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Weirdest Thing(s) You've Seen


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I think I've mentioned this here before, but about five years ago I saw a woman at a bus stop near Highland Village, she got up off the bench, walked to the middle of the sidewalk, lifted her dress above her knees, squated and peed. It was at a busy intersection, I was in the passenger seat watching this take place and it was like it was happening in slow motion. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's still kind of a blur.

Also at a busy intersection, a large woman in a bathing suit, sunbathing on a grassy median in Beverly Hills.


I've seen a body on the banks of a river. Because it was half in, and half out of the water, different parts of the body were in different stages of decomposition. When the local police tried to pull her out by her hands, the body started coming apart like over-boiled chicken. Pretty gross.

Why would you stand there and watch that? It would have traumatized me.

Shoot. And I like it when chicken falls apart.

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Ok brace yourselves, cause this one has freaked me out for the last 3 days! This is a good one.

My friend owns a bar outside of downtown. So on Sunday it rained like hell and was really dead. The only people in there were me and some other girls. A guy comes in and sits at the bar. The owner was outside talking on his cell phone next to this blue Explorer. He came inside with the whitest face and told us girls to come outside to see something. We looked at the car and every window was covered in roaches and flies!!!! The entire inside of the car was infested with thousands of them.

We realized the guy was sitting at the bar like a freak of nature, uh silence of the lambs type stuff man! So he pays and leaves. We alll watched in horror as the dude opens the car door and they all started spilling out! This doesn't even phase the mofo! He gets in starts the car with roaches crawling all over him and drives away!

I am scarred for life!!! Anyone know a good therapist?

I think I know that bar.

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I have seen feces in the sink basin of a public restroom at a shopping mall. Makes me wonder how the person did it, did he climb up or did he scoop it up and put it there. Doesn't make any sense in either case.

I've had a nasty spring this year. In addition to the Nortel Motel ("When they check in, you can't call out!", as our telecom manager said) we also had someone smear a lot of human feces around the walls, door handle, handrail, and floor of a stairwell.

Clearly not an accident, clearly not an animal. We found a goopy wooden skewer, but someone had to handle the stuff with their hands to do what we saw.

You know, maybe I'd better go back to Houston Mod and Historic Houston. Disgusting things seem to happen to me, and I'm all too happy to tell people about them... <_<


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These hotel stories didn't happen to me, but were told to me by the eyewitnesses:

1) My cousin used to work at a Hobby Airport area hotel...a nice one (Marriott or Holiday Inn?), not one of the seedy joints. He told me one of the strangest things he ran into while he worked there was when he got a phone call at the front desk from one of the cleaning ladies about one of the rooms. He goes to check it out, and every square inch of every surface in the room was covered in Vaseline. Every wall, the mirrors, the toilet, the tub, the beds, the headboard, the TV...EVERYTHING! :o

2) A guy I used to work with had previously worked in an airport near Houston Intergalactic Airport. One year during the Rodeo he got a call at the front desk from one of the cleaning ladies. Apparently there was a hard freeze the night before and one of the cowboys brought his horse out of the trailer and into his room to keep it warm. That's all fine and dandy, except...THE HORSE DIED IN THE ROOM!!! Needless to say, if you've ever seen a dead horse moved, you know it takes heavy equipment. They had to knock out the wall of the hotel and bring in a backhoe to remove the horse. Of course, the cowboy was loooooong gone by this time...

As far as my personal wierdest things I've seen, I'll just keep it short...Terlingua Chili Cookoff on LSD. Damn...people get crazy there. Or more accurately, crazy people get even CRAZIER there.

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This was really weird, scary and I still can't figure out to this day?

One day I was in my car driving down the street when I saw my brother passed by he saw me stopped backed up and we started talking with the windows down no big deal. My window was about half way down when all of a sudden it busted in to many pieces! We both freaked as we thought someone shot a bb gun pellet or something but there was no one in sight. I am not a heavy person so it couldn't have been my weight leaning on the door? Can there be a poltergeist in a vehicle? and I didnt have "Carrie" with me.

Scary stuff I tell yuz. :ph34r: still tripping after all these years... :wacko:

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These hotel stories didn't happen to me, but were told to me by the eyewitnesses:

1) My cousin used to work at a Hobby Airport area hotel...a nice one (Marriott or Holiday Inn?), not one of the seedy joints. He told me one of the strangest things he ran into while he worked there was when he got a phone call at the front desk from one of the cleaning ladies about one of the rooms. He goes to check it out, and every square inch of every surface in the room was covered in Vaseline. Every wall, the mirrors, the toilet, the tub, the beds, the headboard, the TV...EVERYTHING! :o

2) A guy I used to work with had previously worked in an airport near Houston Intergalactic Airport. One year during the Rodeo he got a call at the front desk from one of the cleaning ladies. Apparently there was a hard freeze the night before and one of the cowboys brought his horse out of the trailer and into his room to keep it warm. That's all fine and dandy, except...THE HORSE DIED IN THE ROOM!!! Needless to say, if you've ever seen a dead horse moved, you know it takes heavy equipment. They had to knock out the wall of the hotel and bring in a backhoe to remove the horse. Of course, the cowboy was loooooong gone by this time...

As far as my personal wierdest things I've seen, I'll just keep it short...Terlingua Chili Cookoff on LSD. Damn...people get crazy there. Or more accurately, crazy people get even CRAZIER there.

#1 was weird.

#2 was gross.

How did this thread become the Grossest Thing You've Seen thread?

Just messin' ... keep 'em coming. This stuff is great.

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#1 was weird.

#2 was gross.

How did this thread become the Grossest Thing You've Seen thread?

Just messin' ... keep 'em coming. This stuff is great.

no, man, you're right, I was thinking it was weird too, not just gross.. I mean we've all seen our share of feces in public bathrooms/showers, I suppose (that's why I now always try to get a room with an individual bathroom if it is within my budget :blink: )

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I saw a dude walking outside this morning draped in only a towel. Don't really know why he was like this, or what he was doing, but it wasn't like at his house in the suburbs or something ... it was at a major apartment complex with at least 1,000 residents in close proximity and school children walking to school or waiting for their bus (don't think he was a pervert or anything, just looked like he stepped out of the shower and onto the sidewalk...)

Got me to thinking. What are the weirdest (strange, unusual, odd, peculiar, different) things you've actually seen before? This should be things you witnessed with your eyes in-person and not on television or the Internet.

In 1971 I lived in a fourplex on Bagby at Dennis. The apartment had a nice screened in porch with that slatted privacy screen where at night you could see out but nobody could see in.

It was a warm spring night and I was sitting out on the porch enjoying the late night when all of a sudden a tremendous racket started started coming down Bagby... a horrendous screeching crunching grinding noise. It got closer and closer and out of the darkness here came this car, no left front tire, no left front wheel even, speeding down the street, sparks flying. He had to have been going 40 miles an hour and he hit a dip right in from of the house and damned if the car didn't bounce up and down on that left front and showered even more sparks as it crashed back into the street ... and it continued on down the street out of sight but the sound continued for a few more seconds.

True to the times I sort of thought to myself, "Far out, man ..."

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In 1971 I lived in a fourplex on Bagby at Dennis. The apartment had a nice screened in porch with that slatted privacy screen where at night you could see out but nobody could see in.

It was a warm spring night and I was sitting out on the porch enjoying the late night when all of a sudden a tremendous racket started started coming down Bagby... a horrendous screeching crunching grinding noise. It got closer and closer and out of the darkness here came this car, no left front tire, no left front wheel even, speeding down the street, sparks flying. He had to have been going 40 miles an hour and he hit a dip right in from of the house and damned if the car didn't bounce up and down on that left front and showered even more sparks as it crashed back into the street ... and it continued on down the street out of sight but the sound continued for a few more seconds.

True to the times I sort of thought to myself, "Far out, man ..."

That is weird and obviously before front-wheel drive. LOL

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Oh, how could I forget the vehicle related ones? Not to worry, there are no roaches or poop in these stories.

In the late 80s my wife and I lived in a duplex on Castle Court. One night about 9:00 pm we heard a terrible crash and all the lights went out. We went outside to investigate and saw that a van had crashed into the bridge abutment of the former Dunlavy Street bridge by what is now Ervan Chew Park. In so doing it had sheared off the light pole like a twig and the transformer was dangling from wires and sparking. Other neighbors said that the van had been doing about 70 mph and two kids jumped out of it right after the crash and ran.

In the early 80s I was in the Rice MOB (Marching Owl Band) and one of our old-timers had an early 60s VW bus with sliding doors on each side. Sorta like a modern minivan, but forty years earlier. That vehicle could be put in reverse, wheel turned either direction full lock, and allowed to idle, and would circle backwards without a driver for as long as you cared to watch it. You could climb up on the roof or walk away or whatever. That same vehicle was tailor made for the unique pastime of "Oreo rolling." The Oreo roller would get on his knees by the open sliding door at highway speed, have an assistant hold his ankles or belt or whatever, and then carefully set an Oreo on its edge on the highway. We estimated that an Oreo going 55 mph was rotating at 22,500 rpm, so the cream filling would be flung out in a few seconds, then the two cookie halves would begin to wobble, veer off in different directions, and then vaporize. We would buy two bags of Oreos before a road trip -- "One to eat, and one to roll."

Occasionally downtown in the early 80s I would see a battered pickup truck with a homemade camper top, hand decorated and painted with a whole bunch of text, accusing several elected officials of heinous crimes such as child molestation and urging repentance. It was quite extreme and libelous, and even though it contained a lot of religious imagery and references, I'm sure it was not sanctioned by any real church.

I saw Willy's statue facing Fondren Library in the mid-90s at Rice, and I've seen snow on Christmas Day in Pearland and Lake Jackson. (that was just year before last.) Doesn't get much weirder than that.


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Guest Marty

A parent letting there 1 1/2 year old take a wicked/Potty behind a support beam in a Grocery store on the North Side a couple years ago.

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The absolute WEIRDEST thing I have ever seen was on my way up to Austin, late late late one night with my bestfriend( so I have a witness). We were going up US290, it was about 3:15am or so and we are almost to Giddings and out of nowwhere there is an old rotted tree on fire, on the left hand side of the road. There were no other cars around, there were no other people around, just us and this burning tree, we slowed waaaaaaaayyyy down to look at it, then we stopped and got out, because we thought maybe someone had wrecked into the tree and it had caught fire. I got a very strange feeling, looking at the tree. Something just was not right, very supernatural, I felt a cold chill go up my spine. All the sudden about 3 or 4 cars came driving by and slowed waaaaaaayyyy down also to look at the tree, but none stopped. The fire was very strange though, it wasn't raging, it was just kind of glowing, it encompassed the whole tree, as well as the trunk, it almost looked like it had an aura coming off of it as it just made like a flickering outline of the tree, but it was definately fire, couldn't see a source for it, it was just WEIRD. My friend Trevor and I got back in the car and didn't talk for about 5 minutes, then we just both started yelling, "Was that F'd up or what ?"

EDIT: I thought about lightning also, but I meant to tell everyone, there was NOT one cloud in the sky, a very very starry Texas night. Like I said, it was just WEIRD, and I cannot explain it.

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The absolute WEIRDEST thing I have ever seen was on my way up to Austin, late late late one night with my bestfriend( so I have a witness). We were going up US290, it was about 3:15am or so and we are almost to Giddings and out of nowwhere there is an old rotted tree on fire, on the left hand side of the road. There were no other cars around, there were no other people around, just us and this burning tree, we slowed waaaaaaaayyyy down to look at it, then we stopped and got out, because we thought maybe someone had wrecked into the tree and it had caught fire. I got a very strange feeling, looking at the tree. Something just was not right, very supernatural, I felt a cold chill go up my spine. All the sudden about 3 or 4 cars came driving by and slowed waaaaaaayyyy down also to look at the tree, but none stopped. The fire was very strange though, it wasn't raging, it was just kind of glowing, it encompassed the whole tree, as well as the trunk, it almost looked like it had an aura coming off of it, but it was definately fire, couldn't see a source for it, it was just WEIRD. My friend Trevor and I got back in the car and didn't talk for about 5 minutes, then we just both started yelling, "Was that F'd up or what ?"

That is creepy. You think maybe lightening hit it or something?

Herb Kelleher, former head of Southwest Airlines, walking around the airport terminal a few years ago on Thanksgiving Day dressed in a Turkey suit saying "gobble gobble, thanks for flying Southwest Airlines" while reeking of smoke and booze :lol::lol::lol:

He was a character and great leader IMO.

An airline headed by a boozer...? That's not a pretty thought.

A parent letting there 1 1/2 year old take a wicked/Potty behind a support beam in a Grocery store on the North Side a couple years ago.


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No one has mentioned Peeping Tom's yet??? Is that considered weird? Yep, in my book anyway.

One summer night we kids were just settling down to go to sleep. My brother and me had the bedroom in the back of the house and my sisters had the middle bedroom. My sister came in to our room and said she could hear someone breathing real heavy outside her window. I hurried over to my dads room and told him what was going on he got up and went towards the front of the house. My big crazy, I mean crazy brother went out the back, me and my unafraid sister followed him. My bro grabbed a big chunk of metal and she and I also grabbed a big 2 X 4 each. When we looked it was this chubby dude leaning over peeking in the window & totally unaware we were even creeping up on him.

My bro yelled at him "What the fk are you doing?" He was stunned and couldnt talk so my bro hit him over the head hard and he took off running like a bobcat! We all were chasing him down the sidewalk throwing things at him and yelling/cursing as we passed some neighbors a few house over they also grabbed sticks and chased him so there was like 8 people after this freakster. He disappeared into the night.

About 2 weeks later our other friend that lives 2 blocks away said his sis was playing her guitar in her bedroom and same thing she heard some freak out the window they also ran him off but this time he was in the buff! Woah! Thats right only his birthday suit naked as a jay bird! Same fatso guy too. How freaky is that?! :wacko::ph34r::lol:

He's probably a politician or something like that now.

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We all were chasing him down the sidewalk throwing things at him and yelling/cursing as we passed some neighbors a few house over they also grabbed sticks and chased him so there was like 8 people after this freakster. He disappeared into the night.

That imagery is hilarious!

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I have another story that is weird to me.

Several years ago I had a cat. He has since run away. He was an outside cat. One day I noticed he had a tiny hole on his back between his shoulder blades and there was something pulsating inside. I kept an eye on it. Day by day it got bigger. There was something coming to the surface of this hole and going back inside. Instead of taking him to the vet, I decided to do some research online. Come to find out, it's called a screwworm. It's when an animal has a scratch or bug bite or some other wound and some type of fly lands in it and lays an egg. While researching I read that if it's not removed it will eat the animal's insides and eventually kill it. This is the dreadful part. I had to pinch the worm under the skin to hold it to the surface, take some tweezers, grab hold of it and pull it out! So I yanked this thing out, again in slow motion. It was slishing and sloshing from side to side (in slow mo). It was like something from "Poltergiest". I screamed at the top of my lungs. The neighbors probably thought I was being murdered. My heart was racing. Horrific! It looked like a piece of spiral pasta, which I find hard to swallow now because I think about screwworms when I eat it. So once I got it out, I had to kill it. The only way to dispose of it is to soak it in some alcohol. If you squash it (which I wouldn't have done anyway) it can multiply. So I let it soak for probably at least a week. It was long dead but I had to build up enough courage to even look at it.

That cat, who I called Screwworm from then on, hated me after that. All I did was try to help him and I did.

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Kimberly, thanks for that right after lunch treat. I used to think I could never be bolemic, but I will just reference this story everytime I need a push to release the guilt of a Bigmac. This is "weirdest things" NOT "grossest things" ! BLEH!

I don't know what's worse, the cat having a pulsating alien between his shoulder blades, or you holding the cat and squeezing the worm up to extract it. I am gonna go curl up into a fetal position in the corner over here and think about it some more.

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I was in the Valero gas station after 2 (Montrose @ Westheimer) and its quite clean, but someone forgot to lock to door, and it was a tranny and he/she said "Oh, sorry... having some equiptment problems". - very angry.

This was in a bathroom?

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This was in a bathroom?

ewww bathroom stories...

i used to work at a certain half price books near that valero station a ways back, and we had a few nasty bathroom episodes...

mostly involving poop, feminine products, syringes, and aerosol air fresheners (not necessarily all together, but who knows)


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