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"Anti"-semitic Comments


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But you're born a Jew. So it's not always a religion.

I see a light of brightness shining in your head :D

I dont think these remarks were anti-semetic.

Im really tired of hearing about gay stuff in every single thread. There are several on this forum geared just for that. :angry::angry:

nmm, pay attention to this thread, i have a feeling you will be able to piece together the answers to the questions you asked me, without my telling you the answers. Let me know when you get it ;)

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Greco is right - culture is what makes us unique because we are so diverse although things are beginning to look a lot like the U.S. in other parts of the world also. You also have a point that Richardson may lack education but that does not mean that he does not have "culture."

The best definition I have heard regarding culture is something along the lines of "predetermined answers about life, death, and everything in between." Race may or may not play into it. For example, many young Hispanic men in the East End tend to buy trucks (rather than cars) when they are old enough to buy a vehicle. It could be what turns the girls on? Race happens to be common in that particular case of "culture." But what about the kids from college that were always in their study group (multi-racial) even on Friday nights who accepted nothing less than a 4.0 of themselves. Race did not create that culture; a desire to excel did.

Greco mentioned that Richardson sometimes uses ebonics to communicate. Obviously, that is part of the culture of the people where he comes from - wherever that may be. Some white guys go out of there way to learn ebonics to appear cool. That is also part of the culture of that subset of people.

Even on this forum people tend to be legalistic in their responses. That is part of the culture that is employed by those who contribute.

thankfully some people are eloquent, because you basically sumed up my points, but much better than I would have worded it.

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I see a light of brightness shining in your head :D

I dont think these remarks were anti-semetic.

Im really tired of hearing about gay stuff in every single thread. There are several on this forum geared just for that. :angry::angry:

nmm, pay attention to this thread, i have a feeling you will be able to piece together the answers to the questions you asked me, without my telling you the answers. Let me know when you get it ;)

brightness? you see it, really? yay!

Acutally, I don't know if that's good or bad.

so..i was responding to "But you're born a Jew. So it's not always a religion. "

you're born a jew if you're mother is one otherwise you're not automatically.

Oops, didn't mean to be ambiguous. I was agreeing with you.

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Greco is right - culture is what makes us unique because we are so diverse although things are beginning to look a lot like the U.S. in other parts of the world also. You also have a point that Richardson may lack education but that does not mean that he does not have "culture."

dgreco was attempting to use culture as a justification for Richardson's comments. i still see it as a lack of education. what makes it worse is that he is the coach and is supposed to be a leader. this isn't the type of person i'd want to lead.

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I think everyone understands that we live in litiguous times and I doubt anyone expects his employer to have turned the other way. What I doubt you get is that folks here are venting at the fact that the guy did not mean any harm but that means little in a world filled with legalists, lawyers, and bandwagon jumpers.

No, I get it alright. I've been reading these threads for awhile. The overriding theme is always the same. It is always a complaint that people can't say what they want anymore. And, my response is always the same. You CAN say what you want. You DO have the right to be a bigot.

The problem arises when those bigots get called a bigot. Then they complain about that. Well, you have the right to be a bigot. But, I have the right to call you on it. THAT'S what the PC complainers are upset about. They don't like being called a bigot when they say bigoted things. Well, there is no free ride when it comes to free speech.

Now, in this case, a coach used a stereotype. His employer suspended him, saying he doesn't want bigots representing his team. The media reported it. No lawsuits, no bandwagon, no uproar. It is news when a coach is suspended. Are you upset that news you don't like gets reported? If so, then what you are asking for is propaganda.

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I take Redscare's side.

A person has a right to be bigoted, but the employer has the right to fire someone for making bigoted statements while representing the company. It's as simple as that, folks.

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I take Redscare's side.

A person has a right to be bigoted, but the employer has the right to fire someone for making bigoted statements while representing the company. It's as simple as that, folks.

Yes and no. Things are not always, "that simple"

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I doubt anyone here would disagree with that statement. However, the real question is, "is Richardson a bigot based on the 3 claims he made?" IMHO - no.

in his position, the comments were not appropriate. he can make all the comments he wants at home. you have to respect others, just like you'd expect to be respected. you don't make comments like he did especially to an unknown audience.

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Yes and no. Things are not always, "that simple"

Why yes and no? Employers usually wish to shield themselves from any criticism stemming from a lone employee making a stupid statement. Freedom of speech, lockmat, only applies to the government. It does NOT apply to actions from private individuals, nor does it apply to actions from private employers.

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that is correct, many people confuse being Jewish with being Isreali. They are the same, but techinically they are not, so people get very confused too.

No, no, no, no.... :huh: They are NOT the same...

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i definitely am not a jewish scholar but my good friend is a converted one and she said you are only born a jew if your mother is one.

I never understood how one could be born a jew... or a christian for that matter. To me, religious preference is a choice we all should make on our own. Most people, however, are sheep, so they just "follow the others". :rolleyes:

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I never understood how one could be born a jew... or a christian for that matter. To me, religious preference is a choice we all should make on our own. Most people, however, are sheep, so they just "follow the others". :rolleyes:

well she was adamant in her answer and always steers me in the right direction.

Edited by musicman
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Let's not forget that this genius also yelled "Shut the **** up, you (homosexual slur)!" at a fan during the same game.

Maybe he meant that the guy had, you know, an artistic flair and good taste in clothing. :wacko:

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in his position, the comments were not appropriate. he can make all the comments he wants at home. you have to respect others, just like you'd expect to be respected. you don't make comments like he did especially to an unknown audience.

I agree it is poor english, but at teh sametime culture presents these differences.

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I agree it is poor english, but at teh sametime culture presents these differences.

so you're saying that if he were to be educated, he would still say the same things (bad grammar and un PC items) because of his culture?

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so you're saying that if he were to be educated, he would still say the same things because of his culture?

if he were educated he would of not said those things, or realized when to stop. I think culture created the fact that we do make these stereotypes. Without culture we would be the same, culture allows us to haev an identity (true or not)

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Without culture we would be the same, culture allows us to haev an identity (true or not)

i think it must be semantics for me. whether has someone has culture doesn't determine whether they have an identity IMO.

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Let's not forget that this genius also yelled "Shut the **** up, you (homosexual slur)!" at a fan during the same game.

Better watch what you say...lest you too be eviscerated for daring to bring up the "homosexual slur" issue. I've already been instructed that I'm bitter for merely deviating one inch from the topic by our resident Church Lady. :lol:

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Better watch what you say...lest you too be eviscerated for daring to bring up the "homosexual slur" issue. I've already been instructed that I'm bitter for merely deviating one inch from the topic by our resident Church Lady. :lol:

If you're talking about me, that's fine.

But you missed the point of my topic. It was based on the premise that his comments were not of an anti nature...against Jews. It had nothing to do with homosexuals. The only reason I defended my original post was b/c you bashed me for defending a gay basher and a crack-head, two things I didn't even mention in the post.

I simply wanted to discuss if his Jewish comments were of an anti nature or not. That's it. Even though I've said that over and over, people still seem to miss that. I don't know if that's by choice or not.

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I simply wanted to discuss if his Jewish comments were of an anti nature or not. That's it. Even though I've said that over and over, people still seem to miss that. I don't know if that's by choice or not.

be clear, concise, and consistent and people will know what you are saying.

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