble coming from the north. Thank YOU for remembering that.

Then please do all us Houstonians on HAIF a favor and stop clicking your "View New Posts" button. It's one thing to poke a little fun at our neighbors to the north. It's another to attempt to lecture a complete stranger over the internet on how allegedly insecure they are for something so mundane.

Its posts like yours that close threads.

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Dallasscaper, If you think you are getting an apology from me, then you are the one who needs medication. If I offended you by accident, then I truly couldn't be happier. Guess you will just have to figure out a way to deal with it.

As someone who checks the 'view new posts' button often, you can expect a 'lecture' everytime I read that insecure dribble coming from the north. Thank YOU for remembering that.

dallas mardi gras :lol::lol::lol:

Looks like I struck a nerve with that 214/713 character. I love it. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of Houston! You babies came here to get Houstonians opinion about dallass, and you got one. Don't like it? Too bad.

And finally, to dallasboi, I can't stop you from wasting everyone's time by starting threads that offer absolutely no relevance to anything happening in Houston, AND threads that are sure to be deleted at some point by a moderator, but I am just as free as you and your two buddies (scaper and 214) to voice an opinion over the 'news'. So get over yourself. You should really be learning what to expect by now when you let a city of over 2 million people know about something as lame as 'dallas mardi gras'. Why not report your dallas news in a Chicago or New York forum. You would be laughed off those forums even quicker than haif.

I don't know how my words could possibly read as if I'm angry about anything. Watching you dallas guys go ga-ga over my humble words is pure delight to me. I couldn't be happier.


Cool your jets. For the last time, take the personal insults off to PM.

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Well, just like everyone I only come here to have a little fun. I will cool my jets. We certainly wouldn't want the dallas guys to not have a forum in which to brag about mundane things. I promise you guys are taking all this much more serious than I am.

BTW, if I am responsible for having another POINTLESS dallas bragging thread closed then I would consider the time spent spreading my opinions here a complete success.

But, out of respect for Subdude (someone who I almost always agree with) I will cool my jets before I give someone in dallass a heart attack and get myself banned for life.


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I guess I don't understand that unless you're looking to start a flame war, why would anyone who didn't care about or like Dallas of DFW even visit and comment on the Dallas thread? I never visit the El Paso one. Not that I don't like El Paso, I'm just not interested in what goes on there. When I lived in Houston and was considering moving to Dallas, I used the DFW thread as a way to find out what was going on there. I thought that was what the thread was for, so I wouldn't find it odd that the Mardi Gras event would be posted here. I visit the Austin thread now that a good friend of mine from Houston has moved there and I visit the city often. I guess if Houstonites don't want to know about Dallas, yet feel compelled to visit this thread, only to get angered by it, I would suggest to the administrators that it and all other city threads be removed as I've seen the same thing a few times on the Austin thread.

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Not that I give a rats arse, but Galveston Mardi Gras is the entire Islandl. People from Stewart Beach to Sea Isle get into the groove. Not just a single pedistrian zone like you saw in Dallas.

We have a down shack in Jamacia Beach and many neighbors even light up their houses Marid Gras style. My wife and inlaws are down there today for the Fat Tuesday parade.

It ain't Mardi Gras without a Fat Tuesday parade.

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Well, Troyboy it is possible to make announcements about mundane dallas projects without inviting hostile opinion if you wanted to. Just look at threads that Jeppson (or whoever) starts. It's usually all rediculous dallas info - but no b.s. It may be completely irrelevant to the main point of this website, (that being Houston) but informative without inviting hostility.

But this (and most) threads about stuff in dallas is usually followed by B.S. such as 'no game to blame the crowds on'. Sure, that's not exactly insulting (nor relevant to) the city of Houston, but it isn't exactly a post that was made just to inform. It was also made to incite some hostile reaction. Some people are impressed by the news that 35,000 people showed up at victory park one night, but others (including me) were not. If you come here to get some reaction by someone who lives in Houston, and you get it, but don't like it. That's too bad.

It's pretty stupid to come to a Houston based website to gather info about dallas anyway. That doesn't even make sense. There are probably hundreds of websites that specialize in informing the public about buildings, events, ect, that just tell it like it is. On the DFW section at Haif, everything going on in dallas is either over glamorized or trashed. But let's face it, anything posted in the DFW section is put there because the poster is craving some reaction by Houstonians. Why anyone feels a need to do that is beyond me. I would never run up to dallasmetropolis.com and start a thread about the Westhimer arts festival, or a new 30 story building going up. I wouldn't care if people who visit dallas forum knew about those things or not. But hey, that's just me. I also wouldn't go on that website and start dissing the dallasonians or the rest of the metroprarie. That would just be a sign of bad breeding and low class behavior. But, if these prariegoobers (just poking fun) keep starting up new topics in order to brag about jumbotrons, then I don't feel too obligated to accomodate their fragile egos.

But, I will TRY to cool it with the personal insults, hard as that may be.

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Isn't that something of an oxymoron? It's fun to sit on the sidelines and watch these pissing contests, but where both Dallas and Houston go wrong is when they try to outdo each other, or best each other, or make a pathetic attempt to emulate other cities. Both cities do best when they look inward and play up their individual strengths. Cities should develop on their own, organically, and not go for cheap canned imitation experiences from somewhere else. That's the kind of thing that make people outside our cities laugh at us.

Nobody is in a position to laugh at Dallas or Houston. I don't see Dallas trying to outdo anyone; they are trying to fill a calendar with fun events. Trying to create dozens of 'organic' events all year long is impossible even for NYC or Chicago; even they borrow heavily from other places. New Orleans is famous for its Mardi Gras, but did they invent it, or did they borrow Mardi Gras from someplace else? Cities are always borrowing, except Groundhog Day, which Punxsutawney probably has to itself, but I don

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