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Everything posted by Urbannizer

  1. Gah! Why does birds have to be such a B*tch! ..and ChannelTwoNews had to pull out the article to confirm the bird statement.
  2. I've read post on SSP saying that the WestCreek apartments will be cleared in October an groundbreaking was supposed to be in January. (I don't know if they broked ground yet.)
  3. Anything new on the Oaks District developement? It was suppose to break ground in January right? I think this is the latest rendering....
  4. Puttin the facade on doesn't mean there done goin up. The Austonian (in Austin) starting putting up the facade before they were on the 30th floor.
  5. Lol and look at the METRO train just sitting on the grass on the left in the first rendering.
  6. Hey, don't use my words against me. I can't confirm, source or give a photo for my previous post and I said "Chance" not "Will".
  7. Hmmm... If Discovery Green can make developments pop up around it, I think the Dynamo Stadium has a chance of doing the same thing. I don't.
  8. ^ I was wondering about the same thing. I hope the renderings Tigereye posted are the real renderings of the Dynamo stadium, the ones you posted lockmat looks like a boring high school football stadium. Also does anyone think this stadium will spark new developement in the warehouse district area like Discovery Green has in Downtown?
  9. I could'nt find a thread about this nor on the Houston Water Meuseum; Education Center. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm99/YahTrickYah57/lipski-tubbs.jpg From Swamplot:
  10. Well if the super bowl has something to do with it, its not helping us here in Galveston and Houston. You can feel humidity here but it has'nt rained yet. I guess the 4o% chance of rain today was incorrect. Here's the Current drought condition from www.drought.gov (updated every week.) Drought conditions here are likely to persist/develope.
  11. Its been great most of the time this past 2 weeks. ...but it comes with a consequence... We are in a deficit in rain and grass/forests fires have been starting here and throught Texas due to the rain deficit, wind, and low humidity.
  12. Lol. I like that first building...is it around 80+ floors? Also the second building looks cool but,blue glass may have been better. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  13. No I did not believe him and I can't walk there (in Galveston.) ...and yes I do think he could have just made that up. Thanks for confirming this.
  14. Anyone smell the smoke outside today? Or is it just me..?
  15. uGh.. Who thought of this design..?? Please reply Moonb007
  16. Yeah...ok... Why the facial expression?Confused?
  17. There will be a webcam on this..soon.. http://cameras.harveybuilders.com/
  18. Thanks for emailing him, I hope he replies. Hmm..that adds a possibility of Five Allen being above 75oft as well. Thanks for replying to my post. No spire. Flat top like every other Houston building..
  19. Oh its still a new rendering..unless this .pdf has been floating around on the internet since June of last year...I hope brookfield gives out new info on this.
  20. Hmm I see you might be right. but are there any buildings in the U.S that are 5o floors and above 75oft? If so 5 Allen Center has a possibility of being above 75oft.
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