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La Maison River Oaks Apartments At 2727 Revere St.

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Merge if a dupe. Came up w/ nothin on the search.

Zom Living > Zom Projects > Projects Under Development


They also did the Bel Air


Location - I didn't realize this was so close to 2727 and the other one down the street. The name of it slips my mind.

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"The foundation is being laid for the 423-unit Le Maison on Revere, a $90-million project for the River Oaks submarket."


"It is ZOM Inc.'s second in Greater Houston--and a third one with another 250 units on the drawing boards for the Galleria area."
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Another quote for his third development in the Galleria:

Stephens says ZOM will do the same thing to get its third Houston project into the Galleria submarket. He says the closing for the existing apartment complex should occur late in the first quarter. The plan is to start scraping the three-acre site around midyear.

Anyone know where this 3-acre complex may be?

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It looks like they had to tear down some residential to build this. Here's the dated google map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=4615+Post+Oa...c=addr&om=1

What did they tear down? Were they townhomes or apartments?

This looks like it's going to be huge, it's such a big piece of land.

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This does look like a nice place. I've been seeing it going up when looking at 2727 Kirby going up, and I noticed: "Hey! there's more going up right behind it!" Kinda shot up in the shadows... 2727 and West Ave have been stealing all the attention in this area, so that's maybe why we haven't had much talk about it.

This place is supposed to be a New Orleans / Louisiana / Southern type style of architecture? Yes?

I've been seeing these little apartment midrise type places rapidly appearing, at least 5 near me alone. All with a lot of units which I'm wondering will they get filled? So many new residences all coming up at one time.

It is notable that all these new little places are quite nice on the inside, top dollar as far as looks go. Hopefully they stay maintained as such in the years to come.

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  • The title was changed to La Maison River Oaks Apartments At 2727 Revere St.

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