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Everything posted by Texasota

  1. This is a fantastic idea. Guerilla People's Pride Parade.
  2. Not sure. I'll try to look again this evening. Assuming its a bar or restaurant.
  3. This is a terrible idea. A huge part of the appeal of Pride is everything that goes on *around* it- the bars, shops, restaurants, house parties etc. FPSF leaving the city seems terrible too. Everything about this thread is terrible.
  4. It's coming soon apparently. Little building south of TC.
  5. eh, assuming thats $2500 after tax then its actually more likely to be more like $850 a month on rent. And actually people are spending more on rent proportionally than they used to; in a lot of cities its creeping up to 50%. Not that that's a particularly good idea of course.
  6. ooooh ooooh, he actually called 9/11 a "false flag"! That's pretty great. I don't think I've ever seen that said seriously before.
  7. Excellent job of completely missing what I said. Builders build what makes them the most profit, because that's the definition of capitalism. Generally they DO follow "what people want", or at least what some subset of people want, but they tend to take a very short term view of things. Builders do not like risk, so if they've been doing something that's made them money in the past, then they're pretty likely to continue doing it until it stops making them money, regardless of what people "want".
  8. Builders do not build what people want. They build whatever will earn them the most money. That's not always the same thing.
  9. Well, except for Post Midtown, if you don't think too hard about the social/moral implications of displacing what and who used to be there. But really any number of individual project built on the original street grid, taken together: Mid Main, the Match, the downtown Skyhouses, Hines Market Square, the Superblock, etc ...the Google crowd? What?
  10. It's really east and distinct from the Justice District. I like South Frost Town. Didn't part of Frost Town used to be called the Scorpion? How about the Tail of the Scorpion?
  11. Monarch calls everything "spectacular." He also seems to have replaced his old tendency of using random colors with this "keep calm and..."
  12. yeah im also hoping he meant 1800-3000 a month income not rent.
  13. keep in mind that "low income" does not necessarily mean section 8. It could just mean below market rate, which, considering what apartments are renting for downtown, could easily be targeting people making $40,000 a year. At least that's how it works in other cities.
  14. Just throwing this out there: 1.8 acres is 78,408 square feet, or (roughly) the size of a downtown or midtown block (depending on whether you include sidewalk ROW etc in the calculation)
  15. I was hoping they would do something with the triangle itself. oh well
  16. ONE soil testing truck! ah-ah-ah! TWO soil testing trucks! ah-ah-ah! THREE soil testing trucks! ah-ah-ah!
  17. No don't spread the love! Too many vacant lots still in downtown!
  18. The lighting works really well at night. The sconces are great. The gryphon looks particularly strange at night though because you can see a huge gap between the part of the wing inside the building and the part outside.
  19. Hmmm, according to the article this is going in the triangle where preston/franklin breaks off from washington. not sure I completely understand how its sited from this one rendering though.
  20. at a small restaurant that just opened during the lunch rush? Yes, actually, that's an unrealistic expectation.
  21. The Tolerance Bridge was simplified and became the Rosemont Bridge. It has already been built. I was hoping someone was moving forward on some kind of bridge across Allen Parkway.
  22. A bridge over Allen Parkway? The bayou already has a bridge over it there.
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