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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. I wasn't going to vote because it looks like both candidates would do a good job. But when certain people started making it a gay thing, I went out and voted for AP. If someone's going to try to make it an issue, then I'm going to go out and show them it's not an issue, to me. I hope other people stand up against that kind of bigotry, too. It helps that the more interviews I've heard, the more AP stands out as a better candidate than GL. She seems to have more informed, more detailed answers to every questions. I felt good about voting for her.
  2. I was waiting for someone's clever remark about global warming. Surprised it took a few hours.
  3. Yes, it makes sense to have a sports-oriented park. I personally prefer Hermann Park and Discovery Green, since I use parks as places to hang out with the family and enjoy being outside. But it's good to have something for everyone.
  4. I've never quite figured out Memorial Park. There's the running loop, which has cars screaming by. And the arboretum, which is lovely. And some picnic areas. What is happening in the rest of the space?
  5. DG was packed this morning, with post-parade crowds and ice skating opening up. Here are some photos:
  6. I wish I could hit that little green plus sign a few more times, RedScare.
  7. I live in Westbury... should I evacuate?
  8. Could be a hurricane, might enter the Gulf.
  9. That is indeed sad. I was just there last week, and looking around in wonder at the acreage, thinking it was something of a miracle that so much space was devoted to a nursery. It's so pretty in there. That stretch of Bellaire Blvd. (and much of the rest of Bellaire) is full of some of the most god awful homes I've ever seen. I guess we can only hope for a developer with better taste.
  10. That's been around for years. It has nothing to do with Obama.
  11. I went to the bowling place at the Houston Pavilions last weekend... Lucky Strike. Fun! Nice lounge area with fun music and comfy chairs, good drinks. Nice bowling area, too. Waitresses come to the lanes to take your drink orders.
  12. I am reminded of why I've been avoiding this thread. One clearly can't seek complex thought, reason, or intelligent dialogue here.
  13. I don't get it... are you suggesting that because both leaders spoke in the same city, and the NYT covered both events, Obama is somehow like Hitler? There must be more to your point than that, since it would be incredibly stupid to connect the two in that way.
  14. Didn't they do that in the easternmost section of it? Re-naturalize it? I thought that was part of the project.
  15. Don't let anyone in your home. Don't open the door unless you are 100% certain it's a legitimate service call or delivery. Have a window or peephole or security gate so you don't have to open the door.
  16. Hm, good point. I guess the only losers, if this was the case, were me, my neighbors, and the taxpaying public in general.
  17. That's interesting. Incredible that they can get away with it. I mean, they win, and the builder wins (because they sell six units all at once), but how on earth could a bank be stupid enough to fall for it? I guess that's the question of the year. Yet another reason to thank the bankers for the mess we're all in.
  18. My evidence is limited to what I saw happen in one townhome community in the third ward, but perhaps it is indicative of a wider trend. There, we had 48 townhomes. Built around 2003-2005. Most were owner-occupied, and those were very stable. Nice working people, paid their bills, no foreclosures. But about a half-dozen were purchased by a single, out-of-state investor. They put in some renters, didn't seem to screen them very carefully. Revolving door. A few years down the road, they all went into foreclosure. Property values sank as these stupid houses went for peanuts. Bad timing, bad investment... I suspect the previous poster is correct, the housing market crash hit the third ward just as builders had gotten started there, so it really took a hit.
  19. Has to be Manhattan. If I want another borough, I have friends with couches there.
  20. Does anyone have a recommendation for a hotel in NY for the budget-minded traveller? This budget-minded traveller is a female traveling alone, so I'm not interested in seedy dives. thanks.
  21. Thanks for the reminder... that I LOVE HOUSTON!
  22. The statements about emissions here are really misleading. All you have to do is look up a variety of vehicles, and their tested emissions, to see that there are vast differences between a regular car and a truck or SUV. Just one example: http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/Index.do;jsessionid=b35223b85283bfcee6f056c3faea497b6de28355210ce20c7f10d8f6fa9777d7
  23. Darn, I hardly ever went there, but I liked knowing there was a DD around if I wanted to go. I lived off DD egg sandwiches and coffee during my grad student days in the northeast.
  24. I am glad to hear that you're a considerate driver. I know there are some out there, and you're right, one does tend to mostly notice those who aren't considerate.
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