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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Ah, thanks. This PDF sums up well what's going on. They're currently expanding Single Stream Recycling to 70% of Houston households. Meanwhile, they are investigating how well One Bin For All could work, putting trash in with all recyclables. http://www.houstontx.gov/onebinforall/One_Bin_For_All_FAQ.pdf I think they should give Single Stream a real chance. It seems to be catching on like wildfire in the areas where it's deployed. I see lots of green cans out on the street on every other trash day.
  2. Already underway in some test areas, including mine. I live near Guadalupana.
  3. Well, we've got a lot more murder per capita here than in Portland as well, so I'd say they got it right.
  4. Hm I don't know... the stats I'm seeing are that plastics can be converted for 70% of energy of new manufacturing, for products like plastic lumber and fleece. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_lumber
  5. He's using an Either/Or Fallacy to suggest that if you have more light rail that you can't have wide freeways.
  6. Obviously there's another missing factor at play since Houston is 4th in population but 1st in road rage.
  7. That whole metroplex has an outstanding bicycle network. https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9694218,-93.3028805,12z/data=!5m1!1e3
  8. Yep, we recycle enough that i wish the truck came every week. We end up with lots of soda cans, cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, etc.
  9. There's an entire shopping center made out of shipping containers in Vegas. It's called Container Park. Boutique shops, restaurants, and bars. Very cool. http://img0.svcdn.lasvegas.com/v2/cache/lasvegas/B1CFAD2FCE4BBBCD52A31DEE6B4EDAE0.jpg
  10. 2007 it was a club called Scene. 2008 it was an apparently bad Tex Mex restaurant called Blue Habanero.
  11. Well, there isn't really one main credible source for star ratings in the US, anyway. Regardless, does Alessandra intend to seek 5 star rating? A retractable roof definitely isn't in the standard rating criteria.
  12. Source, please. I don't see anything in their marketing materials that say they intend this hotel to be more luxurious than Sorella, the other luxury hotel they operate. Nor does anything here in their materials indicate that this hotel will be considered a "true 5-star hotel" outside of Houston.
  13. This same owner operates a 5 star luxury hotel in Houston already, Hotel Sorella. What makes you think that this hotel will be any more luxurious than Hotel Sorella, other than the 24th floor checkin? Downtown we've got Icon and Four Seasons.
  14. I never have any problems going up there. I go in on the tunnel level and take the elevator from there straight to the upper sky lobby (there's a middle and upper). However, I recommended it to a friend. When he went with his children and asked Security where the elevator was, they were told it wasn't open to the public and turned away. So while I don't think it is closed to the public (no signage indicated it is), Security may not be on the same page about that. I say go for it, just don't ask where the elevator is. It's clearly marked on tunnel level.
  15. Downtown pizza on my boycott list: Frank's: They lobbied City Council not to allow food trucks to operate with permission on private property Downtown. Bombay Pizza: They weren't paying overtime to kitchen staff, some of which were working more than 80 hours a week
  16. Who said anything about splurge? Every splurge hotel in this city has the lobby on the first or second floor afaik.
  17. Hm, no thanks. If a person is walking along the exterior block headed somewhere they shouldn't have to go to the middle of the development to cross.
  18. Nice, but is the city actually going to install pedestrian crosswalk signs? If we're going to encourage pedestrians to cross there, let's protect them.
  19. Swamplot doesn't have a forum. Niche and others post in the comments on articles there.
  20. I have to ride the elevator to the 24th floor to check in? And then board it again to go to my floor. Ridiculous.
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