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  1. 1. U.S. President

    • George W. Bush
    • John F. Kerry
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One of the absolute SCARIEST things about our current President is his sense of reality. Being a leader and making tough decisions is one thing, but making a bad decision and not being able to admit it, or even worse, not being able to SEE his mistake is another. All signs point to the fact that the situation in Iraq is getting worse. By simply watching the news and reading the newspaper everyday makes that clearly obvious. Colin Powell himself recently said the situation in Iraq is getting worse. But last week, when asked why his view of what is happening in Iraq is so drastically different than what recent reports and evidence are showing, our fearless leader said, "The CIA is GUESSING at what the conditions are in Iraq". Did you guys read what I just typed? Our President said our Central Intelligence Agency is GUESSING about the conditions and what is going on Iraq, despite OBVIOUS chaos happening there. In other words, the American people have lying eyes. And the sad part is, so many Americans are falling for it.

Also, I am really surprised how so many Americans seem to be impressed with the ability to stand by a bad decision (not only the Iraq situation). Call John Kerry a flip flopper because he can make a decision, assess the situation and if things need to be changed or if he gains further clarity on it, he actually is human and can change his mind. God bless him.

Lastly, I will give George W. Bush credit for the ability to escape tough questions by playing on our sympothy by stating how he wants peace, he want America to be safe, he values family, he believes Education is important, he believes in America having a strong economy, etc. But, the obvious question is, who doesn't? Unfortunately, this happens all of the time and leaves the impression that is what HE and only HE stands for. That is what we ALL stand for, but he uses it to make it appear those outside of the Republican Party, don't believe in those things. Brilliant, but sad for the American people, because too many of us eat it up and don't read between the lines. A lot of us need a dose of reality.

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The regions around Iraq have been unstable since Babylon. I don't see how "liberating" it via an unpopular act of aggression will somehow change thousands of years of history.

Of course, the simpletons in this administration ignored the dire warning signs, the outcries from the rest of the free world, and many of our own military leaders' opinions stating that an invasion without the 100% certainty that there were indeed weapons of mass destruction would be unwise at best and devastating at worst.

Of course, my main problem with attacking Iraq has to do with the fact that it has made most Americans turn a blind eye to what is happening in our own country. Hell, this administration has allowed industry to put ARSENIC into our water supplies! Seriously. Arsenic. Look it up. It's all part of the public record under the EPA.

Yeah, it's disgusting the decades of environmental legislation that the Bush administration has either repealed or allowed to expire.

And then there are the other domestic problems that have not adequately been addressed such as unemployment, skyrocketing federal budget deficits, healthcare, education, and poverty. I'm sorry but those concern me far more than picking fights with other countries that have not attacked us, especially when the proof that they want to attack us and have the means to do so is nonexistant. 9/11 was a horrible tragedy and things needed to change to make us safer at home. I won't dispute that. But I'm tired of the current administration using it as a crutch to scare people into supporting them. Maybe I'm in the minority but I refuse to walk around being scared of the terrorists and expecting Bush to save me from them. I'm more concerned about things like the fact that our economy and job market is still in the toilet, I'm being laid off, and after I get paid on October 1, I don't know where my next paycheck is coming from or when I'll be getting it. But hey, it's ok. After all, I'm safer because George W. Bush is supposedly trying to keep me from getting blown up by a terrorist.

And back to Iraq. Does anyone seriously think that Iraq is more stable today than it was two years ago? I'm not saying Saddam was a good guy. He wasn't. I don't agree with his human rights violations at all. But I don't think that further destabilizing the situation as this war has done has helped the situation. If anything we've now really given the Iraqis a valid reason to hate us and to support terrorist attacks against us. I do not feel any safer because we attacked Iraq. I pray that we don't wake up in a few years to another 9/11-style attack only to find out that it was an act of terrorism sponsored by the Iraqis and done in retribution to this war.

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This is not a war over Oil, we're not going in to take Iraq's oil. and there are idiots that think that. 

John Culberson (R-TX) Journal (Volume 4, Number 1 August, 2004):

"I know that taxpayers can be repaid with Iraqi oil..."

No wonder idiots think that.

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Who do you think will win the election for the next U.S. President. I already voted earlier today. I vote for Bush, the lanes where I went were so long. A 1 1/2 hour wait. I hope you all voted since you are all of age(hopefully). This election has had the most people out voting. Lots of younger people. Mainly because of te Vote or Die campaign made by P. Diddy, Alicia Keys, Russel Simmons, and many other Hip Hop Artists. Also the MTV campaign went well.

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It boggles the mind. The tape last week of Osama, sitting serenely in his cave, issuing warnings to the U.S...

Any "thinking" person would have looked at that and said, "Hmmm...here it is, over three years after 9/11 and the biggest threat to this country is still running around making videos, while we've been expending all of our energies in a country that wasn't a threat to us in the first place."

THIS is an administration that's making us "SAFER"????

Again...it boggles the friggin mind.

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it's unfortunate, velvetj, that you feel any "thinking" person couldn't possibly believe that iraq was a threat to us, or that we are safer.

so far, the battlefield is not here and has not been since 9/11. terrorists are making their way to iraq to have their "shot" at one of us. our family members and friends in the armed forces have made the battlefield elsewhere in order that we live in peace. i would rather not lose one more friend in iraq, i would rather not spend billions of dollars on war; however, the soldiers i've met do not feel they/we are there in vain and feel that the purpose we are there outweighs the costs.

perhaps there are some in our current administration who see "nation-building" as the only way to future peace, maybe they are right, i don't know.

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Who do you think will win the election for the next U.S. President. I already voted earlier today. I vote for Bush, the lanes where I went were so long. A 1 1/2 hour wait. I hope you all voted since you are all of age(hopefully). This election has had the post people out voting. Lots of younger people. Mainly because of te Vote or Die campaign made by P. Diddy, Alicia Keys, Russel Simmons, and many other Hip Hop Artists. Also the MTV campaign went well.

That campaign was a mega-failure. This morning, the associated press released numbers on various demographics - only 1 out of 10 voters between the age of 18 and 24 actually voted. Now that is BAD. All that hype about the youth vote was bunk.

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so far, the battlefield is not here and has not been since 9/11. terrorists are making their way to iraq to have their "shot" at one of us. our family members and friends in the armed forces have made the battlefield elsewhere in order that we live in peace. i would rather not lose one more friend in iraq, i would rather not spend billions of dollars on war; however, the soldiers i've met do not feel they/we are there in vain and feel that the purpose we are there outweighs the costs.

Iraq is a terrorist haven now (much to the chagrin of the country's population), but it wasn't before. You do not sound very concerned about the well-being of the Iraqis. After all, that is the only justification your side could grasp at once the WMD and Al Qaeda claims didn't pan out.

There is also no basis for the assumption that all terrorists are in Iraq, and that none are elsewhere. The last terrorist attack from Al Qaeda or from a proto-Al Qaeda group was in 1993. They were dormant for more than 8 years.

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I can see it now; Clinton (Hillary)/Obama in 2008!

I'd probably actually really like that combination! But I don't know that they'd be able to get enough support to actually win. Hillary still isn't very well liked by a lot of people, although I've never really understood that. I think a lot of it is resentment over a woman having the success she's had and her refusal to sit back and treat the role of First Lady as nothing more than ceremonial. But I've always liked where she stood on a lot of issues (same as with her husband), and I think Obama is definitely a rising star in the party.

The real question is, can the Democrats in the next four years get organized and focused enough to come down firm on some issues and then really stand up for what they believe in? I think a lot of what hurt Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 was a lack of focus. It's been years since the Democratic party has really been united and focused. There was a glimpse of it during the two Clinton/Gore campaigns, but even during that period the Republicans managed to gain full control of Congress.

I've tried not to be too depressed over Bush's reelection today, but it's been tough. I just pray the next four years aren't any worse than the previous four, but I'm not very optimistic. I hope I'm not wrong, but I could see us in 2008 still not having caught Osama, still in a huge mess in Iraq with no end in sight, still suffering from high unemployment rates, with even more people in poverty and without health coverage, and with budget deficits double what they are now. Unless the Bush administration makes some serious changes, that's where we're headed folks. And unfortunately 51% of the voters are too blind to see it. They just blindly think (without any supporting evidence other than the lack of an attack since 9/11/2001) that Bush is the key to preventing another terrorist attack. Why is it this time nobody seemed to really care about the old presidental campaign question, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" :(

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"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

They only care about seeing two dudes kissing. That was the major issue this campaign, although only the GOP saw it because they were working the churches.

Imagine - a country full of Houston Jacks. shudder

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That does make for a scary vision.

One of the same-sex referendums that was passed has wording that makes it difficult for a heterosexual couple not have benifits if they're NOT married.

I'm trying to remember what state that was in, I'm thinking it was in IL. But I'm not certain.


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