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Everything posted by samagon

  1. heh, that was what I was trying to say. my commute takes me south on 45 in the mornings, and north in the evenings (I decided a trip to HEB for some milk, and then to travel down telephone rather than getting back on 45 was a good choice), and almost every time I pass those things, I shake my head in wonder that someone thought a rebuild was a good idea.
  2. I agree, I hope that they pull down the rest before they fall down on others.
  3. My Mom is funny when it comes to color and driving habits. She makes some very specific correlations between driving styles and specific races. I tend to agree with Clarkson (from the BBC show Top Gear) that the driving style of a person can be found by looking at what they drive (and to an extent how they dress), rather than the color of the driver.
  4. Basically, attempted robbery/shooting at around 8pm in Terry Hershey, near Eldridge and I-10. http://www.khou.com/news/local/stories/kho...g.b2d4557c.html
  5. Heh, if you said it was worse that that particular stretch of trail, I would be impressed, but since it is hard to have a trail worse than the stretch along buffalo bayou between sabine street and shepherd, I can only assume is doesn't completely look like it has been abandoned of any maintenance for the past 20 years. I used to use the trail in terry hershey as a standard for safety and decided that once some of the trails in the east end were at that level that I would start riding them. But after what happened last week, I guess I'm as safe anywhere. So, I just ride on the streets!
  6. hey RS_ welcome, and congrats! I think I live across the street from you, in the house with the freshly planted oleanders by the street. Congrats if you do buy, I keep meaning to wander over there when you guys are outside while I'm smoking on my porch. I'll have to redouble my efforts (not at smoking, but coming to say hi).
  7. The thing that is really nice about Schiphol is that there is only 1 terminal, it feels like a small airport with a mall. I also like the Munich airport for the same reason. Both have great access points to other forms of transit, trains and buses. I think mostly, I end up hating airports that I have to transfer flights in, phoenix, denver, atlanta, detroit. I am fond of john wayne airport in orange county, and the airport at palm springs is a treat if you are a fan of unique, most of the airport is open air. I really don't like airports that you have to take those train things from concourse to terminal, but I guess that is the new, efficient way.
  8. I yield, I let people merge, I watch for erratic driving so I can ensure I am out of their way, I've called 911 a time or two on suspected drunk drivers, oh yeah, I and I stop at the scene of accidents to help. That is what I see as being a civil driver. I suppose we could argue semantics on the rest of it for a week or two, but my point was, and is, I didn't design it, but I am going to use it. Sorry to have joined such a controversial conversation as such a new member, but driving is one of those subjects that seems to evoke everyone!
  9. The best way to drive and be safe is be unpredictable and irrational, just swerve all over the place for no reason (flailing your arms around helps too, but it is an advanced maneuver since it requires using your knees to steer, while being unpredictable), and you won't have to worry about anyone entering your 'sphere of influence' people usually give me at least 2 lanes in addition to my own, and 4 or 5 car lengths to the rear. seriously though, I am not a fan of speeding, my gas mileage goes from ~30mpg at 60mph to ~20mpg at 70mph. 75mph? forget about it. But, that is the price of pushing a brick down the road with a turbo attached to. I'd not give it up for something that can get 30mpg at 75mph, I'm happy leaving my house 10 minutes early and watching my mirrors for Highway6 to come rolling past me. However you need to justify what you do, I won't judge you, do what you do. cause I know I do (and have done) enough myself.. I am one of the feeder jumpers, I am also a guy that uses a lane until it ends. Get mad at me for that if you want, but the designers of the roads designed them, if they designed them poorly, should I be blamed for using 100% of what our tax dollars are paying for? There's a saying in sports, don't hate the player, hate the game. what it means is, hate the way something is designed, not the way someone is using that design to their advantage (and certainly not the person who is doing it). Call your council, call whoever, complain about these shitty designs, they may get fixed, they may get updated, but they surely will not, if they cannot see that they are contributing to a problem that can't be seen from studying traffic patterns (road rage). Anyway, if someone crosses a double white to cut traffic, that is wrong, if someone uses a lane for the full length that is legally allowed, nothing wrong with it, and I find myself letting people zipper in, as often as I myself am zippering in.
  10. I must say that if EaDo is the name, I'm glad I'm on the other side of the tracks. I can't imagine being asked "where do you live" and having to answer "EaDo" or even answering "warehouse district" and having that person come over the top and say "oh, you live in EaDo!" I would hang my head.
  11. That is a horrible idea, they should plant trees and put spike strips and land mines in there instead!
  12. I'm lucky enough to have an huge old pecan tree in my backyard. My grandmother lived over on Truett near Dismuke and had a very successful Fig tree in her backyard. According to my Mom they used to be all over the place in this area. This Angel's Trumpet thing sounds intruiging, if they can help to ward off mosquitos, how do they do in moderate shade?
  13. Those people were just cardboard cutouts, using clever ILM techniques they are made to look as though they are real and enjoying themselves. I hope that the HP doesn't turn into T&C v2.0 seeing as that was opened in the midst of a great recession as well, but since there isn't another mall within 10 miles, (or worse less than a mile away with better access) it may work out better.
  14. There was a woman shot/killed and had her new caddy stolen not too long ago, it was daytime. And shock and horror, it was in Pearland as she was leaving work. Guess we can't live there either. Not to be too morbid about the situation, but as it goes, I'd rather live where a thief is bad enough where he tries to kill someone for their car, but fails on both accounts, not to mention where he isn't confident enough to try in the middle of the day, even if he injured the owner and then banged up the car. That is a much better outcome than death. Anyway, as others have said, it can and does happen anywhere.
  15. Hah, I used to live over at Bellaire and Kirkwood, and random weekends the so called 'minute men' that are all about getting rid of illegal aliens will ride through the parking lot making a big show with their trucks and american flags, and the day laborers will get scared and run away for the day. I've actually seen rental cops patroling the lot, apparently the day laborers aren't supposed to be on the property. It was always interesting when driving by to see the security guard driving through the lot and day laborers hiding behind the sheds. Although, if you want to get a cheap bicycle, that is the place to go, grab some bolt cutters and you can snag your choice of huffy. It is a varitable smorgasboard!
  16. Yeah, it is pretty neat to watch it all happen, there is a 2 story on Elliott near Fourcade that is being redone, and on the corner of Elliott and Broadmoor that house is slowly being reworked. As you say, it will be interesting to see what happens when they are done. Will someone buy it and live in it, or will it rent, and who will it rent to? And congrats SweetPotato!
  17. I see this is an old topic, I need to spend more time here... I bought a house in broadmoor 2 days after IKE came through, I've been moved in for a while now, I'm on Elliott, and the neighborhood is very quiet. The people that live in the houses are very normal every day people. After buying and telling friends where it was, they had the random comments about bulletproof vests and whatnot, but I feel just as safe as any of the 'good' areas. Anyway, I'm very happy with my purchase, and I'm looking forward to watching the area become revitalized (but hopefully not losing all the charm at the same time).
  18. Hey Guys, Just joined the site, as I recently moved from Alief to Broadmoor. Enjoying it so far I'd love to see a Hong Kong food market like I had access to in Alief. all sorts of crazy vegetables to try out, fresh fish, and lots of spices, not to mention inexpensive. I've been to the HEB in gulfgate (although I haven't found a time that place isn't busy, I like the selection) and the Randall's in midtown (great for rainy day shopping since they have covered parking, too bad it smells down there), I still need to try the Fiesta, but I'm not adventurous enough to go into the Battle Kroger (the one on polk and cullen). I'm eagerly awaiting the day I can hop on my bycicle and ride to Rice Epicurean, or Central Market and get some way overpriced cheese or something, but until then, I'll settle for something clean and close.
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