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Posts posted by MidtownCoog

  1. Awesome. I hope this happens. Same with the Katy/Cinco Ranch area.

    Besides, Houston has so many other areas it could annex. It's not like it is being hemmed in or anything, nor is Houston going to annex this land in the future.

    If it were not for Houston there would be no Cinco or just about any other unincorporated portion of Harris County.

    You can run but you can't hide.

  2. I wouldn't call the people who are against the offshore wind farm Green NIMBYs. They're just NIMBYs. There is plenty of support all over this Commonwealth for the Wind Farm. Hell, many owners and year round residents of the Cape and Islands support the effort. That said, folks with $25 million Nantucket and Vineyard homes don't want it. These are largely second homes but they belong to the movers and shakers. Many, if not most of these people, would hardly be called Green (unless you are counting cash).


    But I think many are alluding to the 500lb. Gorilla in the room although they dare not speak its name; Senator Kennedy.

  3. As a former New Yorker now living in Houston, I was going to weigh in on this. On second thought, it hardly seems worth the trouble. Too bad. The conversation and posts started off intelligent. Didn't take too long before it became the confederates vs the union - yet again.

    Don't be chy.

    Have you seen what we say about those Yankess in Dallas?

  4. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/spr...ws/5891195.html

    I have no doubt that they'll get the 10,000 signatures needed, but not sure whether they can overcome all the obstacles to incorporating. IMHO forming a city would be a good thing, there are too many service holes and poorer reaction times in the unincorporated areas that many people are not aware of when they buy their home. Would give the residents better control over their future, and who wants to be eventually sucked into giant and often poorly run Houston?

    Houston is here to stay.

    Spring-Klein could go the way of 1960.

  5. What does it mean to be an "InnerWeb dude?" I think I'm being insulted, but I don't understand the insult.

    And by the way, being a sanctuary city doesn't mean you have a similar number of illegals. Just that you welcome them similarly. I am quite willing to admit my ignorance regarding actual numbers, or estimated numbers as is more likely, but I'd be interested in seeing a comparison of numbers of illegals in both cities, as raw numbers and as a percentage of total population.

    Not an insult. We are all InnerWeb dudes...not experts in city planning.

    But let's be real here. Do you really think the dishwashers and ditch diggers in NYC are all legal and making $22.00/hr union?

    1.1 million is the New York estimate. 1.7 million is the Texas estimate.

    And drivers license issue? Don't you remember the Prez debate? That was the first major hit Hillary's campaign. That is exactly how illegals are able to vote. Motor voters.

  6. Some of those posts are wildly pretentious:

    "I visited Huston, once, and found it to be an unpleasantly hot place, plagued with horrendous traffic, with no real center to it. Its residents are however somewhat cosmopolitan, in sort of an amateurish way, able to copy sophisticated behavior but exhibiting no real curiosity for cultural pursuits outside of their favorite Mexican restaurant and what's new at the mall."

    Saw that. Most likely written by someone who moved to NYC from Indiana.

  7. There simply aren't as many working there. Look at how little we pay here for lawn care, house painters, house cleaners. You'd pay easily twice as much for those services in the northeast. That's not just a vague cost-of-living difference, it's the availability of cheap labor, largely due to the presence of those here illegally.

    Yes, leave it to an InnerWeb dude like yourself to explain a key point that the Harvard professor totally didn't even mention.

    You are talking about the state who wanted to give drivers licenses to illegals! So they could vote Dem! Oy vey.

    NYC is a sanctuary city JUST LIKE Houston!

  8. daaang, just whippin out the slogans left and right! Slap that one on your sig, haha. We've got ourselves a marketing genius


    And don't forget, NYC is as much "All in The Family" as it is "Sex in The City".

    I love you New York, YOU COMPLETE ME!

  9. Don't feel bad. That's their impression of Texas in general, not just Houston. Most have probably never set foot in the state. Also take into account that they're a bunch of ignorant morons.

    The way I have always seen it is that you move to NYC to feel better about yourself.

    But you move to Houston becusae you already feel good about yourself.

  10. I actually find the comments from that website funny. What the hell do I care if someone in New York (or Boston or Phoenix or wherever) doesn't like some place else (including Houston)? What I enjoy most are the exaggerations and/or misrepresentations that they spew to give credence to their opinions. Now that's entertainment!

    Makes me wan't to go buy a gun and become Baptist just to spite their stupid arses.

  11. They aren't the only ones. It is funny how sources of information regarding the commercial real estate markets will do the same thing. I was one of over a thousand people that logged on to the Reis conference call (enough to cause technical difficulties) earlier today to listen to their chief economist start off on a panicked rant about how bad the economy was...before talking about how terrific the commercial real estate fundamentals are and will become.

    Who's that arse clown who sells stocks to college kids? Friday he was crying and Tuesday he was gung ho.

    The people on TV news are actors, and when they can't get a scoop, they MSU.

  12. Did Puma read it? Kinda flies in the face of his "burbs are bad" rant:

    But Houston's success shows that a relatively deregulated free-market city, with a powerful urban growth machine, can do a much better job of taking care of middle-income Americans than the more "progressive" big governments of the Northeast and the West Coast.

  13. I've yet to find another place that has Bo Luc Lac as good as Lido's was. I get depressed every time I drive by where they used to be.

    Not sure I ever had outright rude service there - I'd call it more indifferent than anything else. We used to eat there semi-regularly because it was one of the few non-fast-food restaurants that was open late, and the food was dependably good.

    Over the last six months Van Loc has got it act together. And it's cleaner now as well. We hit it for lunch or on weekend afternoons.

    Most of the old crew is still there but there are some new faces. I am glad the one Guicci belt boy is gone. He was most of the problem if you ask me.

  14. I actually agree with you. Here's another potential gay face (Charlie Christ):


    On the short list to be McCain's VP? What a step forward that would be for Republicans.

    He's actually marrying a woman, soon. After being "single" his whole adult life. We all know that once gay men get married (to women), the gayness goes away... until they get caught in a Minnesota airport bathroom.

    That's funny. That's some kind of face he has, no matter what.

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