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Everything posted by 2112

  1. Oh, I think you know...you know exactly what I'm saying...
  2. This week is innuendo week. I will randomly respond to posts in all sections with vague and value-less added commentary, to provoke uneasiness, irritation, and insecurity. You have been forewarned.
  3. I know!!! I was just joking! It was a play on words. ...or something
  4. I didnt like this, so I'm sharing it with you. http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/essays/lite...oobaressay5.php
  5. I liked this, so I'm sharing it with you: http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/disp...3/food_set.html
  6. The actual alignment proposals, as of the last Metro public workshop, has two options of subway underneath either Mckinney or Walker streets. The third option is a surface rail, like the red line, on RUSK. If the Mckinney one is chosen, then, they would have to tunnel deeper to get underneath of the 5 or so underground levels of the GRB. This alignment would continue straight underneath the GRB under Walker Street, then pop up on a portal somewhere around Dowling Street. If the Walker one is chosen, then the plan is to remain subway right under where the proposed Central Park would be, and curve towards the north and bypass the GRB, and therefore, not have tunnel as deep compared to the Mckinney alignment. Again, the portal would emerge somewhere around Dowling Street.
  7. So they are not ashamed of being a woman and showing it. And I know most guys love it. So I dont understand what the problem is? It's kinda offensive when people that are not used to it, will just proclaim our women as prostitutes. Ive seen it several times also. Its also cultural, I think. The Latin influence plays a big part, probably. There's nothing wrong with it, unless your a nun or something I guess.
  8. OK. Its time I mentioned something I heard during the All-Star game. I was walking around Main Street during one of the big block parties, and I was next to a guy from who knows where. But what was interesting was his conversation on the phone to, I presume, a buddy of his somewhere not in Houston, because he was saying something like:
  9. I guess it's the "overall Houston would be considered conservative" I have a problem with; it just seems to proclaim the stereotype, whether its reall or not. Maybe it is. But there are so many ways to measure the idea. I
  10. I enjoy this too, as I mentioned above. However, I dont limit my observations to poor people, I look at all of them.
  11. I said: "I love picking up friends at the bus station" I should clarify what that means. It does NOT mean I go there to pick up strange people and make them my friends. I mean, when friends who allready are my freinds, come visit me to Houston on a Greyhound, I go pick them up at the bus station. That's what that means.
  12. Do I smell sarcasm? Or are you serious? Riding Metro is quite soothing for me. But then, I grew up traveling by Trailways every summer to visit cities with my mom. Houston, of course, was one of those frequent summer trips. I just LOVED sitting on busses for long periods of time, and it was a joyous occasion when we would approach a large city...I would be mesmerized by all the lights, skyscrapers, and the traffic too. The great bus terminals were fantastic too me, freaks and all. So today, I do what some people would consider a little strange....I actually go to the Greyhound terminal downtown, and recall the great times I used to have there as a child, realizing that I was now in a REAL big city. I love picking up friends at the bus station: its just an excuse to be there for me. But thats just me.
  13. I didnt know Eminem's mother was his ex-wife.
  14. Ooops. I misread your post/quote. I thought you said "FW is NOT like Houston", but you said "A LOT" not "NOT". My error. I do love Fort Worth. The two times I went to DFW the last 4 years, it was to a piano competition in Fort Worth. I like that Fort Worth at times has an "Austin" feel to it, minus 6th street. But more inportantly, minus the attitude. Take care.
  15. Dall!!! Youre back!!! Good to hear from you! Hey, youre making me look like some kinda' prevert! Generally, I dont like my name associated with the phrase "upskirt", although, in the event that one is presented to me, I may have no choice but to look. Its who I am. Its whats for dinner. Anyways, hope the magazine and all is doing well. Oh, and, Montrose1100 says hello. Laters.
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