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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Great, that ends going down to the 288/518 exit for lunch. I'll stick to Almeda Diner and the Church's chicken that's stuck in the gas station. And the taco truck at Almeda and Bluebonnet.
  2. I rode through that area a couple of weeks ago, past the park. Not the best area, to me it seemed like sort of an isolated bad spot in the middle of goodness. The area between I-10 and Center St, just north and south of the railroad tracks is what I'm talking about. I'm guessing it's still kind of crappy due to proximity to I-10 and the tracks. My opinion, of course. I would say it's on it's way to being better, but I'm not sure it'll be very quickly. If you're hoping to jump in there and it be nice and safe in a couple years, I'm not seeing it. Give it 5-8, but that depends on your own scale of progress. It has just moved at slower pace at getting better than other nearby places. But I don't feel unsafe there at all.
  3. I don't think it looks much different than the other side of 288, shopping center hell. I think it was sarahiki who asked, since when is a mall a town centre? Well, this isn't even a real mall. I can't even walk everywhere in air conditioning. It is too hot to live here, I am hibernating until December, if my company is cool with paying me for that.
  4. When I first moved to Houston (2001), I got hit up for gas in the parking lot of the Randall's on Westheimer @ Shepherd by a dude. Fun part it he was driving around the parking lot finding people to beg from. Needed to get to Dallas or something. Then I saw him doing the same thing a month later and called him on it, and he sped off, wasting more precious gas.
  5. On that, I would think that the same ones I've seen at the same corner for YEARS now have to be of the professional vagrant variety. First, they appear clean shaven. I'm not saying that someone without a home couldn't find a razor now and again, but always a clean shave? Come on. I am not giving that dude any money.
  6. I think it's safe to infer that a homeless person has no job and no family or friends who care much about them. I can say this based on the numerous instances of someone I know coming up on hard times and either a friend or family taking them in to help out. Hell, we even had a 50 something year old alumni who was "homeless" come live at the fraternity house (as we were working to get it up to fire code) while he found work and got himself out of the hole he was in. And he lived in Georgia before he came back to LA. So yeah, people with the initiative and willingness to get themselves out of their situation can most certainly do so. The "career homeless" I don't believe fall into this category at all. It takes a lot of work to become homeless, including exhausting all resources available to you in the friend/family department. Do you know any different? Talk about arrogance, you are the only one with the arrogant tone here. If you'd pay attention I never said they weren't worth anything, and I never said I can't stand their presence - so I assume you are talking to someone else on that. I am one in favor of helping them here. I never said they were worth any less than a yuppie, but in their current state you're damn right they are contributing less. So what? They still deserve help. Are you saying that only the homeless who used to be a fireman hero deserves the help? Your notion of the worth of a human shouldn't exclude them, based on your previous arguments it would appear you think that way. I still don't feel sorry for them in general, but if I heard a few of their individual stories I bet I would. I'm not out on a crusade trying to save them, you can fault me for that if you want. But I'll vote for whatever comes up to help them out, if it involves them working themselves back on their feet. Unless you are giving half of your income away to them or harboring one or more in your place right now you don't have much room to talk either.
  7. I agree with you that the eradication of the homeless is a dumb argument to make, and that people can't move into places in transition and expect Eden. BUT, you only keep mentioning a person's job as their worth. A person's worth and contribution is better measured by relationships and the people they interact with. I bet you it's an easy comparison that the person with a job and family provides more in that arena than does the homeless person.
  8. I agree with you and MetroMogul on that point then. Just because you have a job and have a nice tight control on your life and space doesn't mean you are entitled to "wish away" others out of the world. I do believe though that the simple fact that someone is working and at least supporting themselves is a good thing compared to someone who can't or won't, regardless of where the fault lies. It's a bit of a silly argument though (congratulations! you fed yourself and wiped your own arse today!! - not very impressive), and I'm not trying to justify anyone's previous arguments. I don't think the bums should just be murdered and fed to livestock as TexasVines would like to do, I just think there could be programs in place that not only help the bums but help the rest of us too, by making them productive in some manner. There are TONS of easy, crappy jobs out there that anyone can do, and if you are homeless, guess what, you may have just bought yourself a ticket to the modern day poor farm (other HAIF topic), whatever that might be.
  9. Turns out you don't have to choose between inviting them into your home or eradicating off the face of the earth, there are actually many feelings/opinions between those. Jeez, some of you people just let your minds go wild with these things. I don't like homeless people pandering and dirtying things up, and no I don't really feel sorry for them because I get to be detached. I don't know any of them. Pick one and tell me his story about how he totally got screwed in life and yeah I might feel sorry. Then again, find one who was a criminal or lazy ass to get himself homeless, and I really won't care that he's in the situation he's in. I'm not about to believe ALL homeless people are victims. I would say most made their own beds, which is why they have none. MetroMogul, it has nothing to do with anyone's so-called "McJob". Past that, you make it sound like someone's contribution to the world and society is completely tied to their occupation. Being a contributing member of a family or friendships is maybe even more important than whatever daily grind brings home the bacon. You can say we're all "no different on the inside" until you are blue in the face. Yeah, deep down maybe no one is "better" than anyone else. But your ACTIONS do matter. You can be the best person in the world, but if you trash the neighborhood, piss everywhere, and spend every cent you beg for on booze then you just aren't living up to it. EDIT: I should post what I think should be done instead of just ranting. I think there should be better programs to get these people to work. Jobs are the answer, not endless handouts. If they aren't motivated enough to work themselves out of their situation then they deserve to remain in it. Every day I see dozens of day laborers who would do anything for a job. I bet you they don't live in a nice place either. But they know they have to WORK to improve their situation, they don't sit at the corner all day asking for it to magically come to them for nothing.
  10. The lanes are narrow, and speeding on a wet road that is an older asphalt is never a good idea. They can't get rid of the Dunlavy turn lane, and they are only going to need it more once all of this gets built. I still haven't seen anywhere in the design that proposes any changes to the current set up, has something new come out maybe? They could always dig it and make it a double underpass to Dunlavy, with easy service road type access just continuing from the Waugh intersection. Someone needs to figure that out, otherwise it'll just end up less safe than now. Has anyone see visible progress? It's been a couple weeks since I drove by but it looked like nothing but cleared spaces. Are they waiting on something?
  11. I'm sure some chemical fun enhancers were involved...makes everything funnier.
  12. Maybe he was talking about the homeless people that are already there? That has to count for something.
  13. Any updates? I couldn't get to lockmat's link. Would love to see something happen in this huge waste of space. I biked through there last week and just got that ick feeling wishing something more useful was in such a nearby space to good things.
  14. Coal-less = less emissions from combustion of fossil fuel Coalesce = get together, gel
  15. Oh, so Taco Cabana is ok but I can't get some red meat? No way TC beats BK, not in my book. Haha, what a useless argument anyway. If only I had the power to summon restaurants at my whim...or destroy them. Back on topic (sort of), that was a lot of banks they plan to put right there. I think that's good. the 2 retail spots open on the north part look medium sized...perhaps perfect for our mandatory mattress store, cell phone store, or check cashing place.
  16. My in-laws thing Cracker Barrel is the greatest thing in the world. Definitely country food. I don't mind it, it's reasonably priced and they have good biscuits. I could do without the junk store at the front of them. They need a Wings 'n' Things...I'm generally anti-chain, but of course I'm addicted to the worst possible chain out there. That and Burger King. Yeah, I have issues.
  17. I think there's a 3 story across the street on the triangle shaped lot White Oak @ Oxford. I forgot why this might matter though.
  18. Has anyone been to Danton's on Montrose at 59? I've passed by but never gone. That's pretty close to the district.
  19. I don't think showing totals proves that basketball is the most dangerous at all. It's about total numbers, there are way more people casually playing basketball or getting a pickup game together, because it takes a lot more equipment, organization, and facilities to do that in either baseball or football. There are just more people screwing around playing basketball, period. If as many people played football that number would be at least 10 times higher for football.
  20. I love that Kroger and get good meat from there all the time. I think you just have to know how to select good meat, which honestly has taken me years to get good at. They have great sales on meat compared to Randall's from what I've noticed.
  21. I've seen both sides of it, and enjoyed it for a while. My least favorite trips were Port Arthur and Gillette, Wyoming. Now you think Wyoming and nice landscape, but something about northeast Wyoming just isn't as great. Beyond that, there is nothing to do there (except get speeding tickets driving to Cheyenne or Rapid City on the weekend). Now Cody, Wyoming is another story. I love that place. I hit Yellowstone as much as I could on those trips. I've been to a lot of great places though - I got to spend a good amount of time in Aberdeen, which was really cool. I took a few weekend trips to Edinburgh and out in the country to Balmoral Castle. Also went to Cork, Ireland. That place rocks. Kinsale, south of Cork on the coast, it a beautiful place, and I actually got to fly out to the platform for that trip, about 12 miles out in the south Irish Sea. So beautiful. Also got to go to Alaska about 5 times now. Anchorage is great, but the best was being able to get up to the north slope. Of course I only got there during winter, so it was like being on the moon (I imagine, don't know for certain). White/gray everywhere, and just constant wind. I think 50 below was the temp in October sometime. To fly back on my second trip I had to get a guy to drive me 20 or so miles from Kuparuk to Prudhoe bay, and I remember being amazed looking at the truck thermostat reading 90 degrees. When the wind would blow I could feel it come through the cab, that's how cold the air was.
  22. Is there a good place around here that actually grills their burgers? Burgers on a griddle will never have the same flavor, they all taste the same.
  23. It's hot here, and "no one" walks anywhere (except crazy people who like hotness).
  24. We got out there also, it was pretty hectic. The platforms weren't too stroller friendly so I just stepped up for a bit, on the side that apparently no one else was hanging out on...maybe I wasn't supposed to be there. That was a lot of rebar and concrete. ...and it's damn hot here. I feel my annual urge to whine about the heat coming on strong.
  25. Um, you didn't see the part about donuts and coffee???!!!!11
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