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Posts posted by MidtownCoog

  1. So...

    China faked the fireworks display, and today it comes out that the girl who sang in the opening ceremony was lip syncing.

    China's Opening Ceremony Lies


    When we heard about the fake fireworks bruhaha, in our minds we gave China a 'pass' because of the 'safety' excuse issued.

    But the latest scandal that has emerged has wound us up!

    Remember that little girl in red (left photo) who 'sang' and captured our hearts?

    Well, turns out she was lip synching Ode to the Motherland to audio of another girl, deemed not as pretty but with a lovelier voice.


  2. And that's where you forget your history. The Games are not a reward for a country changing its ways. The Games are a tool for causing that change. The 1988 Olympics was instrumental in changing South Korea from a military dictatorship to a democracy. China is a much bigger project, but is a vastly different place today than it was seven years ago when the games were awarded.

    Now you almost admit the truth:

    China is a mess and the games are a carrot to make them change.

    How dare we demand they change their ways?

    The same issue would have occurred in Korea in 1988 except North Korea boycotted the Games.

    Don't forget that Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China, has a formal policy that states that they are the legitimate ruling party for mainland China.

    And don't forget the US Congress is mandated to protect Taiwan if China attacks.

  3. If you don't understand the difference between a single incident and an entire culture, then there's no point trying to enlighten you. You are lost.

    To play your game -- how many people were stabbed to death in America in the last 24 hours? A dozen? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? Would you consider America "safe?" If not, then why live here? Why not move somewhere safer?

    Nobody is accusing their culture but they are a bit backwards after 5,000 years.

    Why did the governement issue guides for citizens to instruct them not to spit in the street, cut in line and a host of other odd behaviors?

    5,000 years and what do they have to show for it?

    FYI - The smog in Bejing is lovely today. Check out Brian Williams' broadcast on the nightly news.

    Human rights abuses alone should have prevented China from ever hosting the games.

  4. The sooner we get real about where we fall short, the sooner we can fix it. But alas, many of us will sit on on our asses thinking we are number one forever and ever.

    Maybe you should start a thread about America's problems.

    Maybe the Chian Web Sensor (I mean Editor) can start another thread to control the conversation for you.

    I am sure China is safe.

    So why was an American stabbed to death yesterday, and his wife is on life support?

  5. Here in the US, we have women giving birth in public toilets and ppl living with pigs and rats and lizards in their homes too. Seems they have caught up to us. Also good to know that our rednecks would feel right at home in China.

    Seems like someone's pissed the limelight is on China. With all the crap going on here, I think its a good thing the spotlight is away from us for a little while.

    Pissed? What an intelligent commentary.

    We'll see how well China behaves after the games are over. We'lll see if their recent goodwill towards Taiwan is real.

  6. No, they don't have complete freedom, but it's a growing process. America wasn't free from day one, either.

    And there you have it. I like the Chinese people, but their form of governement is terrible.

    Of course they are allowed to have some measure of freedom. The Czechs had it in Praha after the Prague Spring, but it took the Velvet Revolution to bring down the communist government.

    So how old is China? 5,000 or 50?

    One Chinese at UH once told me "China is not ready for Democracy". This was right after they seized our spy plane.

    I think it's part of their culture and social order.

  7. I love it. It's no different from gaudy Texans and all of their charades. I mean, they are playing catch-up and have the money to be just as tacky and gaudy as the rest of the world.

    Except they're doing it on an unheard of scale. Kinda like the newly minted billionaires in Dubai.

    Texans are free to be as gaudy as they want.

    In China, gaudy is approved and coordinated by the Government.

    As far as catch up! Are you serious? In the country women still give birth in pig pens and people lets chickens live in their house. This is a documented fact.

    That's why it all rigns false to me.

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