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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. The thing about Georgia's is that it is mostly specialty items. If you're trying to be gluten-free or whatever, maybe it's great. I did like to buy produce there, before the produce disappeared.
  2. Well, many of them have substance abuse problems, and IM doesn't provide those substances. People will beg for cash often for that purpose. It is the responsibility of residents in Midtown to say no, and to instead donate to the charities. As long as people give them money, they will continue to ask for it. I would instead call on your neighbors and visitors to Midtown to learn to say no.
  3. I'm sure they make use of Interfaith, but that doesn't mean they're going to spend their whole life there.
  4. Perhaps some sort of camp, to concentrate them in. A concentration camp, if you will...
  5. A pic I snapped of it from Reliant Energy Plaza. Will try to eliminate the reflections next time.
  6. The Niche, why do you reply in bold inside the quote block of the user you're quoting? It's really odd. Just use a [ / quote ] tag to close it off.
  7. Nah, I'm white, and I have the same experience as you.
  8. Coming back soon, he says. http://blog.chron.com/primeproperty/2012/05/abracadabra-magic-island-to-reappear/
  9. My question would be: how much of the cost is construction and how much is ongoing operation costs? If it leans more toward construction costs to straighten out the road issues, shouldn't an expiration date be set for the one cent increase?
  10. Gold medalists get $25K, $9K of which goes straight to the IRS as "foreign prize winnings."
  11. Proof of what? Would be happy to ride around Midtown and Downtown and take pictures of people laying in front of businesses and houses if you don't believe it happens.
  12. Well if you take the medal, you can always sell your medal for food if times get tough.
  13. Gold medal and/or Olympic Record. The thing about world records is that they're sometimes deceptive. Using swimming as an example, world records can be held for an attempt that used a speed suit while the Olympics has stricter requirements about the type of suits you can wear. When an Olympian misses a WR, you can always say to yourself, "Yes, but he wasn't wearing a speed suit." http://www.examiner.com/article/london-olympics-2012-swimming-speed-suits-out-track-speed-suits-in
  14. Asking for money is an exercise of free speech. If you're talking about harassment or violence, we have statutes to cover those, and people should report offenses to the police.
  15. They provide what they can. If other individuals are choosing of their own volition to lay on the sidewalk because they don't have anywhere else to sleep (there are more homeless than beds available in Houston), what's SEARCH have to do with that? And if they weren't laying in front of SEARCH, maybe they'd be laying in front of your house. There's the civility ordinance, but that's only so powerful, and a person can make a civility ordinance complaint regardless of whose business/home the person is sleeping in front of.
  16. Correct, it is in the financial interest of insurances companies to provide birth control. That's why almost all of them do. Many of the ones that don't have an ideological objection, not a financial one (such as the Catholic Church).
  17. Sidewalks are public property, not your property, so again, you're trying to impose. But anyway, SEARCH has numerous housing arrangements that they're providing.
  18. You're right, you have every right to decide how your property is used. SEARCH also owns property.
  19. Then you should support organizations such as SEARCH, which provide job placement services. http://www.searchhomeless.org/programs/employ/
  20. I'm not proposing that we stop prosecuting people for crimes. People are still responsible for their actions, but dire circumstance does often lead to crime, and it's a story as old as time. Poverty can be a motive, but certainly not the only motive. It isn't billionaires committing B&E in Midtown, that's for sure.
  21. I'm not aware of a government plan. What I've heard of is they're going to create a market where you can shop private market plans. Large companies have been required to offer HMO for their employees for some time now. Small companies have not been required to, and I don't think Obamacare forces them to either. Obamacare does have an individual mandate, though, whereby if you make over a certain amount you have to either buy a plan or pay more taxes not to buy a plan.
  22. Supposing all homeless aid organizations in Midtown and Downtown closed: There would still be tons of homeless living here, because this area has public transportation hubs and pedestrian traffic. But the people in more desperate circumstances than before would be looking for a way to eat, clothe themselves, etc. What do you think they would choose?
  23. Would that we could all be as awesome as you, but my point was that people who cannot meet their basic needs might resort to bad things such as crime to meet their needs. If we can help arrange good outcomes, then we can reduce the crime the community experiences. It's kind of like crosswalks. If there are dozens of people crossing a road where there are no crosswalks for a long ways, it makes sense to install a crosswalk. Yes, people who cross without a crosswalk are themselves at fault if they get hit, but why not just make it easier and more reasonable to cross so that fewer people get hit?
  24. Being someone intimately involved with purchasing healthcare plans, what is the name of the "government plan" that you are saying that companies can sign up for?
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