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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. I had to drive up to crosstimbers walmart yesterday to track down a battery operated fan (you wouldn't believe how hard these are to find). My only time available to drive that way was ~6PM. Yale St Walmart would have been so convenient. (for my annual walmart trip)
  2. My brain works to fast to slow down and worry about grammar. I'm sure I could find unnecessary' places to use apos'trophes to qualify my Walmart shopping abilities. If being a grammar nazi is your "thing" that you're about thats fine, but they're (hater haters with bad grammar) still entitled to their opinions on if the walmart should go there.
  3. Skater friendly, NICE! (remember everyone, June 21st is GO SKATEBOARD DAY!)
  4. And i'll get mine on 20th (Chilosos). Unless they are closed, then it will be a battle between Torchy's and Taco's A gogo.
  5. yet there isn't a single video game store...
  6. Off street parking on white oak, bayou side was always available and I wouldn't think could ever be made resident only. I agree with Red, this location is just too ideal for a bar/restaurant to not be one. I also never saw the biscuit listed on HAR or COMMGATE, I wonder why they weren't trying too hard to sell it?
  7. http://blog.chron.com/heights/2012/06/avis-frank-gallery-takes-over-king-biscuit-space/ Sounds interesting, but I'm kinda bummed, I really miss King Biscuit (the last year or so it was open it was terrible though). I'd always hoped another restaurant would take its place, King Biscuit was one of my favorite places to walk/skate to.
  8. Clearly. Right. Worse than the overgrown, blight lined sidewalk that had a afew decent live oaks. Give me a break. And quick using your recently learned term "tree caliper inches", just say diamater.
  9. The original photos I just looked at had some pine forrested areas but equal amounts of bayou and willows and other small trees. The strip along the boulevard did seem quite wooded, but those were a bunch a pine trees, and as someone who has a large pine tree in their front yard, I can promise you we aren't missing those. Nearly all the beautiful Live Oaks and other aesthetically pleasing trees you see were planted by residents. Nothing historic or original about them... That being said... the new walmart will have a gardening center right?
  10. S3mh should be thanking Walmart for helping return the Heights to the historic treeless swamp it orignially was...
  11. S3mh is just mad because the walmart is going to pull the values of the historic district houses back up. lol
  12. slightly off topic, but everytime I read "Yale Bridge of Death" I chuckle. Someone needs to take a photo of the bridge and photoshop it to have demon eyes and monster teeth, eating a school bus.
  13. lol... you state your able to move on, then bring it all back up again. FACEPALM! Sale-Sucre update anyone???
  14. wait... walking your child down the street... strollers.... pushing strollers, pusher.... I see whats going on here... j/k I live about a half block down from some of the most terrible apartments in all of the heights. They are the root of a lot of crime in my area; I've seen the police arrest several people there, and one time a lady with a knife chasing her babies daddy who was holding their baby (although I'm sure there are also plenty of good people living there as well). I really feel that it would be much more serving and directly beneficial for all the anti walmart or pro historic district folks to put their efforts into getting rid of these rundown apartments instead of their current plights.
  15. HAHAHA, did you read all the people saying the apartments are going to kill the home values in the Heights... gimme a break. This is a rather good location for an apartment complex as there currently isn't much in the immediate surrounding areas. Urbanization!
  16. Actually I'm going to raise this new animal... you've probably never heard of it. When did longboards become hip? I have heard that every hipster will probably have a penny board by the end of the summer, but that isn't really the same thing. I guess once walmart gets here everyone will be able to afford longboards though, even the poor kids will have some cheap pintail board they can cruise up and down their street on while wearing Faded Glory sandals. That'll stop the hipsters on their penny boards in birkenstocks real quick.
  17. People Eating Tasty Animals??? cock block all you want, I just want hens. There is absolutely nothing driving this need other than the desire to be a cool hipster with my own chickens that fertilize my grass and give me "organic yard eggs". (I recognize that I have to put money in the d-bag jar for that) That mixed with the nostalgia of the chickens from my family's farm growing up...
  18. I guess it is because i was raised in rural ultra conservative north louisiana that even though I'm now a liberal hipster... I still don't want to push my agenda down anyone's throat (except the petition to allow 4 hens on city lots). I remember when my small town finally got a walmart when i was growing up, it was awesome. If you needed something, you could just go to walmart (alot of times back then it was actually hard to find products if you didn't have a walmart). The anti walmart crowd just reminds me of the neo con christians from my college town that used city laws to shut down the porn shop that was outside of the city limits. Everyone knew it was wrong and wasn't legal, but nobody really made a fuss about it because it was stopping the porn shop (insert walmart to this and its the same story).
  19. funny, i was just thinking this morning... that is going to be a nice looking building when complete. Its rare to see all brick sided construction on buildings this size these days.
  20. Well, i figured since others were making up "facts" i might as well too.
  21. walmarts research, marketing, and strategy are all done in Arkansas, a lot is built in China, and assembled in stores in US. I guess it just depends on how you state it wheter it is ok or not?
  22. Being a bit of a tank... if an adult is in my way i have no problem mowing them over and apologizing later, if i run into a child they are at serious risk of injury so I will do whatever it takes to avoid them. That being said, get out of my way, I don't have any effing brakes on my longboard! And to the guy the other night wearing all black just sitting in the middle of a shadowy part of the trail listening to headphones (between nicholson and yale), my bad... even though you were being completely stupid, it is my fault for running in to you. How about getting some lights along the trail? That would improve the safety much more than some signals. I ride the trails very late pretty often, and i've seen several people lurking near the trail in the shadows. Few times people stepped out and asked me for money or whatever.
  23. Safety is just like... your opinion man. I find them adequately safe for me on my longboard (along with my fellow longboard friends that regularly use the trail). What would really make the trails safer would be if people would use proper walking/jogging/biking/skating etiquette. I crashed into the grass and almost hit my head on a curb because a family insisted on riding 3-4 abreast instead of in a line. There was just enough room for me to pass on the side when one of the kids went wide and i had to run into the grass (skateboards/longboards do not roll on the grass very well) and had to do a ninja roll/flip to avoid getting hurt. Therefore, it is my opinion that the trail is safer for everyone that uses it if families are not allowed to ride it. The trail will NEVER be safe for all, there are risks involved in walking/jogging/biking/skating/breathing. Even with the new signals and etc., do you really think there will be fewer accidents? Really?
  24. I'm on the trails on a longboard. Not exactly the fastest accelerating or stopping vehicle. My wife and I (Young invincible DINKS) haven't really had any issues crossing streets. The only issue I could see is people being impatient. This I've seen several times People pulling into the street and waiting in the near lane for the car in the far lane to pass, but that car is actually turning on nicholson so they get stuck in the road with cars coming from both sides. moo.
  25. That reminds me of the urban kayaking segment from Jackass. I'm going to make up a statistic that perhaps will have value here: Total trips made by car/truck/bus/etc = A Total trips made on bicycles = B Total cost spent for roads for car/truck/bus/etc = C Total cost spent for bicycle paths = D does B/A = D/C ? Obviously not. It seems like a disproportionate amount of money is being spent for car/truck/bus/etc. to me, but then again I'm just making this formula up. (no references)
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