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houstontiger last won the day on June 13 2010

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  1. I think even something on the scale and glitz of the flagship store in Austin would fail in this location - this was a real head-scratcher to me from the very beginning. There is no market for this type of store here, at least not right now, and the nearby WF's serve to only cannibalize what little market this thing has... that said, I have no doubt that dropping this store in the Waugh location and it'd be a huge success. I fear this WF will be gone in 12 months unless the foot traffic in the overall BLVD place development picks up exponentially, like on the scale of City Centre.
  2. Is something replacing the current Willie G's on Post Oak? This little stretch of Uptown is getting crammed with towers.
  3. I'm pretty sure I saw survey guys on the property this morning, right by the Verizon store.
  4. All of the recent and planned residential development in the area follows a similar pattern, i.e. gated and completely closed off from the surrounding community, although on a much smaller scale in comparison to this Hines project. I can't really blame developers at this point because they are the first movers in this area and there is literally NO immediate neighborhood that homebuyers would want to interact with. If this brownfield to residential redevelopment trend continues, it would be such a tragedy to be left with dozens of similar style developments, completely cutoff from each other, islands to themselves, especially when you have the polar opposite in a 60 year old neighborhood immediately to the east.
  5. This is a bit of old news, but I couldn't find any discussion of it on HAIF, or really anywhere for that matter. Does anyone have any more information on this development? http://www.hines.com/press/releases/10813.aspx
  6. Seems like an odd location, that area is not very accessible
  7. Not to get back on-topic or anything, but did anyone else happen to see the LA Fitness tent up at the Studemont Kroger a couple days ago? I didn't have a chance to stop but I would imagine it has something to do with this development.
  8. For what it's worth - I had a conversation with a Chevron employee who just moved into my apartment complex this weekend, he was just transferred in from CA office. He seemed to be aware of the new tower...
  9. Given its proximity to their HQ, my guess is that it's for Apache employees. Southwestern Energy did something similar recently by raffling off several CNG cars to employees, I wonder if Apache is doing the same? Edit: Bingo http://www.apachecorp.com/News/Articles/View_Article.aspx?Article.ItemID=2905
  10. There is quite a bit of on street parking on Memorial Heights drive, which is a short walk to the pedestrian bridge running by Studemont.
  11. Looks like the Dallas location has a 54 hole mini-golf course... and a nice one at that. Just wish it was a little close into town.
  12. Westheimer at River Oaks Blvd... this light is agonizingly long for no apparent reason. Very frustrating when heading east on Westheimer getting stopped at Buff. Speedway, then this stupid light just a block away.
  13. I doubt they are remodeling as the complex is less than 2 years old... I'm just trying to think where this could probably go? Maybe on that Interfin lot that's on the NW corner of Weslalyan & W. Alabama?
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