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Everything posted by Urbannizer

  1. http://www.bisnow.com/commercial-real-estate/houston/1470-multifamily-monday-the-hottest-intersection-in-houston/
  2. Negative. Right now Alliance is throwing up bland mid-rises all over Houston, but this will be their largest project. Yeah he posted two renderings of the same project. This is Broadstone Midtown: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/10174796_271564293024074_2088672416298269786_n.jpg http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/12738-broadstone-midtown-apartment-building-at-3800-main-street-main-and-alabama/page-5
  3. Multifamily buildings. One 10-stories and the other 8-stories, with 3 to 4 levels of parking. Developer is Alliance Residential.
  4. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/real-estate/article/City-weighs-in-as-court-grapples-with-decision-5413793.php?cmpid=btfpm#/0
  5. I just asked, and was told it's not a typo. The new plan calls for a 21-story tower for phase one.
  6. I too thought "hmmm maybe it's a typo", but then I looked at the number of units, it rose to 580 - up from 518. Me thinks the developer decided to increase the height and number of residential units now that the DT Living Initiative cap was raised from 2,500 to 5,000.
  7. The project has been removed because the developer is now looking at selling the land.
  8. Do you know why the map gives a 1Q 2017 completion date (#20)? Was this a date they were trying to a reach earlier in time? https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/13912898155_4787082091_b.jpg
  9. Correct. Hmm same here, but that was the rendering given to me. Maybe the design will change again?
  10. Yep, the lot next to the Wedge Tower. On the first page, there's a rendering of what the project was proposed to look like in 2009, but it's possible the project will feature a new design.
  11. Here's the new downtown development map: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/13912898155_4787082091_b.jpg
  12. Here's the new map, see #27: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/13912898155_4787082091_b.jpg
  13. 12-Stories, 230 rooms. 4Q 2014 construction start & 2Q 2016 completion.
  14. Plans have changed, now a 21-story high-rise. 580 units, up from 518.
  15. New info and development map I just received, it's not online yet. They also posted bidding information of this project on a construction bidding site, but you need an account to view it.
  16. New name for the tower is One Market Square, 41-floors and 750,000 square feet.
  17. New hotel breaks ground next week: http://www.bisnow.com/commercial-real-estate/houston/1435-the-woodlands-development-boom/
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