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Everything posted by samagon

  1. absolutely, whether the intersection is metered through use of traffic lights, or signs, they are still safer, cause when you enter the traffic circle, you should only have to look for cars coming from the left.
  2. wonder what the average length of a named street is in houston? like, westheimer is 28 miles from one end to the other, bissonnet is 18 miles, but what's the average length? and what is it for other cities? and then what is houston city limit size vs those other cities? are we that far out of the norm?
  3. How far is it going to go? Just on the part of the street that isn't currently there, or will it extend all the way to the stadium? answered my own question regarding distance by reading the first post. Are they going to have EaDo written on it? Can we petition for another name? (kidding!) if this 'could' start construction soon after they start construction on the stadium, where is the funding coming from? Since they are going to have to permanently close street access to cars, has the city done impact studies? What info can we find on this? Are there any potential clients for the shops that will be facing this walking street? I just haven't heard enough about this to get super excited about it being more than as Niche said, a 'wet dream'. I think it would be awesome to have an east end version of rice village, but I haven't seen much to do about it, and I would assume the 'eado' people would be shouting about it from the rooftops.
  4. well, I spend as much time as I can using EaDo in regular conversation, but I pronounce it differently all the time, my hope is that eventually, through casual conversation, all of these different pronunciations will drift back to this "EaDo Alliance" and they'll have to come up with a less stupid name. currently, I'm using the pronunciation: "eh-yah-dough", gives it a nice northeast flair, I think... It's so silly cause EaDo is so generic and has no backing in the history of the area. Something like Old Chinatown, or East Warehouse District (E.W.D. even has a better ring than EaDo) might give the area some direction of character. Or maybe it should be named for the future, Generic Town Houses Are Us District (G.T.H.A.U.D. still kind of sucks though)...
  5. I imagine they are going to continue to let them sleep all over the place, and stare gloomily at anyone in their general vicinity.
  6. I remember when they put in these 'roundabouts' I had an aunt living in the area, so I got to hear all about them going in. Apparently, those were done because people were using those roads as through streets and driving exceedingly fast, there were some accidents caused, and possibly even a fatality, iirc (almost 20 year ago now). I remember very clearly that after they initially put them in there was a big to do on the radio about it, cause there was apparently a fire in the neighborhood, and because they hadn't designed these 'roundabouts' with fire truck clearance in mind, it was difficult for the fire trucks to get where they needed to go. they had to go back and fix it by making those sidewalk ramps, previously it was all curb, so they made a ramp, giving enough room for fire engines to swing around. Anyway, yeah, those aren't in place to help traffic move easier, they were put in place to slow people down (this was before road humps were invented). I haven't been down those streets in forever, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went back and added road humps as well. Here's a proper roundabout in Houston... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Meadowglen+Lane,+Houston,+TX&sll=29.729543,-95.327272&sspn=0.013546,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Meadowglen+Ln,+Houston,+Texas&ll=29.731477,-95.554764&spn=0.003387,0.004823&t=h&z=18
  7. what else is interesting is that it looks like the bayou took a more meandering route not too long ago, I wonder how long ago that either changed on its own, or was changed by some civil engineers? it almost looks like a road went through where the bayou is now, you can see it leading down from bellfort, and up from reed rd. well, answered my own question, going up to that historic aerials link, the bayou meandered quite a bit at that time! looking at the maps, some time between 81 and 02 a road was built there, and the bayou was straightened out.
  8. Parking was rough Saturday night for sure. I think there was something at Toyota Center, Rockets played at Chicago, so it must have been a concert. I went to one of the bars at HP and it was much busier than it was a year ago (when I last went to a bar in HP). I suppose it will be a year again before I go back. drink prices are close to scandalous.
  9. this saturday! http://www.29-95.com/bars-clubs/story/leons-reopens-saturday
  10. this isn't a conspiracy, cause they are being dishonest and disingenuous in front of our faces. If it were a conspiracy it would be done in some backroom dishonestly and disingeniously that we don't know about. Not being a lawyer, or anything more than an armchair lawyer, could it be that this is not considered "due process" and would therefor be not a lawful way to conduct a ballot?
  11. very nice find Melwood! Work brought me to the west side of town this week, and I ended up taking I-10 through town, and they are working on a trail on the bank of White Oak where it runs along I-10.
  12. correct you are, I knew I had read it on here, but couldn't remember where!
  13. I think I read somewhere that all of the tracks going through east end were supposed to be set to quiet zones at some point.
  14. never knew that, for some reason, I am fascinated by the history of our streets? thanks for the info!
  15. as hwy6 mentions, I believe that the numbered streets out here on the east side were a part of the town of Harrisburg, and then changed when it was incorporated into houston
  16. although it is fairly obvious you are either ignoring me, or choosing to not respond to my questions, but since you feel redscare is against community participation in the process of development, let me ask the question that begs to be answered... what role are you taking in the development process? All I have ever seen from you is hatred and words that point distinctly to the fact that you do not want a walmart there. that isn't taking part in a process that is opposition to a process. taking part would be working with the developer to offer better strategy for their vision. what are you doing, what is your group doing towards that goal? don't pretend like you're taking an active participatory role when you are in fact taking an active opposition role. the two are distinctly different, and there's no way you can confuse the two.
  17. heh, his posts are pretty entertaining, so it isn't all a loss. a bit redundant, and predictable, but entertaining still.
  18. Well, the good thing about the high school clicks was that you could completely ignore the high school click cause they had no say in anything, and even if they did have any kind of authority, who cares cause high school was only 4 years of your life. This is more than just 3 heathers and a veronica nattering about their rules, this crap they pull affects our lives, and our investments.
  19. yeah, that's what I got out of it too. I recall that northside transit hub as well. I've also been party to rumors about the bus station closing for years, I just ignore them and eagerly await it imploding, and sucking that mc donnalds into whatever abyss it goes in to.
  20. yeah, that is dreaming, thinking of that gives me visions of a patio like what spider house in austin has, lush vegetation, some water features, and quiet. well, relative with Westheimer right there. would be neat.
  21. aside from the possibility of getting cancer from some chemicals that invariably were leeched into the soil, I agree. you could set up a really sweet go cart track, have an awesome party deck, a really awesome big screen tv area. I imagine the heating cooling bill would suck, plus keeping the windows clean would be a huge hassle. you could set up a sweet garden too. I think there was a rail spur so you could conceivably buy a rail car as a water feature or something, or maybe an old caboose and set it up as your living quarters and use the steel mill as storage for your lawnmower and weedeater...
  22. the same can be asked of you? Please note there is a difference between the term 'in a neighborhood' and 'surrounded by neighborhoods' you said: there is no possible way you could have meant that word to be used in any way other than the direct meaning. the word "in" means (as pertaining to your usage): as this development is not "IN" a residential neighborhood all you are trying to do is what you normally do, scare people into believing that this walmart is dangerous and bad by providing information that is incorrect, or a flat out lie. I think less people would be staunchly against you if you were in any way showing that you were reasonable. I'm still waiting for you to comment on my post in this thread from back on Nov. 8. I'll ask again, cause you probably just missed my question, what are you doing to work with the developer to show that some changes are necessary? What changes are you proposing? How will these changes not only benefit the community, but benefit the developer? I'm sure people on here (myself included) would be happy to agree with you, and provide a unified front if there were some reasonable expectations set on the developer.
  23. I know it may look like a baby in all that swaddling, but it really is too bad the baby in this case is really a demon possum that will scratch your eyeballs out and do some nasty things to the sockets. I wish luck to all of those people who are currently in a historic district, I feel for you.
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