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Genetic "fix" for Gays


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I'd get out of the country. That's the path of least resistance as far as I'm concerned.

What a weak-kneed (and frankly, limp-wristed) response to facing adversity....and this coming from one who claims blood kinship to the inventor of the first Texas flag.

Oh, the irony!

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What a weak-kneed (and frankly, limp-wristed) response to facing adversity....and this coming from one who claims blood kinship to the inventor of the first Texas flag.

Oh, the irony!


oh... :lol: ...you're making bladder control very difficult.

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What a weak-kneed (and frankly, limp-wristed) response to facing adversity....and this coming from one who claims blood kinship to the inventor of the first Texas flag.

Oh, the irony!

The scenario proposed by bigtex is absurd. If what he was putting forward was at all realistic, the government enforcing these laws would quickly recognize that they can't shut people up by threats alone, and that they'd have to start shooting them or incarcerating them with complete suspension of habeas corpus. Communists pretty much figured out that one during each of those revolutions, and they ended up just shooting anyone that was smart enough to cause intelligent discussion.

I'd rather not be one of those people, so if the deck was stacked against me, I'd cut my losses and get the hell out.

...now on the other hand, if you've got a large portion of the population that doesn't like what the government is doing, and the government is doing it anyway, then we aren't talking about the representative democracy that we know today. We're talking about a tyranny. And in that case, it'd be time for a civil war. I'd be on board with that, as were my ancestors in both the American and Texas revolutions. ...but I'm not taking up a hopeless cause.

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The scenario proposed by bigtex is absurd. If what he was putting forward was at all realistic, the government enforcing these laws would quickly recognize that they can't shut people up by threats alone, and that they'd have to start shooting them or incarcerating them with complete suspension of habeas corpus. Communists pretty much figured out that one during each of those revolutions, and they ended up just shooting anyone that was smart enough to cause intelligent discussion.

I'd rather not be one of those people, so if the deck was stacked against me, I'd cut my losses and get the hell out.

Are you completely humorless? Did you not catch bigtex's sarcasm and just laugh it off? No, you had to go into another pointless, long-winded, broadband wasting pendatic reply when all you needed to say was "Gee, Tex! Clever sarcasm there!" and let it go. Not every post needs an essay in reply when just a few words are far more effective-and appropriate.

(God, I feel like I'm talking to a 7th grader)

Maybe you should start a Humorless People Pride Club? Or we could get some right-wing "christian" nut job to cure you by lobotomy. :wacko:

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Are you completely humorless? Did you not catch bigtex's sarcasm and just laugh it off? No, you had to go into another pointless, long-winded, broadband wasting pendatic reply when all you needed to say was "Gee, Tex! Clever sarcasm there!" and let it go. Not every post needs an essay in reply when just a few words are far more effective-and appropriate.

(God, I feel like I'm talking to a 7th grader)

Maybe you should start a Humorless People Pride Club? Or we could get some right-wing "christian" nut job to cure you by lobotomy. :wacko:

My reply to bigtex's absurd rant was three words long! :wacko: I count five in your suggested response! :lol::lol: ...AND 86 WORDS IN YOUR GAWDAWFUL RESPONSE TO MY THREE!!! :blink::lol::lol::lol: ROFLMAO!!! :lol:

He then asked some worthwhile questions that were sufficiently analogous, so I answered them.

Psst...it's "pedant". Not "pendant". I am not a precious jewel that hangs from a string or any such thing.

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I am not a precious jewel that hangs from a string or any such thing.

Forgive me for getting all gay, but what a great opening line for a song! Cole Porter would be proud.

I am not a precious jewel

That hangs from a string

Or any such thing

I am just an Ayn Rand tool

Who spouts pedantry

With unrestrained glee, etc.

And don't even make me rhyme TheNiche...I'll do it. :lol:

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My reply to bigtex's absurd rant was three words long! :wacko: I count five in your suggested response! :lol::lol:

You counted wrong. Mine was 97 and yours was around 80-much more than 3-which just goes to show sometimes you need to use more words when talking to someone who can't count much less compose a succinct and coherent response. You need to recount yours so I'll give you these back :wacko::lol::lol:

He then asked some worthwhile questions that were sufficiently analogous, so I answered them.

He must have asked you in an IM because the only posts from Tex since your pedatic response was regarding a bladder control problem and a cute poem which I'm sure you'll reply to with another skull numbing essay on why you were a follower of Rand before you weren't accompanied with a breathless response that you were dizzy as a tap dancing queen from counting all of those words!. :lol:

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Weak analogy. Absurd.

Let's count: one (1), two (2), three (3). Do we need a recount? I'd be more than willing to help you along if you need further guidance in this subject.

As I pointed out in the last post, everything else I told him was in response to questions posed by bigtex that got at the crux of things. If you think bigtex was joking when he asked, that's your opinion. But if you replaced "pedant" with "gay" in the section that I responded to (with 65 words, totalling a 68-word response to bigtex), those become serious questions worthy of a serious answer. I provided that. Now I did respond to Red in greater detail because he tried to point out irony that wasn't actually ironic...but then you had only mentioned bigtex's sarcasm...

By the way, this parrot-like copying of bigtex's mention of me being a "Rand tool" isn't very endearing. Come on, you were an artist weren't you? ...you can come up with something more creative, right? And to him, by the way, it should be noted that I had this perspective before I read Rand. That's why people advised me to try reading one of her books. I appreciate Rand because she puts forth a similar and mostly-compatible perspective to mine.

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I haven't thought about questions like these since that time. For the past 10 years or so, I've just simply lived. I do what I love to do (run a small business that is creative, volunteer at the local public school, follow college sports, play trivia night on wednesdays at the local Irish pub and down a few pints with my partner and a small group of friends (gay couple, straight asian woman, straight black woman, and straight white guy), and travel when I get the chance). I've come to realize that it isn't my jop to decide these great questions. I need to just live. Be a good person. Know the difference between right and wrong and try and do the right thing. I know I still make major mistakes and have some flaws (I am sure Parrothead thinks I've got BIG ones :) ) but that is where I am today.

So fine, some quacks want to find a genetic fix for me. Well, good on them. I hope they not only break the code but that they also find a pill to cure all of us of our perceived handicap. When they offer it to me, I will politely say, "no thank you."

Great post KinkaidAlum. I totally agree with your last two paragraphs. Just living and enjoying your life is what it's all about after all. It's not an easy path for many of us, but it is a great feeling to know what you've gone through and come out a successful, well adjusted, mature, relatively happy adult on the other side.

My only choices in the matter were to stop hiding, and to learn to love myself. It's paid off for me, and it sounds like it has for you as well. And I certainly know that I probably wouldn't be where I am today in some aspects of my life, such as my career, had I been born heterosexual. Even with all the difficulties in my younger years, I'm happy with how it's turned out and look forward to an even better future. I'll say "no thank you" to that cure too.

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Let's count: one (1), two (2), three (3). Do we need a recount? I'd be more than willing to help you along if you need further guidance in this subject.

As I pointed out in the last post, everything else I told him was in response to questions posed by bigtex that got at the crux of things. If you think bigtex was joking when he asked, that's your opinion. But if you replaced "pedant" with "gay" in the section that I responded to (with 65 words, totalling a 68-word response to bigtex), those become serious questions worthy of a serious answer. I provided that. Now I did respond to Red in greater detail because he tried to point out irony that wasn't actually ironic...but then you had only mentioned bigtex's sarcasm...

By the way, this parrot-like copying of bigtex's mention of me being a "Rand tool" isn't very endearing. Come on, you were an artist weren't you? ...you can come up with something more creative, right? And to him, by the way, it should be noted that I had this perspective before I read Rand. That's why people advised me to try reading one of her books. I appreciate Rand because she puts forth a similar and mostly-compatible perspective to mine.

The thread is long enough. we do appreciate to the point post rather than long winded ones. quantity does not equal quality.

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So by your logic, I have a problem. I should be proud of my straightness, my maleness, and my whiteness. Perhaps I should organize a white pride parade through downtown Houston so that all who share my particular genetic similarities can join together in unity and make our voices heard! [/sarcasm] :wacko:

Pedant Pride Parade. It goes on and on and on and on and.........Sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:

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