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Everything posted by sevfiv

  1. yeah - that was what i was getting at with the article...
  2. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories...63&hbx=e_du and yeah, i thought there was another thread somewhere -
  3. some viewpoints: http://www.newsday.com/business/ny-bzbot49...-business-print "citgo still has loyal patrons"
  4. oh come one - i was referencing the school's official color
  5. Sorry about that. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. Too many beers that day. Is that your webpage? There is some great photography there. I'll talk to the webmaster just in case. yes, you apologized to the "webmaster" there - thanks. problem is, it happened again! and as far as search engines, that is what they are there for - for people to find and learn about things they are seeking. i don't know where watermark editing comes into play there...
  6. welcome, houston1973 _____ i can't wait to update with renovation pictures! http://houston.arch-ive.org/milam/
  7. i'm a little skeptical - the truck is blue!
  8. in all fairness, this little description about the frames/masonry might be true: http://www.snopes.com/katrina/photos/aggie.asp
  9. well, your sarcasm is probably most people's true wishes and i'd rather have overpriced antique shops than overpriced clothing boutiques
  10. yes, thanks for the information - i wish it was in the public domain, though thank goodness something is finally happening there - david smith sure has been alot of talk over the past couple decades...
  11. good to hear - is this information out there somewhere, or do you have inside connections? yeah, i'd like to know what is really going on there last i went by, things were kind of at a stand-still - again
  12. oh my...i didn't even know that was possible!
  13. i hate to agree, but it's true speaking of doing it for love (and a whole lotta money) there was an interesting article in This Old House magazine about someone who rehabbed a bungalow in atlanta (virginia highland area). the house cost about 300,000 and he put in about 225,000 for the restorations/renovations (took almost two years). ____ found the online article: http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/knowhow/ad...1534031,00.html
  14. it has been a little sensitive today, it seems
  15. thanks for the postcard link - makes it so much more clear than the copyright.gov site (it says all that, but it is pretty convoluted).
  16. hang on...there are two irma's, right? one on texas (southwest grill) and one on chenevert i have read about the pricey no-menu stuff at irma's southwest grill, but nothing about the other... _____ wait a sec - i just read about not having menus and pricey fod at the other now...must be the same deal
  17. also a little odd is the MLB mug for roger clemens...ow! http://houston.astros.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/t...layer_id=112388
  18. it's a darling house - and who'd have guessed: "Currently a duplex (2/1 & efficiency) but take out a closet in the hall & it opens up the whole house"
  19. as far as older postcards, many of the copyrights are not valid anymore, so it is not an issue on either end - and for those that are still under copyright, there is a disclaimer. the issue is either bandwidth usage (*theft*) or just being polite and crediting a source that has originally posted the image for folks to see. also, while having things like photos on file at the copyright office is nice, it is not required. it is only helpful during litigation. www.copyright.gov: In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work
  20. oh my - a whole new obsession now. it is extremely fun and interesting to me. it's like what i normally do, but now i get to find and place little caches
  21. i am sure there are plenty of screeners that think "i wonder how many creepy people are going to like me patting them down..."
  22. i am leaning toward the european etymology...but still, who chose it?! btw - happy birthday, gonzo
  23. i got a weird page about http stuff from W3C the link is embedded with two http's
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