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Everything posted by wendyps

  1. good point Tbird. I think we would have a better chance if we compared the $/KWh. so mine, with Gexa was 14.85 cents. A lot higher than when I switched! I think Reliant might actually be cheaper!
  2. hmmm, the 1926 one says the 7th??? cause the 27 one is the 2nd and the 30 is the 5th. ah well, who cares, great pics!!! I love how they are being stared at in every one, except the one with the dresses
  3. according the the clerk the one in the tunnels is not long for this world either (curse of the commerce towers)
  4. It was good. Lots of people. Would have been better if they closed off 19th st. I went home past your gallery, and it looked to be bustling, although I didn't go in.
  5. Thanks, I KNEW this board must know something about it! I just wasn't able to find it. Moderators, go ahead and delete if you would...
  6. A poster on the Woodland Heights BB posted this. She found it on a google news search. I didn't find any other posts about it (no way can I be the first on here to know something!!!), but there were a few topics about activity in the Galleria area...
  7. Well, the Foley's sign on the south side is now down...and they are putting up the Macy's sign (at least I saw the star and a crane, so I assume that is what they are doing)
  8. I've become obsessed with that show during reruns!!! glad I'm not the only one
  9. Sorry Pap, by the lack of responses, I think you might be the authority here. Trust me, on this site, if someone even thinks they know an inkling on something...they speak up! :> Try the Texas room at the old library building downtown...they have all kinds of old information and photos!
  10. no booze? I figured you military men would be better prepared!!!!
  11. Looks a lot like the downtown park (can't think of the name) the one with all the houses...
  12. Well, according to the 'hood website, two way traffic is now open up to 14th. 3 more blocks....
  13. Do you have a plan in place for the ensuing panic and widespread crack withdrawl that will occur if it lasts longer?
  14. WAIT WAIT!!! Answer an important question first....are you single? >
  15. wendyps


    you're worried about profanity in a racial joke?
  16. Hello. All HAIF jokesters aside River Oaks are where Houston's most wealthy and show-offy sociallites live. If you can afford to live here, bully for you! However, Houston is a very difficult city to buy in site unseen. You can have a pretty bad neighborhood be surrounded by very nice areas, and you would not know it unless you saw it in person. If you are moving to Houston, I would suggest getting a rental for 6months or so while you get to know the city and the pros and cons of living in different areas. Many of us here prefer to live in close to town. However, there are millions of others who prefer the suburbs (The Woodlands) If you live in many of the burbs, be prepared to spend 3 hours a day in your car commuting. However, if you live in close to town, be prepared to pay much more per square foot. However, if you are looking at river oaks, I don't think that will be an issue
  17. Just keep an eagle eye out and have a realtor do the same. I was able to find a beautifully renovated little home in WH for way under 250K. You just have to be on the lookout and know what you want. The East End and Idylwood are definatley worth checking out. In fact, before you buy, I always recommend checking EVERYTHING out so you can say you've looked at ALL the possibilities and made an informed decision. Even go check out Oak Forest. Also small homes, not as old as the heights, but you can get some great deals there.
  18. Problem solved!!! see the Astrodome thread
  19. if I had my druthers, I'd kick her too!
  20. I found the same here http://www.houstonhistory.com/erhnic/history1germ.htm. BUT, I read somewhere (can't find it again) that there was a separate Germantown in the area of what is now Stude Park (or White Oak Park).
  21. The point to me is that there is only one (maybe two, I think someone mentioned another one) old theater left that is still in service. There are many, many high rise condos and retail centers. There is plenty of land on which new things can be built. Once you tear something down, you cannot rebuild the history. It is gone. One of the reasons Europe is so great to visit is the history. The old buildings. Would London be as cool as it is if every 50 years they tore down their existing structures to build the new retail of the time? Its time Houston stopped razing existing structures to build new, just because a historical area is considered "neat". Once you tear down that which makes the area "neat" it is no longer "neat" and business cut their losses, move on and leave a desolated area in their wake. Only to later be brought back into style later, and razed to build whatever is envouge at the moment.
  22. yeah! we can all bring our laptops, and type at each other!!!
  23. yuppers, don't forget the sixth ward either (late 1800's) and I'm told westmorland area was pretty early as well.
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