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Everything posted by infinite_jim

  1. Dallas First Baptist The Eyeball (under construction) Warren Park Wilson bldg
  2. 10/18/2013 Update: Fire escape stairwell has been removed and a new one installed further north. Glass block has been used to fill in the southern fenestration. From the street it looks like new commercial grade windows have been installed on the west and southern facades.
  3. Finally! and by default the end of the auto-suicides at the Wedge garage.
  4. I was there on Sunday as well. We walked from the Dryden station down Dryden/Shakespeare and then up Morningside to the Rice Village. It seems like a long walk by looking at the map but when the weather is as nice as it was on Sunday it was kinda fun and good way to walk off dinner.
  5. Same rendering and video; this is from my personal questions.
  6. You're mixing up the industry term "conventional" to mean an unexpected design, I'm talking about conventional bldg structures of steel frame and metal panel cladding; nothing really special about building this way these days. Calatrava does unconventional structures, your first clue is his project cost overruns, and the tortured geometry of his structures; lots of high tension cables along with massive customized, bent tubular steel. All of this needs sophisitcated fabrication work, whereas most of Holl's stuff is off-the-shelf or out of a Sweet's catalog. The only wild stuff of Holl's I can think of off the top of my head is when he brought in Lebbeus Woods on a project in China (Woods' only build project btw). @Subdude You can see the northwest corner of the new museum's footprint in the lower right corner of the Glassel site plan so we can see that the existing church's parking lot will shrink to their PL with a ~5' grassy perimeter surrounding the new museum.
  7. I went to presentation yesterday and can pretty much say that the price tag is accurate but the scope shown in the renderings is not 100%. There is an ongoing push for contingency monies however the forensic engineers reported that the rigid framed steel is still in good shape. This is more so a stripped down preservation project than a full blown renovation project, hence the price. There was also mention of potential future private investment within the Reliant masterplan but that would not be considered till after the preservation job is done in 2017.
  8. That's just a parti sketch, like a rendering it's not a social contract. Rather it's a way for an architect to crystallize their thoughts on paper which does not reflect structural realities; that's what I meant by saying that Calatrava is "an engineer 1st." Shorter: Holl is more humanist based, Calatrava is more aesthetic oriented (like comparing Stephen King books to Stanley Kubrick films respectively). "Collection" pieces is a way of describing cities as living museums with signature bldgs by starchitects. Collect them all!
  9. Easy answer: Calatrava is an engineer 1st, who uses expense high performance coatings on all his work along with the obvious structural gymnastics. Holl builds conventional bldgs with an emphasis on spatial design (especially moody lighting effects) versus Calatrava's raw "bird in flight" designs. I'm sure after the Beck bldg experience, the MFAH board of directors were probably not concerned about getting another "collection" piece; rather than it is seeking a pragmatic yet elegant solution to unite and feature the ad-hoc, period-esque additions over the years. Edit: Expect a 100 year bldg.
  10. Regarding Georgia's Fresh Market: Is this place still open for breakfast or is it only lunch now?
  11. 1000 Main (Reliant Plaza) has been raving since the NFL pre-season started. If you get a chance to watch the whole pattern it's got a cool liquid-like, back and forth fade with the reds/oranges and blues/greens.
  12. Is Chevron moving employees into the Allen Center II? There was a temporary Chevron security office on the ground level and quite a few Chevron polo's about during lunch today.
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