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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. I probably use these trails more than the average person in the neighborhood, and I've never once felt any form of danger for myself. I have seen a few teens and dumb adults barrel through these intersections without even looking though. I agree with Niche, I dont think we should receive a disproportionate amount of funding to make this happen. If the petition included a section for the neighborhood to raise funding necessary to make these changes I would gladly sign it. If the city approves of the desired changes the group could organize one of those websites to raise the money in a certain timeframe. I'd gladly throw a little bit of money to help make it happen (even though I don't think I personally need the changes whatsoever). I'd love to see the residents get more active in paying for improvements, I think enough people are willing to throw their own coin at some projects to get them done and stop waiting for the city to pay for it.
  2. I thought i read that ~54% of walmart's stock came from the US? By that logic, why don't you see a stop IKEA group?
  3. probably... but thats just how it came out from the computer i was on... I didn't figure anyone would actually care about it...
  4. Maintenance fee is pretty high per month, I wonder how they will sell.
  5. Aside from preserving historic bungalows, that is EXACTLY what i hear from people from The Woodlands. They Hate walmart but love Whole Foods/Trader Joes, want more bike paths and trails, and brag about how much they like shopping at the boutique stores (although a lot of them are not independent...) Apparently, now we have to worry about people robbing the "Heights" walmart with AK-47s. = ]
  6. Thanks for the heads up, i've been meaning to drop by buchanan's anyway.
  7. I just want to know how Sale-Sucre plans on running a business when they obviously will be undersold by walmart, overrun by children and wild cats, while Yale is being repaved and Ruggles/not ruggles is indirectly competing against them, all while not having a developer like airbinder to get them a 380 agreement... I also am curious about their food.
  8. I just want to know more about Sale-Sucre. Anyone hearing anything about it?
  9. That reminds me... has anyone else been to the restaurant inside Nundini's (since they made a nice sit down area)? I have been several times and it is fantastic. I have seen a few children in their everytime I've been... Traditional Italian dining is always family friendly... I have not been back to Collina's since the Nundini's restaurant opened.
  10. I think what is trying to be said here is that there is an increasing amount of affluent families with children in the neighborhood, which I agree with. What I think is failed to be seen is that this number would need to increase 400% for it to actually be a significant. My observations... The only restaurant where I see a larger amount of kids has been Berry Hill... and I've noticed that alot of them are the same ones I've seen previously (pretty cool, I can see them growing up by comparing their size to the fountain). There are VERY few kids on my street, I only know of two in the immediate blocks. When my wife and I start having kids it will greatly increase the percentage of kids on the block, but the overall percentage for the neighborhood will still be very small. I do feel that I see a lot more babies in the neighborhood compared to 5 years ago. Only time will tell if these people stick around once there kids get to be school aged. I think we will see a lot of improvement in the area schools in the near future.
  11. When I was a child if it wasn't chuck e cheese or a place with a "arcade" area, i was expected to sit at the table and behave. The whole "kid friendly" concept was completely foreign to me, if it was a restaurant I could go. I doubt anyone really cares if they see a child in a restaurant, it's if they are acting out in some way that they see as annoying. I occasionally see kids with their parents late night at Onion Creek and I think its pretty cool, as long as they aren't running around uncontrolled. I think for heights restaurants it is a good idea to have some "kids" portions or items on the menu, but no further accommodations need to be made. I think a lot of the households that "will have kids" will probably move once they have had kids, and be replaced with more young couples without kids...
  12. Funny that they couldn't get someone living in a 1910-1925 original to be the face of the group... this makes me think they have even less support than i thought they did (which was still rather small)
  13. I found some of the weights under the house when i had it raised... so i'm sure some are missing lol. Yeah, i've worked on them before (my brother had a 1930s cottage). I'll just take on one at a time, see how it goes. There is one window (basically the whole wall) off my dining room that is obviously not original (aluminum frame). I want to replace that one with a doublepaned modern window that fits the houses character more.
  14. Mine are all painted shut, missing ropes, probably broken pullies, some are missing weights, overall pretty crappy but normal for the 'hood. I'm guessing mine would probably be more in the $100+ per window range, for all 18 windows... i might want to learn how to do this myself. Can anyone post a picture of a fixed window?
  15. I'm curious as well about pricing. I've read a lot about repairing windows and there are so man things you can do to improve upon them (they typically have no insulation at all). If the price is reasonable, i might just pay someone to do it vs. DIY.
  16. I wanted a suit from there, it was on sale (50% off), but it still cost 2800 bucks... I could have flown to a host of countries and had a suit custom tailored to fit me and be every bit as nice. (i could actually have done this twice). I understand premium goods come at a premium price, but holy crap that's expensive. (mind you I think 1,000 would have been totally reasonable, i'm not one of those "my $99 suits4less suit is just as good" people). I think Harold's had completely lost touch with the neighborhood. That said, I hope to see a unique business take its place. I feel 19th street is ripe for business right now.
  17. Frosted Betty is on Studewood, somewhere between ruggles and antidote i think.
  18. I'll have to go try DownHouse for dinner. I went back to Happy Fatz the other night for dinner and my wife and I tried their hotdogs. I wasn't expecting anything too special, but i was greatly surprised. The franks are high quality, the bread is incredible, and the fixins are good too. They need to do something with their parking lot/fence setup so it is more obvious there is a restaurant there, because everything I've had there so far has been awesome. Highly recommended. Went to Frosted Betty and had an Almond Ricotta Raspberry cupcake, it was pretty dang tasty. I look forward to trying the Maple Bacon cupcake soon. Went to Chilosos yesterday, and they have changed their format a bit as well as raised their prices. Still not expensive, but part of my prevoius allure to going was how cheap it was. I'm guessing a lot of people didn't like the changes, because I have never seen Chilosos this empty on a Sunday around 1pm. Food was still just as tasty, but I felt like something was just missing... (general feel of the restaurant was just off I think)
  19. Red, this building is more than 75ft tall..... emotionally. lol after all it blocks all of north norhilll of their evening sun.
  20. Valet for that building??? Whats next Valet at Someburger?
  21. of course you think this is a good idea, you get to tell other people what to do purely from your own thoughts. I think it is a terrible idea. I'm fine with having something like this possible... but requirement should be the neighbhorhood apply for it with a majority of homeowners approval.
  22. I find their gumbo to be much like what I grew up with. I would say there should be big chunks of tomatoes and Okra in your gumbo. Its just like 20thStDad said, gumbo has tons of different variations. My first 23 years on this earth took place in Louisiana, and everyone in my family makes its slightly different.
  23. If i remember correctly I ordered a bottle of Artemis when i was at Sonoma, and the price was pretty decent. Your probably right regarding the location causing that observation I made. I haven't been drinking much wine lately... i need to remedy that.
  24. I went to Sonoma once, and it seemed like a bunch of trophy's wifes spending money. Maybe it was just the day I went? It was fun though, i had some good wine and i liked their pizza. With Corkscrew opening back up in the heights i doubt I'll go to this location often. I do however need to go back to Sonoma Valley...
  25. So now we need a timeline for D'Amicos, Tacos a go go, Becks Prime, and for someone to take over King Biscuit. I would love to see something different there (indian, ethiopian???), but I'd be happy to see pretty much anything.
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