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Genetic "fix" for Gays


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Wow... big shock. After years and years and years of brainwashing people (weak and pathetic people) into believing gay people "choose" to be gay... now the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is saying that evidence is pointing towards the fact that gay people are actually born gay. "OMG what to do what to do!!!" What does he propose... fix the gay unborn children genetically before they are born. Um... isn't this playing God? Shouldn't God only play God? Why would they want to change one of God's children?

This just goes to show you how pathetic these kool-aid drinkers are. HA HA HA :lol:

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Guest Marty

Wow... big shock. After years and years and years of brainwashing people (weak and pathetic people) into believing gay people "choose" to be gay... now the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is saying that evidence is pointing towards the fact that gay people are actually born gay. "OMG what to do what to do!!!" What does he propose... fix the gay unborn children genetically before they are born. Um... isn't this playing God? Shouldn't God only play God? Why would they want to change one of God's children?

This just goes to show you how pathetic these kool-aid drinkers are. HA HA HA :lol:

I think some people choose to be gay and some are bye, some are in limbo and some was born straight like me and is a lady's man like me even if it mean's being " Hen Peck " Be who you wanna be end of the story! B)

Edited by Marty
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I think some people choose to be gay

Beside the fact I can't imagine CHOOSING to be a member of one the most maligned segments of society, do the baptists have a plan that locates the genes that will stop you from wearing mixed fibers or touching a football?

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I think some people choose to be gay and some are bye, some are in limbo and some was born straight like me and is a lady's man like me even if it mean's being " Hen Peck " Be who you wanna be end of the story! B)

Amen! Though instead of being who you want to be.. I like saying... "just be who you are!" :-)

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Beside the fact I can't imagine CHOOSING to be a member of one the most maligned segments of society, do the baptists have a plan that locates the genes that will stop you from wearing mixed fibers or touching a football?

imagine being a gay christian. the christians hate you for being gay and the gays hate you for being christian. talk about maligned segments of society.

being homosexual has nothing to do with style or not liking sports. it has everything to do with how you perceive yourself to be male. hallmarks of masculinity are providing for one's family, procreation, strength......hallmarks of todays homosexual are providing for one's own well being, not procreating and avoiding conflict at all costs.

fortunately, there are homos out there who believe in masculinity. it is unfortunate for the gay community that it supports and facilitates men who hate acting like men. there is a level of immaturity in much of the gay community that deserves the disregard the straight community serves them; a disregard usually attuned to immature teenage girls.

now, before many of you attack.......i know who you are. i know why you have anger and rage. i know the years of confusion and frustration. also, i know that immaturity allows us to party like it's the end of the world. many hold on to immaturity in order to pretend that they are young. let me say this........there is joy in getting older. there is great reward in being mature.

i've always hated football and sports in general. now, i'm raising my sister's kid who loves football. the first few games were almost unbearable. now, i know more about football than ever. i even have to encourage this kid to give it his best. and now, i kinda like sports.........in general. i like how it matures and challenges these kids. i see the confidence that it builds. i never had that.

maybe i've only known the gay community through parties and clubs (late 80's early 90's, not now). all i know is that i CHOOSE to be mature. i choose to be pragmatic. i choose to be a christian. i choose to not be a victim of my circumstances.

there is no "genetic" fix for gays. i believe that being gay is circumstantial. it is not easily unwound. it is fixed within one's perception of one's self. it is not a sin to grow up gay; however, i believe it is sin to not wonder how one becomes gay.

a philosopher once said "self revelation is the annihilation of self". this statement describes the fatal, internal war that occurs when we do not live in the moment. however, it is imperative to know ourselves and why we are who we are. it's a catch 22.

did i just out myself? ;)

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imagine being a gay christian. the christians hate you for being gay and the gays hate you for being christian. talk about maligned segments of society.

being homosexual has nothing to do with style or not liking sports. it has everything to do with how you perceive yourself to be male. hallmarks of masculinity are providing for one's family, procreation, strength......hallmarks of todays homosexual are providing for one's own well being, not procreating and avoiding conflict at all costs.

fortunately, there are homos out there who believe in masculinity. it is unfortunate for the gay community that it supports and facilitates men who hate acting like men. there is a level of immaturity in much of the gay community that deserves the disregard the straight community serves them; a disregard usually attuned to immature teenage girls.

now, before many of you attack.......i know who you are. i know why you have anger and rage. i know the years of confusion and frustration. also, i know that immaturity allows us to party like it's the end of the world. many hold on to immaturity in order to pretend that they are young. let me say this........there is joy in getting older. there is great reward in being mature.

i've always hated football and sports in general. now, i'm raising my sister's kid who loves football. the first few games were almost unbearable. now, i know more about football than ever. i even have to encourage this kid to give it his best. and now, i kinda like sports.........in general. i like how it matures and challenges these kids. i see the confidence that it builds. i never had that.

maybe i've only known the gay community through parties and clubs (late 80's early 90's, not now). all i know is that i CHOOSE to be mature. i choose to be pragmatic. i choose to be a christian. i choose to not be a victim of my circumstances.

there is no "genetic" fix for gays. i believe that being gay is circumstantial. it is not easily unwound. it is fixed within one's perception of one's self. it is not a sin to grow up gay; however, i believe it is sin to not wonder how one becomes gay.

a philosopher once said "self revelation is the annihilation of self". this statement describes the fatal, internal war that occurs when we do not live in the moment. however, it is imperative to know ourselves and why we are who we are. it's a catch 22.

did i just out myself? ;)

The bolded is so true. There are so many gay kids at Cinco Ranch that it just amazes me! It is the safe haven for gays. All of them act the same. They sound like my little sister (who is 11), and where ____ing scarfs while holding purses. They wear ripped up jeans and are so damn loud! They pull all the fly girls, but they will never ____ them, so I don't know why they even pull them.

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The bolded is so true. There are so many gay kids at Cinco Ranch that it just amazes me! It is the safe haven for gays. All of them act the same. They sound like my little sister (who is 11), and where ____ing scarfs while holding purses. They wear ripped up jeans and are so damn loud! They pull all the fly girls, but they will never ____ them, so I don't know why they even pull them.

guess we know where the old montrosians are heading ;)

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unfortunately, many gay kids think that being gay requires acting like a girl. this couldn't be further from the truth. many are addicted to the attention it brings. i've seen my nephew practice......."practice" being manly. this is common for boys who realize they have a penis and want to emulate other men. this is good and bad. there are bad men who boys think they have to behave like. there are also gay boys who reject being masculine because they've had bad men in their lives they do not want to behave like. i feel that. i know why they feel that. fortunately, for me, i had a mushy, loving dad. i want to be like him.......not like my mom.

i understand that being a flamer comforts these kids. they think that that is who they are. what they don't know is that they can be who they want to be and do not have to reject...........yes, REJECT masculinity. it is OK to be gay and masculine, but it takes some effort. straight boys for eternity have worked to be like their dads, brothers, uncles and grandpas. gay boys think...."i'm not like other guys" and go great lengths to set themselves apart. gay boys reject trying to be manly because they know they don't like girls. just because you don't like girls does not mean you can't be a masculine man.

don't get me wrong. i do not intend to belittle gay, girlie boys. i simply think that they lack a certain maturity. they are missing out on a specific level of their identity as a male.

i'm no camille paglia, but i do know the difference between a man and a woman. men who behave like women are usually not in tune with their masculinity, nor do they realize the benefits of identifying with their gender.

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not that this is based in fact, but ugly betty has similar character in her nephew. they've put him in several serious situations (parents thought he was gay bashed, etc). to me it doesn't matter that he acts feminine or masculine what does matter is that he does stand by the principles his mother (and family) taught him. sometimes initially his mother doesn't even get it but then is very proud in the end. i think the show is very well written in many aspects.

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not that this is based in fact, but ugly betty has similar character in her nephew. they've put him in several serious situations (parents thought he was gay bashed, etc). to me it doesn't matter that he acts feminine or masculine what does matter is that he does stand by the principles his mother (and family) taught him. sometimes initially his mother doesn't even get it but then is very proud in the end. i think the show is very well written in many aspects.

yes, but who is the boy inside? his dad isn't around and his mom is his best friend. who is he going to emulate? i love this character. but my instinct tells me that his family is facilitating his immaturity. people.........women especially, don't understand the value of "male bonding". if you are a gay boy and you learn to love what your dad, uncles, brothers love, you will perceive the world differently.

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yes, but who is the boy inside? his dad isn't around and his mom is his best friend. who is he going to emulate? i love this character. but my instinct tells me that his family is facilitating his immaturity. people.........women especially, don't understand the value of "male bonding". if you are a gay boy and you learn to love what your dad, uncles, brothers love, you will perceive the world differently.

That's true, because I have a little cousin who lives with my Grandmas in Louisiana. She is 63 years old, and always has her older friends over there (women). When I visit him, he walks and acts like a girl. When I am with him, I try to get out the football and pass it around with him.

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yes, but who is the boy inside? his dad isn't around and his mom is his best friend. who is he going to emulate? i love this character. but my instinct tells me that his family is facilitating his immaturity. people.........women especially, don't understand the value of "male bonding". if you are a gay boy and you learn to love what your dad, uncles, brothers love, you will perceive the world differently.

IMO it shouldn't be about emulation. it should be about being yourself. in this instance, i don't believe the family is facilitating his immaturity, they are helping him be a person with character and values. i think he is really mature for his age.

his grandpa is around as a male figure. the dad wants to mold him so he can "act" male (because he knows his son is gay), but the situations that the boy is put in, even make the father proud that the boy is his son.

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Tim Hardaway should be proud > :)

This is a genious plan. "Fix" people that are happy with their lifestyle :rolleyes: That's cute, or in their words, that's kinda gay > :)

What's next for some of these people? "Fix" people that are of a religion other than Christian?

Exactly. After we fix Tim, Rock Hudson, Greg Louganis, Billy Bean, etc

then we could get all the ex-gays to fix every straight man who doesn't fit someone's definition of masculine into...their definition of masculine? Then we'll take care of the lesbians > :)

It's so...Hitleresque!!!

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IMO it shouldn't be about emulation. it should be about being yourself. in this instance, i don't believe the family is facilitating his immaturity, they are helping him be a person with character and values. i think he is really mature for his age.

his grandpa is around as a male figure. the dad wants to mold him so he can "act" male (because he knows his son is gay), but the situations that the boy is put in, even make the father proud that the boy is his son.

so, being yourself is rejecting who you are? just because something is comfortable does not mean it is natural. having a penis means your are male. embracing feminine qualities is to deny who you are.

i'm not saying you should denigrate a bright child because he is feminine, i think that, at least, you should gently present the fact that it is good to be manly.......protective, responsible.

what's wrong with looking in the mirror and claiming........"I'M A MAN!!!!".

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so, being yourself is rejecting who you are? just because something is comfortable does not mean it is natural. having a penis means your are male. embracing feminine qualities is to deny who you are.

i'm not saying you should denigrate a bright child because he is feminine, i think that, at least, you should gently present the fact that it is good to be manly.......protective, responsible.

what's wrong with looking in the mirror and claiming........"I'M A MAN!!!!".

allwords.com definition of motherly:

Thesaurus: maternal, devoted, caring, comforting, gentle, loving, tender, sympathetic, supporting, protective, indulgent

A penis is not required for a person to be protective and responsible. In fact, those traits are found in ALL mature people. Does being unprotective and irresponsible make someone feminine (Paris Hilton notwithstanding)? From what you mentioned of your father, he sounds like a caring, comforting, gentle, loving, tender, sympathetic man. Are you sure he wasn't your mother? :lol: To experience a full range of emotions is healthy for all people, regardless of gender.

I have no problem with looking in the mirror and knowing I'm a man; "claiming" seems so weak, so defensive, so effeminate, wouldn't you say? ;)

Please tell me you're not one of those people who asks gay couples "Uh...so which one of you is the woman?" Unless they're lesbians, the answer is "neither".

One of the saddest people I've known was a gay man who tried very hard to act masculine. Often, he succeeded; he looked a lot like Burt Reynolds, and practiced keeping his voice in a lower register. But every now and then the facade would crack and suddenly he'd be FAAAAAB-ulous! And people would laugh, because it was funny.

"so, being yourself is rejecting who you are? just because something is comfortable does not mean it is natural. having a penis means your are male. embracing feminine qualities is to deny who you are."

bach, not only are you confused - now I'm confused, too! :D

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I think some people choose to be gay and some are bye, some are in limbo and some was born straight like me and is a lady's man like me even if it mean's being " Hen Peck " Be who you wanna be end of the story! B)

Please, why even bring this up. I did not choose this and neither did anyone else. It is a preference dammit!

That's true, because I have a little cousin who lives with my Grandmas in Louisiana. She is 63 years old, and always has her older friends over there (women). When I visit him, he walks and acts like a girl. When I am with him, I try to get out the football and pass it around with him.

You should also hang out in the locker rooms after the gym, that'll fix him. . .or how about chopping some wood. :rolleyes:

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what's wrong with looking in the mirror and claiming........"I'M A MAN!!!!".

What's wrong with looking in the mirror and saying:

I'm still attractive to my partner-and myself at 54.

Thank GOD my hair grew back!

I love BB and soccer and know more about fashion than the average woman.

I love the fact I grew up in a loving and supportive family that never denigrated me by trying to make me something I'm not.

I realize I can be a pain but know deep down I am a soft-hearted mothering type.

I thank god I'm not a woman (I love women, BTW) because there is too much plumbing, estrogen and those heels look like a torture device-even though they're kinda hot...on someone else.


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Please, why even bring this up. I did not choose this and neither did anyone else. It is a preference dammit!

You should also hang out in the locker rooms after the gym, that'll fix him. . .or how about chopping some wood. :rolleyes:

I'm worried! :rolleyes: . My uncle's see it, too, and they get him to go hang out with some boys, instead of being in the house with girls all day.

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I'm worried! :rolleyes: . My uncle's see it, too, and they get him to go hang out with some boys, instead of being in the house with girls all day.

Maybe your uncle's should take him out some night and beat up some queers so he can be scared straight?

OTOH, maybe all you "guys" could just let him be what he is?

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It's not like that. Why would we want to out one night and beat up queers. Closed-minded ____ like that pisses me off. You don't know me, or my family.

He wasn't acting like this until he starting living with my Grandma two years ago. He started picking up some of her habits.

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