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Everything posted by gmac

  1. Why would they move? They have been there for more than 100 years, IIRC. That grass field is a welcome respite from a sea of concrete. Sometimes it's nice for kids to have a safe, grassy place to run around.
  2. They were just enjoying the walkability of the neighborhood.
  3. This project would have been forward-thinking in the 70s. Now? Boondoggle. Just my opinion, and I realize I may be the only person with such an opinion. So be it.
  4. No. Terrible idea for a vanity project. If they had been allowed to put it down the I-45 corridor, fine, no additional land sacrificed.
  5. Hope landowners stick to their guns and don't let it happen. Or, get a billion an acre.
  6. Is it possible it is associated with Judaism?
  7. Well, I mean, if you're gonna go all "there's sidewalks all the way around" on us, sure. But, but, but... walkability! At least there's some GFR.
  8. Shouldn't be giving out breaks to anyone at this point. If you want to build, build, but you (the developer) pay for it.
  9. gmac

    Where Am I?

    Looks like maybe the south deck of UHD?
  10. Tranquility Park is a nice park in a good spot for a park. Don't need another skyscraper downtown, especially in that location.
  11. Can't really disagree with that 🤣😂
  12. Yep. To prepare for building my new million-dollar mansion, I mowed my lawn today.
  13. gmac

    Where Am I?

    Harrisburg Hike & Bike Trail (near Bryan Street)
  14. How many magic doubloons is that?
  15. They should rename it Nextdog for all the "missing" fur babies. Often wondered how painful it was to give birth to that dog/cat.
  16. You're going to drive yourself bonkers wishing and hoping Houston will become something it is not, and likely will never be.
  17. I couldn't tell from the renderings where the unicorn stables are going to be located.
  18. According to this listing, not yet it appears. http://evergreentx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Post-Oak-Site-Plan-181008.pdf
  19. Interesting sidetrack... Houston's "superneighborhoods". Lazybrook/Timbergrove is one. https://sites.google.com/site/superneighborhood14/home http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Demographics/docs_pdfs/SN/14_LazybrookTimbergrove.pdf I may be very late to the game, but found this quite educational.
  20. Structure is so large now I couldn't fit it all in the shot. Mindboggling how large these warehouse stores are. Will try and get some shots from the other side closest to I-10.
  21. Love the idea, glad to see some affordable housing being built. Embarrassed that someone on page 3 didn't know how to spell Hermann.
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