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Kroger At 1035 N. Shepherd Dr.


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Funny how just about a year ago, people were commenting on the lack of Starbucks and now they are popping up everywhere (still have 1, maybe 2 opening in Sawyer Heights). Resistance is futile you will be assimilated...

Edited by houstonray
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all the more perplexing because their coffee is really foul.

It has the benefit of being consistent. McDonald's didn't get huge by offering better burgers than the local steakhouse. They got to be big by offering a known product with consistent quality. The masses fear change.

When I go I mostly get the iced tea lemonade, which has the benefit of being only $1.97 for a large. And in the fall and winter there's nothing finer than a carmel apple cider. They'll make it all year round if you ask them to.

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It has the benefit of being consistent. McDonald's didn't get huge by offering better burgers than the local steakhouse. They got to be big by offering a known product with consistent quality. The masses fear change.

When I go I mostly get the iced tea lemonade, which has the benefit of being only $1.97 for a large. And in the fall and winter there's nothing finer than a carmel apple cider. They'll make it all year round if you ask them to.

agreed. and to be fair, not all of their beverages are foul (just the coffees). i like their passion fruit iced tea (sometimes mixed w/ apple juice).

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all the more perplexing because their coffee is really foul.

With the new superautos that they have been busy deploying they've shifted to mostly mediocre in my book. Still, they're consistent and people know what they're getting before they get in the door most times. Most people love that.

At least with the La Marzoccos that they used to have you could, from time to time, find an almost good latte (though it was more miss than hit).

Edited by takeshi
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With the new superautos that they have been busy deploying they've shifted to mostly mediocre in my book. Still, they're consistent and people know what they're getting before they get in the door most times. Most people love that.

At least with the La Marzoccos that they used to have you could, from time to time, find an almost good latte (though it was more miss than hit).

is it just my tastebuds? i always find sb's coffee to taste bitter, burnt, and way too strong.

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no, I agree...i think starbucks like their beans super roasted..

i prefer the coffee at greenberry's (on w. alabama)....great coffee if you haven't tried it..

i'll have to try them out the next time i am 'in the city' ... out here on lower 1960 there are not a lot of choices for coffee (which i don't drink a lot of anyhow) 'cept mcdonald's and starbucks ...

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No offense to Seagram, but I don't understand why this is news.

That there is a new starbucks is probably not the the news. The news is likely the continued influx of new development into an area that is currently quite run down.

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is it just my tastebuds? i always find sb's coffee to taste bitter, burnt, and way too strong.

It's not just your tastebuds. Starbucks does not want you buying their regular cup of the day coffee. They would prefer that you spend a few bucks more on the fun stuff...mochas, lattes etc. Thus their regular stuff/lower priced cup of the day does not appeal to most.

Edited by MiDTOWNeR
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It's not just your tastebuds. Starbucks does not want you buying their regular cup of the day coffee. They would prefer that you spend a few bucks more on the fun stuff...mochas, lattes etc. Thus their regular stuff/lower priced cup of the day does not appeal to most.


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It's not just your tastebuds. Starbucks does not want you buying their regular cup of the day coffee. They would prefer that you spend a few bucks more on the fun stuff...mochas, lattes etc. Thus their regular stuff/lower priced cup of the day does not appeal to most.

That makes total sense. When you think about it, adding whip cream or some steamed milk doesn't cost them very much, but it sure jacks up the price for the consumer.

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It's not just your tastebuds. Starbucks does not want you buying their regular cup of the day coffee. They would prefer that you spend a few bucks more on the fun stuff...mochas, lattes etc. Thus their regular stuff/lower priced cup of the day does not appeal to most.

Funny you mention that... It's quite true. However, there are stores (here in Houston) that do more transactions per hour and don't make nearly the money that another store would with less transactions. These stores are known as "Drip Stores." There are a few floating around here and there and you can tell them by the amount of Bunn Brewers on the counter. Over on Mason Rd., they have a "Drip Line" with four Bunns directly behind the register just for all the people who want drip coffee. These stores hardly sell espresso drinks and they rarely receive the honor of "Million Dollar Store." ^_^

I dunno, I tend not to care for the regular beans we carry. Our espresso is tempermental too. If it's not "just right," it's crap. I'm sure more people than I can count have had the pleasure of a bad shot. But the Blue Apron coffee, generally, is really awesome coffee.

Barista, out.

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  • 10 months later...
Yesterday the manager at Krogers on 11th told me that they are adding 25,000 sq. ft. to the store. Construction is to begin after the first of the year with a construction time of 4 to 5 months.

So they're expanding into the vacant space next door? If that's the case, it shouldn't interfere too much with current operations until it's time to move into the new, built-out space. That's good news, as that's the store we do most of our grocery shopping at. Although my wife is practically salivating at the prospect of an HEB at Northline. :)

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Yesterday the manager at Krogers on 11th told me that they are adding 25,000 sq. ft. to the store. Construction is to begin after the first of the year with a construction time of 4 to 5 months.

Kewl... that's our food store. :-) I can't believe people go to the Kroger up on 19th or 20th or whatever... the one on 11th is SO much nicer!

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So...the question is...has the neighborhood demographic changed enough that the revamped Kroger will have a live sushi chef? :lol:

I can actually name plenty - and I'm talking 15 to 20 - couples in the Heights that currently drive all the way to West Gray Kroger, or Central Market, because they think the existing 11th street Kroger is "dirty".

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So...the question is...has the neighborhood demographic changed enough that the revamped Kroger will have a live sushi chef? :lol:

I can actually name plenty - and I'm talking 15 to 20 - couples in the Heights that currently drive all the way to West Gray Kroger, or Central Market, because they think the existing 11th street Kroger is "dirty".

Really? I personally think the one up on 20th street is small and a bit dirty... but I really like the one on 11th, that's the one my bf and I shop at all of the time since it's closest to our house. Central Market is really nice, but a bit too expensive. We only go there occasionally.

I bet the soon to be revamped Kroger on 11th will do something nice in some way to accomodate the changing demographic in the Heights... I guess we will see.

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Ha, y'all beat me to it! I was in Kroger today asked one of the managers about the space next door and if they had plans to expand and was told the same thing. I can't say how excited we are. We are one of the couples that drives to West Gray store as well. I asked what kind of "Signature" they had planned and he said something along the lines of West Gray and 43rd.

He also said that now was a good time to flood Kroger corporate website with requests for what kind of things we want to see in our new store. They are in the design phase now....

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What? This is the first I've heard of that...

It's been rumored for a while, but I'm not sure if anything definite has ever been confirmed. There's a lot of new commercial space under construction there now as part of the overall revamp of the mall, and there's certainly room for a grocery store, but it would be competing with the huge Fiesta just up the road on Airline. There will probably be more redevelopment as the bus rapid transit/light rail line from downtown to Northline is built - according to today's paper, construction is scheduled to begin this summer and will be completed in 2012.

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Am I the only one who would prefer a West University type Signature store to a W.Grey/43rd type?

Kroger, if you're going to do it, don't do it halfway...

To tell the truth, I don't want a store like that one. We used to shop there when we lived in Montrose and it's a pain in the rear! You can't just run in for eggs and bread b/c they are on complete opposite ends of a huge store. I don't need what amounts to a mini-Big Lots in the middle of my grocery store, either. Am I really going to pick up a bunch of cookware and patio furniture at the grocery store? Their natural foods section is nice, but the one on W Gray actually has as much of a selection, if not more. If you take out all the housewares, the two stores are almost the same in terms of food.

But I like that you think big :P

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Really? I personally think the one up on 20th street is small and a bit dirty... but I really like the one on 11th, that's the one my bf and I shop at all of the time since it's closest to our house. Central Market is really nice, but a bit too expensive. We only go there occasionally.

I bet the soon to be revamped Kroger on 11th will do something nice in some way to accomodate the changing demographic in the Heights... I guess we will see.

Yeah.. the one on W. Gray has much prettier people too. :D Where do all the pretty people in the Heights shop?

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Yeah.. the one on W. Gray has much prettier people too. :D Where do all the pretty people in the Heights shop?

We go to the Fiesta at 14th Street. We go through the secret door next to the meat section, where they have a brand new, clean store, full of fresh produce and exotic foods. All of us beautiful people shop there.

Don't tell anyone.

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