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My dreams are forgotten upon waking. Why is that?

Too many rock concerts? hee hee

Once I was so cotton mouth/thirsty that I dreamt I was clawing at a soda machine for a coca-cola. Finally busting it open and slamming down about 5-6 ice chilling cold drinks!

Another time I was real, real hungry and dream't I ordered a hamburger/large fries at Drive thru restuarant and as the waitress brought the food I yanked it from her and started devouring it like madness! Woke up an surprised pillow was intact.lol :blush:

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I've heard (or read somewhere) that to know if you are asleep or dreaming (I guess if you have REALLY vivid dreams) is to read something. If you can read it you are not dreaming. If you cannot read it (like the letters are backwards or in Russian .. or Alien) then you are dreaming.

As if EYE want to read anything in a dream!

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Do any of you experience sleep paralysis? It's only happened to me about five times ever. The most recent was a little over a week ago. It's when your brain wakes up before your body does. You're lying there fully aware of your surroundings, but can't move. You're paralyzed. It's scary, especially when you don't know what it is.

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Do any of you experience sleep paralysis? It's only happened to me about five times ever. The most recent was a little over a week ago. It's when your brain wakes up before your body does. You're lying there fully aware of your surroundings, but can't move. You're paralyzed. It's scary, especially when you don't know what it is.

Yes, but my doctor said I'd actually been abducted by aliens.


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How was Sonny Bono ever as popular as he was with this voice of his?


I mean, I like him, but still.

I like this song.

He was clearly the bad (singer) part of the team, however; he was such a charming and funny guy no one cared. The TV shows proved his zaniness and quick wit. I sort of hated how she always insulted him on the show as the norm or part of the act but he went along with it for the laughs. She had become pretty obnoxious by mid 70's. (See reruns if possible)

At his funeral service/eulogy, Cher spoke for quite an extended period of how he made it possible for her to become a big star. This is true. He was older and more experienced in the business and she was just a kid as she puts it. Had it not been for him she never would have made it.

"So let them say your hair's too long

'Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong"

I Got You babe! :D

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I wish TV Land still showed reruns of the series.

Old variety shows from the '70s and '60s are my latest fixation. Every Saturday I record Lawrence Welk on PBS. And it's not to make fun of it, though I do that a little bit; I have a genuine fondness for these types of shows. The music's fun, the sets and costumes are colorful, it's a cheery atmosphere, it's clean entertainment; they all seem oblivious to the world's problems. It's a whole other world. You'd never see this type of show on TV nowadays unless it were a spoof. This is good stuff!

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I wish TV Land still showed reruns of the series.

Old variety shows from the '70s and '60s are my latest fixation. Every Saturday I record Lawrence Welk on PBS. And it's not to make fun of it, though I do that a little bit; I have a genuine fondness for these types of shows. The music's fun, the sets and costumes are colorful, it's a cheery atmosphere, it's clean entertainment; they all seem oblivious to the world's problems. It's a whole other world. You'd never see this type of show on TV nowadays unless it were a spoof. This is good stuff!

You got all the above correct! People weren't trying to pretend that there were bad events going on around the world, you just had to continue enjoying life here at home. We were lucky that (we kids) got the chance to see TV in it's real heyday. Just last night on PBS they had a special "Pioneers of Television"


You should have seen it! Described how certain shows were created and what barriers people had to go through to even have a chance to make it in TV. Desi Arnaz was almost turned away because of his Cuban ancestry!? Lucille Ball persisted and won. Rest is TV history.

You should check out the Norma Lear comedies. Almost everyone was a hit! All In the Family, The Jefferson's, Maude, etc. The transition from the more innocent 60's to the liberated 70's is evident but done in hilarity. You can still buy many at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


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You got all the above correct! People weren't trying to pretend that there were bad events going on around the world, you just had to continue enjoying life here at home. We were lucky that (we kids) got the chance to see TV in it's real heyday. Just last night on PBS they had a special "Pioneers of Television"


You should have seen it! Described how certain shows were created and what barriers people had to go through to even have a chance to make it in TV. Desi Arnaz was almost turned away because of his Cuban ancestry!? Lucille Ball persisted and won. Rest is TV history.

So funny you mentioned that. I saw it on the schedule and set my DVR to record it! I was going to watch it last night when I got into bed, but I got sleepy. Maybe tonight.

You should check out the Norma Lear comedies. Almost everyone was a hit! All In the Family, The Jefferson's, Maude, etc. The transition from the more innocent 60's to the liberated 70's is evident but done in hilarity. You can still buy many at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

I occasionly watch "Good Times", also a Norman Lear show, or "Sanford & Son".

"Good Times" is entertaining for the audience reactions alone.

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Couldn't beat Jay Ward's famous characters either!

I always liked the bad guys, Boris & Natasha. The Russian accents were hysterical. "Must get moose and squirrel". The narrator was equally hilarious. Kids never understood shtick or the underlying adult humor jokes but they got away with it.

Fractured Fairy Tales was a farce or parodity of real childrens stories but with a hip, twisted turn. Fun days. I can still hear the funny theme music.




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"Dried nasal mucus (vulgarly or colloquially called "snot", "booger(s)", "boogie(s)" (US) or "bogey" (UK)) is partially solidified mucus from the nose. Dried nasal mucus forms when the mucus traps dust and other particles in the air. Mucus dries around the particle and hardens, somewhat like a pearl forming in an oyster."



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I don't leave my car running while pumping the gas, but I do use my cell phone. A few weeks ago I was witness to a women tearing into this guy because he was smoking at the gas station, she was telling him he is going to be responsible for killing hundreds when the place blows up and takes out the neighborhood. Could an exploding gas station really take out a neighborhood? I don't think so, I think it would take a refinary explosion. Although I do think the woman was right to yell at him, who smokes while pumping gas?

When it comes to dogs and cats, what makes a better pet, the females or males? The only dog I ever had was a female, and the only cat I ever had was a male, and he was mean, not to me, but he was a mean cat. Anyways, a friend of mine has a dog that had puppies, and I was offered one, except that all the female puppies are spoken for. I was just wondering if there is much of a difference between having a female or male pet, if they've been spayed and neutered.

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Does anyone keep their car running while filling up on gas? I know the pumps say not to, but my dad always does it and he hasn't blown up, yet :)

I do pretty often without even giving it a second thought.

have you ever known a mouse to sqeak as it passed by you?

The other night I was watching a dvd and this insane mouse runs slowly withing view and stops and squeaks? I thought that was just in cartoons? Wonder if it was trying to communicate or say something?

Not familiar with mouse speak. I didn't have time to throw anything at him or her. Mouse pellets are good they chew on and blow up. Once I saw my cat with a mouse tail hanging out of his mouth. That was quite peculiar to say the least. :blink:

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I don't leave my car running while pumping the gas, but I do use my cell phone. A few weeks ago I was witness to a women tearing into this guy because he was smoking at the gas station, she was telling him he is going to be responsible for killing hundreds when the place blows up and takes out the neighborhood. Could an exploding gas station really take out a neighborhood? I don't think so, I think it would take a refinary explosion. Although I do think the woman was right to yell at him, who smokes while pumping gas?

I never leave the car running, for one thing I kinda' see it as silly to waste gas while pumping in gas. While this is a pretty poor metaphor, it's like peeing while drinking beer.

I might be needing a new cat soon, mine is about ready to take a permanent nap soon if it doesn't adjust its attitude. she's 16 years old, though. I guess even old cats get cranky.

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If it's pretty cold or fiery hot I will leave the car running. I hate having to get the temperature back to where it was before I started pumping gas.

That's the only reason I'd want to keep it running. So when it's cold, I can wait inside while it's fillin up.

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You know, I'm VERY disappointed by the new thrill shows they're having at Reliant these days. I remember the thrill show of the old days and they were fun, now it looks like they're all about the monster trucks. I'm still going tomorrow (saturday), but I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed.

I want a demolition derby!

And I'm NOT talking about the houston Highways.

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You know, I'm VERY disappointed by the new thrill shows they're having at Reliant these days. I remember the thrill show of the old days and they were fun, now it looks like they're all about the monster trucks. I'm still going tomorrow (saturday), but I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed.

I want a demolition derby!

And I'm NOT talking about the houston Highways.

Once I went with my uncle and male cousins to one of those things in the Astrodome. After the show we went around and picked dirt off the tires of the trucks to save a souvenirs. For years I had some dirt off the Grave Digger saved in a Zip Lock bag.

I don't think I enjoyed the whole thing all that much; I just sort of made myself enjoy it because they were enjoying it. It was too loud.

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Once I went with my uncle and male cousins to one of those things in the Astrodome. After the show we went around and picked dirt off the tires of the trucks to save a souvenirs. For years I had some dirt off the Grave Digger saved in a Zip Lock bag.

I don't think I enjoyed the whole thing all that much; I just sort of made myself enjoy it because they were enjoying it. It was too loud.

Well, I'm going in with an open mind and have a few beers. But I miss the old days at the dome when you had some guy jumping cars, or the Joe Chetwood team doing car tricks, AND having a Demolition derby. If i remember correctly, they had 3 matches. The circle of tow trucks alone was impressive.

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