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DJ V Lawrence

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Everything posted by DJ V Lawrence

  1. Yo Moonman, what's your opinion about Robert as the new Secretary of Defense? Is he compitant? I know he's experienced, but I never really heard of him before today. What do you think he will do that Rumsfeld didn't do? Remember, we still have the same President. How much of a policy change could there be with Aggie of Defense in office?
  2. The potheads were too high to make it to the polls, yo. Strayhorn didn't mess nothing up; she was just doing her job. Last time I checked, Strayhorn's a Republican. It was a win-win situation for her because if she were to lose, a fellow Republican would still have the Governor's office. Smart move. In terms of Bell, he was assured of losing because it was a saturated playing field. He probably would have won if it was one-on-one. Kinky was probably a long-shot because of the same thing. Either way, Perry cowaring to only one govenor's debate and not even mentioning Kinky's name in his campaign ads worked. And U have to give Perry credit in the fact that his commercials were more about him than about slamming someone else, which is how it should be.
  3. The way I see it, a majority of Texans did not want Rick Perry as governor. I thought he would have gotten at least 50% of the vote, but he still knew how to run a good campaign and make a lot of money. Unfortunately, the vote proves that running for office may be all that Perry's capable of doing. Let's hope he proves that wrong.
  4. I kept hearing about the calls for Rumsfeld to resign. Does this mean Bush's approval rating will rise any, and will Bush be in a better position to get his agenda across as President with Gates as Secretary of Defense than with Rumsfeld?
  5. Actually I disagree a little bit. I think if any one of these candidates were to go up one-on-one against Perry, that person would have won; not just Bell. But I think something was fishy about Strayhorn. I think she was a partial strategic candidate to help Perry win by saturating the playing field (though she would be a better governor than Perry). Kinky's a popular dude, but I truly think his weakness in this election is the fact that so many people that like him probably are in the demographics that don't show up in the voting booths (i.e. the college crowd). Remember Ventura, yo. He's living proof that every once in a while, voting counts. By the way, I've posted a copy of what the fight for the govenor's race looks like on my myspace. Check it out... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1386781757
  6. Could the picture be a part of Bayou Place?
  7. That could be a fine looking McDonald's, don't cha think?
  8. It's a window! YEA, I WIN!!!! Joking. Is it a courthouse currently being renovated?
  9. If more of my college peers weren't too stoned to vote, I think Kinky would have had a chance.
  10. Technically, the polls are over at 7pm. Does this mean that Kinky Friedman is now the official govenor of HAIF?
  11. Sorry Brit, I'm engaged. But I don't blame ya for tryin' Here's the headlining story (even though it's Election Day) http://www.houstonchronicle.com/disp/story...nt/4317178.html
  12. Proud to say I voted for the first time last Thursday also! One of the best feelings I've had in a long time. I even had a standing ovation from the polling officials when I finished Thanx America, 4 letting me vote! I know it's cheesy, but I'm proud to be allowed to do that!
  13. From what I've heard about America, soccer's more played by America's kids than football. (Probably because it's easier to set up than football with pads and all.)
  14. Sadaam just needs a song from another Great Britain resident... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_68HtP_6MB0...ted&search=
  15. If there WERE a mishap in his trousers, would Dick Cheney have to change his first name?
  16. Actually, the Texans and Dynamo could be a fair comparison, see that both teams are playing early Sunday afternoon We got the Texans at 11am on CBS, then the Dynamo play the internationally televised MLS Cup on ABC at 2:30pm in Dallas. Go Houston!!
  17. Check this out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLIGOWppe_4...ted&search= DeRosario of Dynamo scoring from 60 yards away! Here's another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuECatf6qaw...ted&search= Brian Ching's bicycle-kick goal. GO DYNAMO!!!
  18. I haven't met one person in person that said they were voting for Perry. (Can't really see why anyone would want to, either). I gotta agree with Westguy on this statement. Most of my friends want Kinky to win, but they think that the election is so rigged, Perry would win regardless of how they vote. I just want to see the states' votes count, whoever wins. No more trying to turn people away from polls like last week (the 4 Houston libraries who had to cancel free flu-shots because Republican officials didn't want people to vote that normally wouldn't have voted.) Regardless of who you think will win, EVERYBODY vote for who YOU like. If it's Perry, Strayhorn, Bell, or Friedman, doesn't matter. I hope this election shows that voting does matter.
  19. Yea, especially since knowing that Islamic extremists with a direct affiliation to Al Qaida overthrew Somalia's government and took it over. Now, that country is a possible haven for terrorists that could potentially attack the U.S.. I WOULD think that would be a bigger threat to the U.S. than Iraq or even the Taliban, don't you think? Just saying that, 'cause I've heard no one in Washington or the media even MENTION a thought about fighting the warlords in Somalia
  20. I'd like to see a couple things: 1) The new Dynamo stadium built across the freeway from MMP, and the Dynamo, GRB, Astros, and City of Houston to push for a revitalization of the area around that Dynamo stadium, because a positive developmental atmosphere on both sides of 59 could only do wonders for all entities, and perhaps give convention and concert promoters another reason for people to host events in Houston to their resume. 2) I want to see the Dynamo extend their stay at Robertson Stadium 2 extra years, and hold off on the actual stadium design plans. First, purchase the land by downtown, and then work and focus on increasing the already growing fanbase. 23,000 at Robertson tonight was GREAT, but it shouldn't be considered the peak; it should be considered a stepping stone. I think season ticket sales are going to increase dramatically from last year because of the Dynamo's on-field success, and as a result, maybe our local news will give Dynamo the respect they deserve (all of 'em STILL had the Texans losing tonight as the top story even though our Dynamo won the Western Conference Finals ). If they can create a 25,000+ game or two next season and keep increasing the popularity, maybe a 30,000-35,000 seat stadium plan wouldn't be unreasonable if announced in four years instead of 2007. 3) Instead of pulling off a Dallas Burn and having all those practice fields around their stadium, the Dynamo should instead have their practice fields at a high school site at a different location than the stadium, like in Alief. It would give Dynamo a larger fan-outreach. There's a lot of Dynamo fans here, so having practices with the stars here and not too far from Sugarland, Katy, and HISD would create a larger fan-base, and youth and high-school teams could learn and benefit from the players at the central location between Elsik and Hastings (which are only 3 practice fields apart.) Alief would probably be willing to spend the money for those kinds of fields instead of another $3 million ad campaign to make the area more noticed. 4) Have the new stadium soccer and concert-based, with football games held there only on special occasions like bowl games or high school playoffs. Instead of worrying about watching that football paint obscure the soccer lines, rent the stadium out to youth, high school, and college soccer tournaments. Kids would LOVE to play sports with a beautiful city skyline in the background. Let the stadium be paid out with these kind of comunity-oriented events. If Houston puts up money for this stadium, we can use this stadium to give back to our kids. 5) Lastly, eventually find an owner willing to do what it takes to make a dynasty once the stadium is in play. This team would be by far the highest-worth soccer team in America and Canada (Toronto FC's joining MLS next year), if we were the only MLS team to have a soccer-only 30,000+ stadium with high attendance. We need an owner who could get the Dynamo much better tv play (like Fox Sports SW, ch51, or MY20 for most games instead of FSC that not many people have), and a local spanish tv station as well. With good tv coverage and more professional cameras and a stadium that helps with camera sightlines for a soccer field, viewership could be much higher, and the team could be the Manchester United of the MLS.
  21. The Cowboys/Redskins game was one of the strangest ending's I've ever seen. Dallas gave that one up. Romo has my props, though. To the team that actually matters: the Texans. Even though we lost, that's a game the Texans can be proud of. And Jeremy Shockey got JACKED UP!!!! Straight up! We'll be seeing that TD hit on Sportscenter, believe that!!
  22. Just curious how Houston's gonna be next weekend. Will it be business as usual, or a crazy party and buzz heading into the MLS Cup? And will the bars be packed and downtown be ready to party for the hometown boys, or will people downplay it and keep up the wishful thinking that we'd wait until Super Bowl 2007 for Texans to win the Super Bowl until we partied down, even though they're 2-5?
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